Monday, December 30, 2019
Canadas Health Care System - 1855 Words
Canada’s health care system is one that formed in the 1950s and 60s, also known as Medicare. It is a system that Canada as a nation takes pride in, as it is predominantly public and has basic health care is available to all citizens, incorporating some aspects of the private system as well. Health care often occurs in terms that compare public versus private health care systems. After a thorough analysis of private health care associated with neo-conservatism, and public health care associated with welfare state liberalism, I assert that the more beneficial option for Canada would be public health care. Following the explanation of the correlation between welfare state liberalism and public health care, I first argue that public health care is very accessible, and universal, therefore allowing the individual to have access to health care nation-wide. I then propose that it is significantly more affordable than private health care when concerning the average Canadian citizen. S ubsequent to an explanation of the relationship between neo-conservatism and private health care, I acknowledge that private healthcare can be a better option for Canada, because it would improve the quality of health care, offering quicker access to it, and it reduces the amount of stress put on the upper class in paying for public health care. However, I counter argue privatization acts as a barrier to providing universal and quality health care on an equitable basis, only being relevant to the upperShow MoreRelatedFrance And Canadas Health Care Systems1775 Words  | 8 PagesFRANCE AND CANADA’S HEALTH CARE SYSTEMS 1 France and Canada’s Health Care Systems: A comparative Analysis of France and Canada’s healthcare systems Ileke Redemption Iyeteku 5994383 Ottawa University FRANCE AND CANADA’S HEALTH CARE SYSTEMS 2 This paper will compare France’s health care system with Canada’s health care system. When compared to other countries around the world, France was ranked number one in overall health system performance (World Health OrganizationRead MoreSimilarities Between France and Canada’s Health Care System846 Words  | 3 PagesMany would agree that a worthy, controlled health system, above all, should essentially contribute to good health. The responsibility of a health care system is that the organization of people, institutions, and resources deliver the health care services required and meet the health needs of focus populations. Another duty that the health care systems stimulate is the reduction of inequality to race, gender, social status and religion. Each health care system is different when looking at specific countriesRead MoreThe Challenges Of Canadas Health Care System1845 Words  | 8 PagesThere are 196 countries with healthcare systems across the world†¦ Canada’s healthcare system is ranked 30th overall. Most critics keep health care related debates to the small scope of Canada and the USA. However, neither the USA nor Canada’s systems are ranked in the top 25 for overall efficiency (The Patient Factor). In order for Canada’s healthcare system to improve, there must be changes made in regards to major problems; financial aspects, timely access, and the doctor shortages. â€Å"Evidence showsRead MoreCanadas Current Health Care System1800 Words  | 8 Pagesfunctioning society using sound cultural care research-based data in practice†(p. 494). Although the movement towards transcultural nursing care began in the 1960s when Leininger visited Canada to promote the study of transcultural nursing, it is still a work in progress as there are not a great number of nurses prepared by formal education to promote and develop transcultural nursing care (Leininger McFarland, 2014). Canada’s current health care system is â€Å"publicly financed, but privately run†Read MoreCanadas Health Care System Essay4027 Words  | 17 PagesCanada’s health care system †Å"can be described as a publicly-funded, privately-provided, universal, comprehensive, affordable, single-payer, provincially administered national health care system†(Bernard, 1992, p.103). Health care in Canada is provincial responsibility, with the Canada Health act being a federal legislation (Bernard, 1992, p. 102). Federal budget cuts, has caused various problems within Medicare such as increased waiting times and lack of new technology. Another problem with MedicareRead MoreOntario s Health : Briefing Note1538 Words  | 7 Pages Ontario s Health: Briefing Note Alysha Savji Ryerson University Health Policy MN8910 Dr. Karen Spalding October 8, 2015 Ontario s Health: Briefing Note Health care expenditure accounted for an estimated 11% (214.9 billion) of Canada’s GDP in 2014 (CIHI, 2014). Canada boasts a universal, cost-effective and fair health care system to its citizens (Picard, 2010). However, despite great claims and large expenses incurred Canada’s health care system has been reported inefficient in it’sRead MoreCanada Case Study763 Words  | 4 Pagesincluding immigration. G7 Ise-Shima Vision for Global Health focused on pertinent global health issues including: †¢ Reinforcing the Global Health Architecture to strengthen responses to public health emergencies †¢ Attaining UHC with strong health systems and better preparedness for public health emergencies †¢ Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) 4. National Agenda, Regional and International Mandates a. Health Agenda for the Americas As a signatory of the Health Agenda for the Americas in 2007, Canada supportsRead MoreCanadian Healthy Policy vs. United States Health Policy1996 Words  | 8 PagesHealthy Policy vs. United States Health Policy AHS 330 Health Care Systems: 7Q April 2, 2014 Healthcare in the United States is extremely different from the rest of the world. Over the years government and political analysts have compared and contrasted the health care systems of the United States to that of Canada’s. Despite being located on the same continent both countries have different ways of delivering health care to its citizens. Canada has a single-payer system that is publicly funded, whileRead MoreThe Hiv / Aids Epidemic1650 Words  | 7 PagesThe HIV/AIDS epidemic poses a major concern for global health. There are approximately 36.7 million people living with HIV/AIDS worldwide (WHO, 2017). Due to the increased phenomenon of global migration and movement we see a proportion of individuals who are HIV positive migrating. In Canada alone, over 300,000 new immigrants were welcomed into the country in 2016 (CIC; Globe And Mail, 2016). As a result we can infer that certain proportion out of all immigration applicants into Canada were HIV positiveRead MoreThe Canadian Health Care System1306 Words  | 6 Pageshealthcare system is currently ranked in the top 11 OECD countries making the Canadian healthcare system one of the best in the world, although like all perfect systems, there are always uncovered flaws within. When examining certain attributes and traits within the system, such as accessibility and the general quality of healthcare performance is considered to be low ranking amongst international practices, thus improvements are needed. More importantly, the Canadian health care system contains many
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Canadian Health Care System - 887 Words
History : The beginning of coverage It was not until 1946 that the first Canadian province introduced near universal health coverage. Saskatchewan had long suffered a shortage of doctors, leading to the creation of municipal doctor programs in the early twentieth century in which a town would subsidize a doctor to practice there. Soon after, groups of communities joined to open union hospitals under a similar model. There had thus been a long history of government involvement in Saskatchewan health care, and a significant section of it was already controlled and paid for by the government. In 1946, Tommy Douglas Co-operative Commonwealth Federation government in Saskatchewan passed the Saskatchewan Hospitalization Act, which guaranteed†¦show more content†¦These principles aim to provide a one-tiered service. In 2004, $91.1 billion or 70% of total health spending was by the public sector. Private sector spending totalled $39.2 billion in 2004, or 30%. Canada ranked 24th out of 27 OECD countries in 2002 for the number of doctors per 1,000 population. It had 2.3 compared with an OECD average of 2.9. The first public health care was established in 1946 in swift current saskatchewan. in 1947 introduction of provincial health insurance in saskatchewan. In 1962 saskatchewan was the first province to offer the first public health programe . Prior to enactment of medicare the expenditure in US and Canada were similar. Infact in 1960 the health care expenditure as a percentage of GDP was greater in Canada than US.