Monday, December 30, 2019
Canadas Health Care System - 1855 Words
Canada’s health care system is one that formed in the 1950s and 60s, also known as Medicare. It is a system that Canada as a nation takes pride in, as it is predominantly public and has basic health care is available to all citizens, incorporating some aspects of the private system as well. Health care often occurs in terms that compare public versus private health care systems. After a thorough analysis of private health care associated with neo-conservatism, and public health care associated with welfare state liberalism, I assert that the more beneficial option for Canada would be public health care. Following the explanation of the correlation between welfare state liberalism and public health care, I first argue that public health care is very accessible, and universal, therefore allowing the individual to have access to health care nation-wide. I then propose that it is significantly more affordable than private health care when concerning the average Canadian citizen. S ubsequent to an explanation of the relationship between neo-conservatism and private health care, I acknowledge that private healthcare can be a better option for Canada, because it would improve the quality of health care, offering quicker access to it, and it reduces the amount of stress put on the upper class in paying for public health care. However, I counter argue privatization acts as a barrier to providing universal and quality health care on an equitable basis, only being relevant to the upperShow MoreRelatedFrance And Canadas Health Care Systems1775 Words  | 8 PagesFRANCE AND CANADA’S HEALTH CARE SYSTEMS 1 France and Canada’s Health Care Systems: A comparative Analysis of France and Canada’s healthcare systems Ileke Redemption Iyeteku 5994383 Ottawa University FRANCE AND CANADA’S HEALTH CARE SYSTEMS 2 This paper will compare France’s health care system with Canada’s health care system. 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