(5.4% and 5.1% respectively). In 1970 it was almost same (7.2% and 7.1% respectively).With in 10yrs significant difference were in evident as health care expenditure in canada increased on;y to 7.2% of gdp while in US grew to 8.9%.. There where three historical phase of expenditure within Canadian health. First during 1960 when the health care expenditure increased becoz of expanding public coverage for medical and hospital service .second during 1970, health care spending was stabilized because of the wage and price control . finally, 1980 expenditure ain increased Medicare in Canada When it was initially developed , the cost of thr health care was split evenly between the federal andShow MoreRelatedThe Canadian Health Care System1306 Words  | 6 PagesThe Canadian healthcare system is currently ranked in the top 11 OECD countries making the Canadian healthcare system one of the best in the world, although like all perfect systems, there are always uncovered flaws within. When examining certain attributes and traits within the system, such as accessibility and the general quality of healthcare performance is considered to be low ranking amongst international practices, thus improvements are needed. More importantly, the Canadian health care systemRead MoreThe Canadian Health Care System2167 Words  | 9 PagesThe Canadian health care system is funded majorly by the public, with very few private donations. Over the past few decades acts of large-scale philanthropy by wealthy private donors have started to increase, due to the investments in social programs and infrastructure from the government declining. Without the aid of private donors and large sources of income from outside of the public (government) the infrastructure of all hospitals, clinics, and the totality of western healthcare systems wouldRead MoreThe Canadian Health Care System1111 Words  | 5 PagesThe Canadian health care system is often touted as a better health care system compared to the way the United States administers health care since the two neighboring nations appear to be economically and socially similar. The U. S. and Canada have extensive health care systems for it citizens but each country has different methods to financing health care. Health care in Canada is funded at both the provincial and federal levels while the U.S. health care system funded by a combination of publicRead MoreThe Canadian Health Care System1226 Words  | 5 Pagesthat â€Å"The 1983 Canada Health Act replaced the 1947 Hospital Insurance and Diagnostic Services act because of the shift from a system of 50-50 federal-provincial cost sharing to a system of block funding established in Ottawa in 1977†(Fierlbeck 2011, pg.20). Until the period of the mid 1980’s, the Canadian health care system is to be categorized in a disarray, having no foundation to components and accomplishment. The system is to rely mainly on cost sharing; whereby in a health insurance policy onlyRead MoreThe Canadian Health Care System Essay1191 Words  | 5 PagesA Poisoned System While many may argue that the Canadian health care system provides equal treatment to every Canadian, evidence shows that this is not the case. There are major discrepancies within the system regarding Indigenous people that need to be addressed including several factors such as: housing issues, stereotypes Aboriginals face and the lack of Aboriginal doctors. Colonialism has contributed to multiple issues in the lives of Aboriginal people including inadequate housing and cleanRead MoreThe Canadian Health Care System2066 Words  | 9 PagesIntroduction to the issue (e.g. problem, dilemma, concern); include a thesis statement. The Canadian health care system is certainly unique in its features†¦. Despite, the fact that the Canadian health care system is one of the most evolved in the world, it lacks a sense of an efficiency effective mission, in which would improve the quality and accessibility of health care in the management perspective. In this paper we will analyze current ineffective practices, and alternate methods; in regardsRead MoreThe Canadian Health Care System1527 Words  | 7 Pagesfor having high standards of health care with free access to all citizens. Despite this being a widely held idea, the reality is that marginalized groups are not experiencing the same standards of health care as other Canadian Citizens. Despite the fact that some researchers say racialization does not play a factor in the level of health care received by people (Guilfoyle 1512), Indigenous Peoples in Canada do not have equal access to the Canadian health care system due to the problems arising fromRead More The Canadian Health Care System1694 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction The Canadian health care system fosters universal and comprehensive access to essential health care services (Flood, 2004). However, there have been debates on what services are necessary as espoused in the Canada Health Act (Caulfield, 1996; Caulfield Zarzeczny, 2014; Charles, Lomas, Giacomini, 1997). Although there are similarities among provinces in terms of core services covered under publicly funded medical care, some variability still exists across provinces (Charles et alRead MoreThe Canadian Health Care System1531 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction Emergency departments are considered an important aspect of the health care system. For many years, wait times have been an area of concern for many Canadians and remain a significant issue. One of the major concerns within the Canadian health care system is the amount of time spent as waiting time in the healthcare services. Wait times are the length of time from when the patient is triaged and registered, to when the patient leaves from the emergency room (Affleck, Parks, DrummondRead MoreThe Canadian Health Care System1849 Words  | 8 PagesIntroduction â€Å"Medicare is a Canadian success story. Not perfect, but good enough to be envied by much of the world.† H.L. Mencken The birth of Medicare was in Saskatchewan on July 1, 1962. Medicare was the first government controlled, comprehensive, universal single payer medical insurance plan in Canada. Many insurance industries and all the medical institutions were against the idea of having Medicare. They feared that Medicare will become popular and will spread across the globe. Once
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Fund Flow Analysis Free Essays
Every business concern, at the end of its financial period, prepares Income Statements and Balance Sheet. Income Statements show the net result, Net Profit, of the business operations and contains various expenses incurred and losses and revenue earned during that period. Balance Sheet gives a summary of assets and liabilities as on a particular date and shows the financial position of the business. We will write a custom essay sample on Fund Flow Analysis or any similar topic only for you Order Now The liabilities side of a balance sheet shows the sources from where funds are raised and the assets side shows how the funds raised are utilized. But it does not show the causes or reasons for changes in assets and liabilities, flow of funds, between two balance sheet dates. Therefore, a statement is prepared in addition to the Income Statements and Balance Sheet, to show changes in assets and liabilities between two balance sheet dates, which is known as Fund Flow Statement. It is a statement, also known as Statement of Changes in Financial Position, designed to analyse the changes in financial condition of a concern between to specified dates. The Term â€Å"Fund†The term â€Å"Fund†can be explained in many ways. In the narrow sense, it means cash only. Transactions involving cash receipts and payments are considered in this approach. In the broader sense, fund means working capital, which is the excess of current assets over current liabilities. For fund flow analysis, the broader approach, working capital approach, is considered. The word â€Å"Flow†means change and â€Å"fund flow†means change in funds or change in working capital. Any increase or decrease in working capital is flow of funds. Flow of funds may be either inflow of funds or outflow of funds. Inflow refers to sources of funds and outflow refers to applications of funds. If a transaction brings any change in working capital, flow of funds takes place. This will happen when changes occurs in the values of fixed assets, share capital, long term debts etc. with the corresponding changes in the values of current assets or current liabilities. Many transactions which take place in a business enterprise may increase or decrease its working capital or even may not affect any change in it. Following are some examples: Purchase of fixed assets: When an asset is purchased, cash is going out there by reducing the cash balance. The effect of this transaction is that working capital decreases and this change (decrease) in working capital is called as application of funds. Here the accounts involved are Current Assets (Cash) and Fixed Assets. Issue of share capital: This transaction will increase the working capital as cash balance increases. This change (increase) in working capital is called as source of funds. Here the two accounts involved are current assets (Cash) and Shareholders’ Funds (Share Capital). Sale of Fixed Assets: The transaction will have the effect of increasing the working capital as the cash balance increases thereby increasing working capital. It is a source of funds. Here the accounts involved are current assets (Cash) and Fixed Assets. Redemption of debentures: This transaction has the effect of reducing the working capital, as it results in reduction in cash balance. It is an application of funds. The two accounts affected by this transaction are Current Assets (Cash) and Long-Term Liability (Debenture). Purchase of inventory: This transaction results in decrease in cash and increase in stock thereby keeping the total current assets at the same figure. Hence there will be no change in the Working Capital. In this case both the accounts involved are Current Assets (Cash and Stock). Accepting Bills Payable issued by creditors: The effect of this transaction on Working Capital is Nil as it results in increase in bills payable (a current liability) and decreases the creditors (another current liability). Since there is no change in total current liabilities there is no flow of funds. The accounts involved as current liabilities. Fixed Assets purchased and payment is made by issuing shares: This transaction will not have any impact on working capital as it does not result in any change either in the current asset or in the current liability. Hence there is no flow of funds. The two accounts affected are Fixed Assets and Shareholders’ Funds (Capital a/c). From the above examples, it is clear that there will be flow of funds when the transaction involves: a) Current assets and fixed assets b) Current assets and capital c) Current assets and long term liabilities d) Current liabilities and long term liabilities e) Current liabilities and fixed assets. How to cite Fund Flow Analysis, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Responsibility of the Origin Australia and Westpac Corporation
Question: Discuss about the Corporate Social Responsibility of the Origin Australia and Westpac. Answer: Origin Australia and Westpac Origin Australia and Westpac are among the big Australian companies operating in the energy industry and banking sector respectively. Westpac was established in the year 1917 in Sydney as the Bank of New South Wales (BNSW) being the first bank in Australia. It later changed the name to Westpac Banking Corporation in 1982. Its headquarters are located at Westpac Place, Sydney. It is ranked among the top four banks in Australia. The company has over 13.1 million customers with over 1429 branches ("Westpac - Personal, Business and Corporate Banking," n.d.). It is the second largest bank in Australian terms of assets. This, therefore, shows that this company has an influence on the Australian economy (Keating et al., 2008, pp. 17579). On the hand, Origin Energy is the leading Australian power provider both to homes and businesses. The company has its headquarters located in Sydney, Australia but running the business up to Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific. It specializes in exploring the energy, its production, power generation and electricity retailing; selling of energy to many households in Australia. The company has been in operation in the energy industry since its formation in the year 2000. At the moment, the company supplies electricity to over 4.2million customers in Australia and also produces and sales natural gas and LPG in the country. Origin is, therefore, an established company in Australian energy sector ("Electricity Providers Gas Suppliers - Origin Energy," n.d.). Comparison of Origin Australia and Westpac Westpac has an established system of reporting the social and ethical performance. Its primary reporting tools are the website and the Stakeholder Impact Report. This report covers the social and moral metrics of the company; covering the issues of employees, the community, customers and the shareholders. Also, at Westpac, the data integrity of the Stakeholder Impact Report is beyond testing to ensure independence in their corporate responsibility ("Westpac - Personal, Business and Corporate Banking," n.d.). Besides, Westpac has set a sustainability committee which has been mandated to oversee and guide the business in the social, ethical and sustainable well-being of the organization. Through the committee, the company can handle and manage the ever-changing community expectations. The board manages all aspects of the ethical and social well-being of the company; including reviewing, overseeing, setting corporate standards and monitoring among others (Eisingerich Ghardwaj, 2011, pp. 1818). Westpac has also embedded its ethical and social sustainability in its strategy, and its values have gone ahead to be extended to the products, brand, and services. The organizations approach is based on the wider and integrated view of the CSR. Through this, the group has managed to convince most of its customers that Westpac is a strong brand in the market offering the best services in the industry ("Westpac - Personal, Business and Corporate Banking," n.d.). This has, therefore, the sustainability of Westpac and has even made the company to win many awards in Australia concerning its CSR practices. Origin releases sustainability reports annually since it is in the enterprise values to deliver this responsibility. The company uses Strategic Net Promoter Score as a customer satisfaction measure to establish its level of interaction with the stakeholders (Keating, et al., 2008, pp 17579). This, therefore, helps the company to get figures and understand the level of the social, ethical and sustainability performance level of the enterprise. The company has enhanced digital service to improve on the stakeholder's interactions with the enterprise. Also, the company has provided extended call center hours to improve customer satisfaction. Besides, Origin considers environmental conservation as a corporate social responsibility and has put a lot of efforts to ensure that it achieves this. It is currently the Australian provider leader in renewable and low carbon energy provider (Albareda, et al., 2007, pp. 391-407). Explanation for Difference in Social Responsibility Explanation of the differences in the range and number of ethical, social and sustainability issues handled at Origin Australia and Westpac can be attributed to their industry differences. The two organizations operate in different industries with Westpac working in finance and banking sector while Origin Australia is operating in Energy Industry. In as such much as some ethical, social issues may be common to the two industries, most of them are different because the two companies have different processes of carrying out their business with different organizational structures (Griffin Vivari, 2009, pp. 235-250). This differences in industries prompt the companies to formulate policies appropriate policies that suit them. This, therefore, brings differences in the sustainability reports of the two companies (Simnett, et al., pp. 937-967). Besides, the difference in the sustainability reports and range of issues handled between Origin Australia and Westpac can be explained to be associated with the difference in organizational culture that exists between the two organizations (Klarsfeld Delpuech, 2008). Different companies have different corporate cultures. This has effects on the way ethical and social issues are handled in a given company. Organizational culture influences the way employees of a given company to handle their problems. This, therefore, brings out the difference between the two businesses (Dey, 2007, pp.423-445). Quality of Reporting; Social Accounting at Origin Australia and Westpac Zadek et al. (1997) outlined eight essential quality standards that can be used to examine whether the organizations are attaining the expected level of the social accounting procedures. The rules are applied to the company to determine whether the agency reports and audits that the accepted level (Potter Soderstrom, 2012). The key aspects mentioned in theory are stakeholder's inclusivity, comparatively with other organizations over a period, completeness of the report, continuous evolution, disclosure, external verification, management policy and systems, and ongoing improvement. These eight aspects help us to care what the organization is currently doing in line with ethical and social sustainability and therefore establish their level (Guzzabocca, 2014). Origin Australia and Westpac Corporation are both working towards achieving an acceptable level of social accounting. This is evidenced by self-reports that they release occasionally. An examination of these companies as discussed above ethical, social and sustainability reports, shows that both companies have put efforts and they comply with most of the Zadoks standards in most aspects. The two companies have established CSR strategies and activities which they are implementing and showing efforts to achieve the Zadoks standards (Chin, 2013). Company values of Origin Australia and Westpac The values of Westpac Corporation are the integrity, one team, and achievement. These values have played a role guiding and moving the company towards its sustainability performance and thus become a leader in the industry in the entire of Australia. These values of Westpac Corporation play a critical role in helping it to achieve most of its targets in business. Ethical and social sustainability reports show a lot of efforts invested by the team which is eager to succeed and realizes their objectives (Buhr, 2007, pp. 57-69). The values of Westpac have also helped the company to work with flexible working hours to improve on customer service thus improving their satisfaction. Also, the values have contributed to increasing employee engagement and commitment, and thus enhanced their commitment towards improving the ethical and social sustainability of this company. It is, therefore, evident that the values of Westpac have played a significant role in promoting the corporate social responsibility of this business enterprise ("Westpac - Personal, Business and Corporate Banking," n.d.). On the other hand, Origin Energy has its values as caring, listening, learning and delivering. An analysis of the values of Origin Australia brings it out clear the companys commitment to providing the ethical and social sustainability expectations. The company considers caring and listening about the impacts of their services or actions on their customers, the community, their colleagues, environment and the shareholders. Embedding this important consideration of the CSR in the company values has a great positive impact on the ethical and social performance level of this organization. The values of the company influence the general organizational culture which in turn affects directly the way employees carry out their tasks and how they handle issues thus an impact on the ethical and social performance of the company ("Electricity Providers Gas Suppliers - Origin Energy," n.d.). Group Discussions We held many meeting regarding this subject of CSR. We discussed the activities of CSR in the broad sense and the impact those CSR activities had on the overall sustainability and profitability of the company. We were suspicious about some activities in our environment and the entire country that seemed to be the CSR activities of some businesses in our nation. Out of this suspicion, we developed the interest of identifying the companies to research on their ethical and social sustainability. We, therefore, agreed to go and research on the various businesses that seemed appropriate for us to embark on their investigation into the CSR operations (Armstrong, 2012). In our meeting that followed, we presented our different findings on the two companies for our study and later on agreed to go for two organizations from Australia but various industries. We landed on Westpac Corporation and the Origin Australia. The group initially believed that the two companies only made partial efforts towards the ethical and social sustainability issues, but we realized after the investigation that the two companies significantly consider social sustainability and they have therefore put in a lot of efforts to achieve a greater of CSR performance (Crane Matten, 2010). Conclusion In conclusion, ethical and social sustainability of companies is a critical aspect of business operation. Organizations should work to improve their interactions, care and listen to the actions of customers, their community, their colleagues, environment, and the shareholders. Such actions have an impact on the brand image in the market and therefore, in turn, have a bearing on the sustainability and profitability of the organization. Different businesses have varying levels of ethical and social sustainability measure in comparison to Zadeks standards. The difference in these standards is mainly attributed to the cultural differences and also to the industry differences. Most organizations have put a lot of efforts in improving their CSR because they understand the impact they have to the organization. Origin Australia and Westpac are good examples of those organizations that are striving to achieve an acceptable level of social accounting. They are mainly trying to embed CSR in their company values as a strategy to make the best. This has helped them to improve their sustainability and the overall profitability. References Albareda, Laura; Lozano, Josep M.; Ysa, Tamyko (2007). "Public Policies on Corporate Social Responsibility: The Role of Governments in Europe." Journal of Business Ethics.74(4): pp. 391407 Armstrong J, Scott G, Kesten C. (1 December 2012)."Effects of corporate social responsibility and irresponsibility policies" Journal of Business Research. Buhr, N (2007). InSustainability Accounting and Accountability pp. 57-69 Chin M.K., Trevio, Linda, Hambrick, Donald (2013). "Political Ideologies of CEOs: The Influence of Executives' Values on Corporate Social Responsibility. SAGE Journals. Johnson Cornell University Crane, A Matten, D, (2010). Business Ethics: Managing corporate citizenship and sustainability in the age of globalization (3rd Ed.) Oxford: Oxford University Press Eisingerich A, Bhardwaj G. (2011)."Corporate Social Responsibility: Does Social Responsibility Help Protect a Company's Reputation?".MIT Sloan Management Review. 52 (March): pp. 1818. Electricity Providers Gas Suppliers - Origin Energy. (n.d.). Retrieved from Griffin J, Vivari B. (2009). Chapter 11: United States of America: Internal Commitments and External Pressures. In Global Practices of Corporate Social Responsibility pp. 235-250. Guzzabocca L, (January 16, 2014).When a sustainable supply chain begins in Italy, GreenBiz. Retrieved from Keating B, Qazi A, Kriz A, Coltman, T (2008). "In pursuit of a sustainable supply chain: insights from Westpac Banking Corporation," Supply Chain Management: an International Journal,13(3): pp. 17579 Keating, B, Qazi, A, Kriz, A, Coltman, T (2008). "In pursuit of a sustainable supply chain: insights from Westpac Banking Corporation," Supply Chain Management: an International Journal, 13 (3): pp. 17579 Klarsfeld, A. Delpuech, C. (2008). Hard law, soft law, weak law: the implications of the neo-institutional and social regulation theories on CSR and the distinction between hard and soft law, Working Paper, Toulouse Business School Potter, B Soderstrom, N (2012). 'Can integrated reports replace financial statements?' The University of Melbourne working paper. See C. Dey, (2007). 'Social Accounting at Tradecraft plc: A struggle for the meaning of fair trade,' Accounting, Auditing Accountability Journal 20(3)pp.423 - 445. Simnett, R, Vanstraelen, A Chua, WF (2009). 'Assurance on sustainability reports: An international comparison,' The Accounting Review, vol. 84, no. 3, pp. 937-967 Zadek, S., Pruzan, P. and Evans, R (1997). Building Corporate Accountability: Emerging Practice in Social and Ethical Accounting and Auditing. London: Earthscan. Westpac - Personal, Business, and Corporate Banking. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Friday, November 29, 2019
Research Paper on Online Shopping Essay Example
Research Paper on Online Shopping Essay Internat Shopping Research Paper Online shopping is the process of purchasing of goods and services with the help of the Internet without leaving ones home. With the development of the Internet and information technologies the global business has moved into the web due to a great number of positive factors. First of all it is convenient for consumers who prefer staying at home and look through the goods and services they require instead of spending long hours in supermarkets, stores which are situated miles away. Then, businessmen save much money selling their production in the Internet, because it is far cheaper to create a detailed website than to build a house and open a store there. Even the smallest store requires energy, electricity, heating and rent payment, so it is expensive to keep such business in a good order. Evidently, goods are more expensive at a real store than in the Internet, because the owner does not have to waste money on extra expenditures. Online shopping is also cheaper for businessmen, because they do not have to spend so much money on advertising and salary for their employees. Customers prefer online shopping to the ordinary one not only because of lower prices but due to other factors. First of all, they do not have to stand in a queue several hours. Then, a web store often offers broader choice of production, which a great advantage. Another strong side is the delivery of goods. Online shops always deliver their production directly to your flat for quite a low price and very often the delivery is free. We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper on Online Shopping specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper on Online Shopping specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper on Online Shopping specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Today more and more companies offer the option of online shopping, so people can spend more time to more useful things than shopping being able to purchase everything at the moment’s notice. Online shopping has become a part of our life, so everyone should know the principles of its functioning. A well-organized online shopping research proposal is a set of smart ideas on the topic. Every student who wants to prepare a research paper should convince the professor in the importance of the topic at first. It can be done only with the help of a well-composed research proposal, which is based on the scrupulous research and contains interesting brand new thoughts about online shopping, its functioning and possible methods of its improvement. It is difficult to persuade the professor that the chosen topic is worth his attention, so one should look for the secrets of essay writing in the Internet. Free sample research proposals on online shopping prepared by the experienced writers will provide students with smart ideas concerning the problem of analysis and structure of the paper. Very often a successful free example research proposal on online shopping is the best help for the young people who need a good piece of advice of an expert.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Aphids, Family Aphididae
Aphids, Family Aphididae Plant-sucking aphids are the bane of a gardeners existence. Come spring, aphids appear as if by magic and begin draining the life out of tender plants. Their ability to reproduce, both sexually and asexually, is prolific. Description Aphid bodies are soft and pear-shaped. Though most often green or yellow, aphids come in a variety of colors, from red to black. Few aphids measure more than a couple of millimeters. An individual aphid would be difficult to spot, but since aphids feed in groups, their presence is usually noticeable. Up close, aphids resemble little muscle cars with a pair of tailpipes. Entomologists believe these abdominal appendages, called cornicles, secrete waxy lipids or alarm pheromones when the aphid senses a threat. The presence of cornicles is a common characteristic of all aphids. Antennae may have five or six segments, with the final segment ending in a thin flagellum. At their other end, aphids possess a cauda, a short, tail-like appendage centered between the cornicles. Aphids usually lack wings, though certain environmental conditions may cause winged forms to develop. Classification Kingdom - AnimaliaPhylum - ArthropodaClass – InsectaOrder – HemipteraFamily - Aphididae Diet Aphids feed on plant phloem tissues, sucking the sugary liquids from the host plants vascular system. Reaching the phloem is no easy task. Aphids feed using a straw-like proboscis that contains thin, delicate stylets for piercing plant tissues. In order to protect the stylets from damage, the aphid secretes a special fluid from them, which hardens into a protective sheath. Only then can the aphid begin feeding. Aphids need nitrogen, but phloem juices contain mostly sugars. To get adequate nutrition, aphids must consume an enormous quantity of phloem liquids. They excrete the excess sugars in the form of honeydew, a sweet residue left behind on plant surfaces. Other insects, such as ants and wasps, follow behind the aphids, licking up the honeydew. Life Cycle The aphid life cycle is somewhat complex. Aphids usually reproduce asexually, with aphid mothers giving live birth to their young. Sexual reproduction occurs just once per year, if at all. Just before winter, sexual females mate with males and then lay eggs on a perennial plant. The eggs overwinter. In warm climates or in greenhouses, sexual reproduction rarely occurs. Special Adaptations and Defenses Aphids are tiny, slow-moving, and soft-bodied – in other words, easy targets. Theyre far from defenseless, however. Aphids use both fight and flight, and everything in between, to protect themselves. If a predator or parasitoid approaches an aphid, it can react in a number of ways. Aphids will literally kick their attackers, with some serious aggression. In other cases, the aphid may just walk away, hoping to elude the trouble. Sometimes, the aphid does a stop, drop, and roll, and simply falls to the ground. Some aphid species employ soldier aphids to stand guard. Aphids also arm themselves with defensive weaponry. When a pursuing predator attempts to take a bite from behind, they can excrete a waxy lipid from their cornicles to fill the attackers mouth. Alarm pheromones broadcast the threat to other aphids or may summon protection from bodyguards of other species. If a lady beetle attempts to feed on it, a cabbage aphid will mix toxic chemicals within its abdomen to bomb the offender. Aphids also use bodyguard ants, which they pay with sweet honeydew excretions. Range and Distribution Both abundant and diverse, aphids mainly inhabit temperate zones. Aphid species number over 4,000 worldwide, with about 1,350 species in North America alone.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Disneyland Resort Paris Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Disneyland Resort Paris - Case Study Example From this discussion, it is clear that the target markets of Disney resorts and parks comprise of consumers of all ages since it is an attraction designed to entertain and enchant guests of all ages. However, in order to focus on customers of different age and gender, there are designs of an outpost of creativity, discovery, and entertainment. Nevertheless, Disney resorts focus mainly on children below the age of fourteen, through the main campaign’s direct marketing towards children. Therefore, despite attempts to stir the interests of the adult celebrity portraits series, adult demographics are broadcasted on television and other advertisements. In addition, there are the campaign’s commercials, the slick publicity images that are aimed at children demographics, thus leaving incentives for children below six years to visit the parks. Disneyland in Paris was established in 2006, whereby it consisted of three parks, which include Disney village, Disney land Paris and Di sney Studio Park. In fact, the Village had stores and restraints, while the Disneyland Paris had the main theme park and the Studio Park was focused on movie making a theme. Nevertheless, this was a mistake, since there were numerous factors posing challenges to the establishment of Disneyland in Paris. At the beginning of the project, there were concerns, whereby it was subjected to criticism. In fact, when the announcement was made concerning the building of the park in France, some of the citizens were not supporting the idea. The project was being referred to as the "Cultural Chernobyl†due to the claims that it would affect the French cultural values.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Research method Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Research method - Essay Example This shows that there is importance to exercising among university students as well as the available options to get through different studies more easily and with the right alternatives for health which are associated with this. While there are associations with the level of health which university students have when exercising, it is also known that there are several ways in which this is prevented and not exercised among students. Many have a mentality while in school of sleeping late and waking up late, dependent on the environment and class schedules. This is combined with the location which one is living in, such as a dorm, apartment or home. The amount of activity is further defined by the day of the week which is expected for exercising, all which can be positively or negatively affected by the amount of exercise which is done as well as whether this is done in the morning or not practiced at all (Dunton, Berrigan, Barbash, 2008). These specific measures show that there are fl uctuations among university students in the regular practice of exercise, as well as specific influences which may be related to the social and physical environment which one is in. The importance of exercise among students is important to depict not only because of health measures which are associated with this. ... It has been found that this changes the participation of those in the college with the amount of exercise which is done as well as the relationships to motivational factors among the university students for the first two years. It is also known that the motivation of this particular myth leads to self – image responses and changes in behavior among those who begin to exercise when they get to a university (Racette, Deusinger, Strube, 2005). The motivation to exercise as well as the health understandings also relate to the schedules which one keeps. The lifestyle of the university is one which carries specific demands, with most students working within the college schedule and maintaining a job. Social events and other activities also change the way in which most associate with the university setting, with pressures continuously changing the way in which several interact on the campus. It has been found that the university pressures change the amount of exercise and consistency among students, specifically during finals when most students stop exercising consistently. It is also found that there are decreases in the positive affects of students behaviors during this time and the maintenance of a schedule, specifically which is associated with the final examinations and changing pressures among university students (Giacobbi, 2007). The last main motivational understanding which has been conducted with university students is based on self – perception and the affects which this has among university students. The self – perception of women is known to directly relate to the amount of time which is spent exercising. There
Monday, November 18, 2019
Issues in homeland security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Issues in homeland security - Essay Example The main reason why the evaluation exercise should have a broader social utility is that social and psychological factors play a major role in the organization’s scope duty. The society’s confidence in the security management is for instance essential to how people may respond to threats and even cooperate in mitigating involved risks from occurrence of a calamity. As a result, the leader evaluation should identify qualities that can psychologically influence confidence in the institution’s ability to undertake its mandate. Developing such confidence, even in the absence of a calamity, has the potential to promote management in events of risks occurrence (Lemyre, 2007). Evaluation of homeland security leader should also include a broader social utility because this establishes a sense of ownership of the homeland security’s mandate by the society, a fact that promotes cooperation. Identified and developed awareness of social utility factors among the agenc y’s leadership will therefore facilitate achievement of homeland security’s objectives (Sui, 2008). Lemyre, L. (2007). Psychosocial risk assessment and management for CBRN terrorism: A orime tool. Human Security Bulletin. Retrieved from:
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Electoral Reform In Britain
Electoral Reform In Britain Electoral reform in britain was initiated by the reform act of 1867 and consequently first past the post was chosen as the best solution. This essay is trying to establish whether this voting system is still fit-for-purpose and whether there is a chance that it may be changed to a more proportional electoral system. It defines purposes and foundations of the existing voting system and tries to deduce how it works in reality. To do so it assess levels of third party support, their seats in the parliament and the general bias of the electoral system. Based on these explanations it focuses on the reasons for and against change, especially from the point of view of the conservatives and labour, and concludes that although reform is possible it is very unlikely to happen in the short-term. Is the UKs First Past the Post electoral system still fit-for-purpose and is there much chance it will be changed, if not in the short-term, in the medium- to long-term? First Past the Post (FPTP) or simple plurality, as this alternative name suggests, is one of the simplest and earliest mechanisms for voting and is widely adopted around the world including the largest democracies, India and the USA (Sberg Shugart, 2008, p. 7). In the UK, it came about from amalgamation of different mixed voting systems in 1866 and was adopted for all constituencies in the Reform Act of 1884 (Ahmed, 2010, pp. 1069-1074). This essay examines whether the First Past the Post (FPTP) electoral system is suitable for Britains current political environment and whether there is a chance of reform in the future. In particular, it focuses on successes and failures of FPTP and contrasts it with the functions and foundations of elections. It then considers the debate in Britain about electoral reform, a debate that looks set to be put to the political archives once again after the Alternative Vote (AV) referendum in 2011. Finally, it argues that although FPTP has particular shortcomings in handling third party votes and is biased against the Conservatives; in the presence of political will, electoral reform is only likely to take place in the long-term. This author tries to define fit-for-purpose from the foundations of FPTP rather than based on democratic ideals such as fairness and proportionality. As far as this essay is concerned, the purpose of an electoral system is to elect Members of Parliament (MPs) and in turn, the government and not proportional representation, as the latter is one of many functions that any electoral system may perform. To assess whether FPTP electoral system is fit-for-purpose, effects of it on the membership of the House of Commons should first be examined. The desirability of these effects or absence of some desired outcomes of a preferred electoral system would therefore define the need for reform. Firstly, defining the function of General elections would help to decide whether reform is indeed necessary. The arguments could broadly be divided into two opposing ideas: one that seeks to make the parliament a fully representative body of public opinion and the other that puts the emphasis on the ability of the electorate to determine the next government. The former prefers to leave government formation in the hands of the negotiating parties after the elections and the latter is willing to sacrifice proportionality to provide the electorate with this choice. This latter argument is one that has promoted FPTP and a system of single-party government, giving the choice between the governing party and the opposition to the electorate by using an electoral system that more or less guarantees an overall majority to whichever party comes first in votes (Curtice, 2010, pp. 624-626). This, in other words, facilitates a system where two largest parties alternate between government and oppo sition, the system that has mostly governed Britain in the post-war era. There seems to be a desire to keep with this latter function, both historically and at present, whilst attempting to add a degree of proportionality (Ahmed, 2010, pp. 1072-1074; Jenkins Commission, 1998, 9). Whether FPTP is fit for purpose or otherwise depends solely on what is expected from it, and how far these expectations are met. Curtice (2010, p. 625) identifies four crucial foundations to the argument expanded in the previous paragraph based on Duvergers Law and cube law. The former states that FPTP favours a two-party system, making life difficult for third parties ; the latter tries to formulate how FPTP can discriminate against the second party by disproportionate awarding of seats to the party that has won the elections even if by a very narrow margin (Cox, 1997, pp. 13-15, 72-74). Curtice (2010, p. 625; 1986, pp. 210-211) argues that a simple majority electoral system hinders support for third parties by discouraging voters and awarding those parties with smaller proportions of seats; allocates more seats to the winning party to facilitate a majority government; and at the same time awards this majority without bias to the two largest parties in different elections. These are features of an ideal electoral system in Britain conducted under the rules of FPTP. The question is whether influence of other parameters have changed the outcome of the elections to circumvent results predicted by Duvergers Law and cube law (Curtice, 2010, pp. 624-626; Curtice Steed, 1986, pp. 209-213; Jenkins Commission, 1998, 3.19-3.32). Let us first consider the effects of FPTP on third party votes and allocation of seats. Curtice (2010, pp. 626-629) utilises data compiled by Rallings and Thrasher (2007) and shows that although until 1974 share of third party votes in General elections was compatible with predictions of Duvergers Law, since then it has gone up from an average of less than 10% in previous years to an all-time high 34.9% of the vote . Moreover, the number of seats won by third parties in general elections has also increased from less than a dozen before 1974 to almost 90 in 2010 (BBC News, 2010; Rallings et al., 2007). It is fair to consider that this outcome is still compatible with Duvergers Law in that their share of seats are far less than their share of votes. However, this discrimination against third parties depends on geographical concentration of their voters (Curtice, 2010, p. 629; Jenkins Commission, 1998, 3.30). A similar share of votes in 1983 only awarded them 27 seats. This change is l ikely to make a hung parliament more possible. Secondly, FPTP should award more seats to the winning party than its lead in the polls. If cube law is to operate, a 1% swing to the winning party should result in as much as 3% of seats changing hands between the winning and second parties (Duverger, 1963, p. 322). This exaggerated effect that gives an easy majority in the House of Commons to the party in government is shown to be dependent on the number of marginal seats (Curtice, 2010, pp. 629-631; Curtice Steed, 1986, pp. 209-213). Ever since 1974 general election, the number of marginal seats that have changed hands between Labour and the Conservatives has come down from over 27% to 15% at the last general election, due to a trend towards geographical concentration of the Conservative and Labour support (Curtice Steed, 1986, pp. 209-228). Another factor that skews this further is to do with the last foundation described above; that the cube law operates without bias towards any parties. Curtice (2010, pp. 633-635) demonstrates that FPTP has been treating Labour more favourably when awarding exaggerated majorities in the recent years. This bias towards Labour adds to an already reduced number of marginal seats to fail FPTP in its main goal of providing two main alternatives to the electorate. Whether there is need for reforming the electoral system for the General elections in the UK, this reform may well happen or its chances become limited based on political calculations of the party/parties in power. Under the then Labour government, The Independent Commission on the Voting System (Jenkins Commission) was setup in 1997 with a remit to find an alternative electoral system to conform to a list of requirements that are broadly based on an extension of FPTP. These requirements were (i) broad proportionality; (ii) the need for stable government; (iii) an extension of voter choice; and (iv) the maintenance of a link between MPs and geographical constituencies (Jenkins Commission, 1998, 1.1). Comparing these requirements to the foundations of FPTP discussed above and as the requirements were not absolute one could argue that the need for a majority government would demand an exaggerated number of seats allocated to the winning party, something FPTP is already trying to ach ieve, and still be considered broadly proportional (Jenkins Commission, 1998, 9.18). The Jenkins Commission therefore proposed Alternative Vote (AV), another plurality voting system, plus a number of top-up seats to make it more proportional. Since AV is the best option put forward and has already been rejected by the electorate, it is hard to imagine that an electoral reform based on AV could happen anytime in the short- or medium-term. The reasons that hinder the change to the electoral system are not as numerous as they used to be over most of the twentieth century. FPTP does not provide the full extent of the exaggerative qualities it once did. Although, all major parties have mentioned reform of one kind or another in their latest manifestos (2010 Party Manifestos, 2010), the level of acceptance for reform amongst political parties also depends on whether they are in government or in opposition. Political parties in opposition tend to favour electoral reform, but when a party comes to power under FPTP, they are less likely to adopt changes (Sberg Shugart, 2008, p. 47). They appreciate the advantages, namely a strong mandate and one-party majority government that are less likely to exist if a more proportionally representative electoral system were to be adopted (Dunt Stevenson, 2013). In addition to this, there are also conflicting arguments as to who is the beneficiary of reform. There is no doubt that all thi rd parties will gain more seats under any electoral system that is more proportionally representative than FPTP. The question is which large party is going to lose. The majority of literature claims that if nothing changes apart from the voting system, e.g. number of MPs, constituency boundaries, etc., the Conservatives are going to lose the most seats (Blau, 2008, pp. 864-866; Payne Quilty-Harper, 2011). This can partly be eliminated by redrawing boundaries and reducing the number of MPs both proposed by the coalition government but they are unlikely to have an enormous effect in addressing the discrimination towards the Conservatives (Curtice, 2010, p. 637). Besides, this same dependence of an exaggerated majority in parliament to such a small swing in votes brings government public policy to the ideological centre and encourages legislation by consensus based on logical explanations by Chandler and Downs (cited in Curtice Steed, 1986, p. 211). This affects public satisfaction with the government in a positive way, since every party favours staying in power as long as possible. Because of this, public support for reform of the voting system is unlikely to be substantial. However, apart from pressure groups and minority parties who mainly favour proportional representation there are several reasons why larger governing parties mainly the Conservatives and Labour may favour electoral system reform. The most important and often forgotten reason being their attempt to defend their share of vote by adopting a more proportional system to prevent losing out to growing support of the third parties (Dunleavy Margetts, 2005, pp. 854-855). Moreover, Blau (2008, pp. 61-63) considers three other reasons for a change from within: proposing a popular reform and gaining votes as a result; as a concession to a coalition partner ; and the prospect of more votes and seats owing to an electoral reform . Blau (2008, p. 63) emphasises that the first reason is the most likely way for a reform process to start, but it also needs to be self-promoting to the party to gain traction. This could be one of the reasons why electoral reform did not happen in the current govern ment after the 2010 General elections, as Dunleavy and Margetts (2005, pp. 864-866) show the Conservatives are the least likely to gain any seats from a move to a more proportional electoral system. In considering reasons for this change, there are many other arguments that could not be expanded in this short essay. Such arguments include among many, under-representation of women and ethnic minorities due to the great emphasis on party affiliation; a great number of MPs being elected by plurality rather than majority of votes, prevalence of safe-seats limiting the choice for some voters, and as a result producing lower turnouts, and also no choice in electing a government and local representatives separately (Curtice, 2010; Dunleavy Margetts, 2005; Jenkins Commission, 1998, 3,4b). In addition, one should also consider the historic context where electoral system reform has been considered. As already mentioned in the beginning of this essay, many debates were held in the parliament in the latter half of the nineteenth century, for and against adoption of proportional representation in which FPTP has always been the outcome (Ahmed, 2010, pp. 1069-1074). This continuation of reform initiatives shows that there is a prospect of change only if it comes in the right time. This author believes that such reform is highly unlikely to take place in the short-term due to the recent AV referendum. It is also unlikely in the medium-term, as no other alternatives to AV have been proposed and large parties have little incentive to implement changes. However, this situation can only improve in the long-term. Change to proportional representation has been discussed for almost 150 years and is most likely to happen when favourable conditions exist. In conclusion, change seems possible if not likely, considering that we extrapolate current voting trends into the future (Blau, 2008, pp. 85-87). Most literature discussed above is of the belief that change will happen if third parties continue winning more seats and pose a threat to the duopoly (Ahmed, 2010; Curtice, 2010, 2012; Dunleavy, 2013; Dunleavy Margetts, 2004). It may result in a swap between the Liberal Democrats and one of the two largest parties, as happened in first half of the twentieth century. On the other hand, the prospect of a hung parliament in itself is not enough to make this change take place. Interests of large parties and MPs should also be aligned with it.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Vegetarian Ways Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive Health Essays
Vegetarian Ways Today you've arrived here with questions. After you read this maybe you'll have the answers? Whether you're already a vegetarian or if you're only curious about vegetarians I hope you find this informative and maybe influential. Ihope to open your minds enough that you'll agree that we don't have to "kill to live". I hope to expose you to a lifestyle that doesn't promote violence or death. These are all the reasons you should need to convertyour lifestyle. I've been a practicing vegetarian for 2 years. A vegetarian is defined as someone who avoids all animal flesh, including fish and poultry. Vegetarians can be sub categorized: Those who avoid flesh but still indulge in animal products such ascheese, milk and eggs are referred to as ovo-lacto-vegetarians. People who reject all animal products are referred to as purevegetarians or vegans. Scientific research shows that ovo-lacto-vegetarians are healthier than meat eaters and vegans arehealthier than both. Now I'm going to present you with four reasons everyone should be a vegetarian. First the obvious ethical reasons, second the physiological reasons, third the health reasons and finally the most important reasons for our planet, the environmental impact of a meat based diet. First the ethical reasons to become a vegetarian. The ethical reasons were the first to occur to me when I began considering becoming a vegetarian. Why should any creature lose it's life to fill my stomach? Unfortunately most people don't associate the meat on their plate as having had life at one time. In some countries people eat meat of monkeys, dogs. cats, and even other people which is disgusting to us. But it's OK for us to kill cows, chickens, or fish cause they are different? At 20 weeks of age, 85 million pigs die for Americans to eat. Another 24 million die due to abuse before they reach slaughter age. Cows normally have a 25 year life span, but most only live to be 3-5 years old before dying to become hamburgers. More than 1 million calves a year are raised for veal. They spend a miserably short life of 16-18 weeks in a crate that's not big enough for them to even stand or move in. Not given any water or solid food, only deficient milk replacers, so they will stay white and tender. Since only female chickens lay eggs over 280 million male chicks are thrown into plastic bags and piled on each other to d... ...onsumption of beef over 300 million pounds of meat are imported annually from Central and South America. This economic incentive leads to these nations destroying more forests to create more pasture land. 55 square feet of tropical rainforest is destroyed to produce every quarter pound of rainforest beef. Each year over 1000 species are eliminated due to destruction of rainforests for grazing land. More than  ½ of all water used for all purposes in the U.S. is consumed in livestock production. It takes 25 gallons of water to produce 1 pound of wheat. It takes 5,000 gallons of water to produce 1 pound of California beef. 33% of all raw materialsconsumed are devoted to livestock production, while only 2% are used for a vegetarian based diet. A few famous vegetarians: Einstein, Plato, Newton, Ben Franklin, Ghandi, Bob Dylan, Bob Marley. All these people knew the answer to the question I began with. " NO you do not have to kill to live". A vegetarian diet meets all the RDA, without the guilt of murder while preserving our environment. Isn't that easy? Wow. It takes so little to do so much. Quoting Ghandi, "Why turn your body into a graveyard by devouring the flesh of other creatures?"
Monday, November 11, 2019
Interpreting the Perfect Electoral System
There is no such thing as a perfect electoral system' The Idea of perfection Is Interpreted differently amongst everybody In the 0K. The word ‘Perfect' Is defined as having all the necessary or typical characteristics required for a given situation. So everybody will have different thoughts on what really Is a perfect electoral system. Generally, a perfect electoral system is one which has the qualities of being simple, gives a varied choice to the electorate, is fair and proportional, gives a clear outcome and is microcosmic, it represents the people more.Firstly, it could be argued that the more proportional electoral systems are the losest to a ‘perfect' electoral system because they show what/who the people of the UK really voted for. One proportional system is the Single Transferrable Vote. This system operates by representatives being elected in large multi-member constituencies, the voting is preferential and also known as Voting Ordinal' where the voters can vote as many times as they want. The candidates much receive a quota known as a droop quota to actually become elected and if they reach this quota any excess votes are redistributed on the basis ot 2nd preferences.The calculation used to work out the quota Is (total valid which some eople argue Is too complicated for any elecuons In the 0K, If no candidate reaches the quota then the lowest places candidate Is eliminated and the second preferences of the people that voted for them are redistributed. This system Is used successfully in many UK elections, It's used In Northern Ireland for elections such as in the Assembly, for local government elections and EU parliament elections. The Republic of Ireland and Scotland both use it for Local Elections However there are both many advantages and disadvantages of using this electoral system.Firstly it delivers roportional outcomes and it also ensures that votes are largely of equal values. In addition, the threshold is quite high. A party or gr oup of parties have to win over 50% of the popular vote to form a government, this is an advantage because the winning party reflects the majority of the populations wishes. On the other hand, the process Single Transferrable vote uses large multi-member constituencies, this weakens the link between individual MPs and their constituencies, so some people may not feel as involved as they could be throughout the electoral process. Also, STV is less accurateIn translating votes Into seats than other electoral systems such as list systems or some versions of additional member systems. In addition, If a coalition was to be formed under the STV electoral system, It can be argued that the government produced could be unstable and give a disproportional Influence to minor parties that hold the balance of power. Never the less, the voters can choose between a large range of candidates including dfferent candidates of the same party, this allows the public to really vote what they feel most s trongly for because of the large range of available candidates.Secondly, the electoral system Regional List is another proportional system. Again using this system, representatives are elected in large multi-member constituencies, however the political parties draw up a list of candidates in order in which they'll be elected, the electors cast one single vote for a representing the same political party. The parties have greater control over the electoral process as they can put their favourite candidates at the top of the list. As it is a proportional system, the seats are allocated according to the proportion of votes won by each political party.Regional list is another successful system which is used for elections to European Parliament in England, Scotland and Wales, the last European election was in 2009 where the amount of seats won were 72, the overall turnout was 1 5,625,823 and the electorate was 45,315,669. However, although it is a proportional system it still has its adva ntages and disadvantages. It is argued that we shouldn't use this system because in closed list systems voters cannot chose between candidates from the same party.Also the parties control the order in which candidates appear on the list and they can favour those who support the leadership. Never the less, Regional List delivers an extremely high degree of proportionality which is an argument for the I-JK using this system for more elections, because the amount of seats the winners of the election gain is proportional to the amount of people who voted for them which is fair isn't it? In addition, not only does it reflect the voters' choices, political parties use lists to increase the number of women and ethnic minority candidates in parliament.However, Just like the Single Transferrable Vote, Regional List uses large multi-member constituencies which weakens the links etween representatives and constituents. Thirdly, it could be argued that Majoritarian/plurality systems are the nex t closest to being a perfect electoral system as they are very simple and produce a stable government. First Past the Post electoral system is the most common Majoritarian system as it is used for the General Elections in the I-JK.First Past the Post is simple because the country is split into roughly even sized constituencies and in each constituency, people elect one representative, it is a single vote system and whoever wins the most votes in the constituency wins a seat in parliament. This system was last used in 2010 at the last general election where it lead to a hung parliament and the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats went into a coalition to run the country. The Conservatives gained 307 seats, Labour won 258 seats and the Liberal Democrats won 57 seats.Never the less, it may seem straight forward and simple but it has a variety of advantages and disadvantages. The fact it's simple is one of the advantages, not only is it simple to understand but the ballot paper is simple as you can only cast one vote. Also, it produces a quick and clear vote and it also produces a stable government as the inning party adds a bonus of seats and single party governments with a working majority have significant control over the legislative process, both of these factors contributing to the creation of a stable government.However, despite these advantages the First Past the Post system produces disproportional outcomes, this is where the amount of seats won in the election doesn't reflect the share of votes received. Also, it favours plurality rather than majority support, so the victorious candidates don't need a majority to gain power. Not only this, but First Past the Post roduces votes of unequal value, the constituencies are roughly the same size, they're not exactly the same size which means different constituencies have votes of different values, also most votes are wasted due to tactical voting so these votes don't even help elect the MPs.Never the less, First Past the Post produces a responsible governing party in office at the moment, and the potential alternative government. This system also produces effective representation, as the country is split into single- member constituencies, it shows a clear link between voters and the elected representative. There is only one MP responsible. On the other hand, First Past the Post only offers a limited choice to the voters. Only one candidate stands on behalf of the party, so the choice isn't as diverse as the more proportional systems like Regional List.To follow on from that point, many I-JK constituencies are known as ‘Safe Seats' where the majority of people from that constituency will vote for a certain party whether they like their politics or not. For example, the constituency of Penrith is known as a safe seat for Conservatives. In addition, tactical voting is often used as way to obstruct a party to get into power, by voting for the party which is most likely to compete with th e winning party and not by voting for their most preferred party. Fourthly, Supplementary vote is another form of a Majoritarian/plurality system.The voter only has one vote to put down their top two candidates and if no candidate wins a majority then all but the top two are eliminated and the second preference votes of the eliminated candidates are added to the first preference candidates. After the elimination the candidate with the highest total is elected. This system is a ariant of the Alternative Vote. The Supplementary Vote system is used to elect the London Mayor and Mayors of other cities. The last election was in 2012 which was the London Mayoral election. Boris Johnson (conservative) won a second term in power by 3% beating his Labour Rival Ken Livingston.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Should I Take AP Calculus AB or AP Calculus BC
Should I Take AP Calculus AB or AP Calculus BC SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Are you trying to decide between taking AB or BC Calculus? Or are you just wondering what the difference between the two classes is? We’ll help you decide which AP Calculus class to take, based on your prerequisite classes, college plans, and career goals. Overview Calculus AB and Calculus BC are both designed to be college-level calculus courses. As such, the main prerequisite for both AB and BC Calculus is pre-Calculus. When it comes to the AP Calculus classes, you have three options: you can take AB and BC Calculus as a sequence, take AB Calculus only, or skip AB Calculus and go straight to BC Calculus. The reason you can take one or the other is because AB and BC aren’t totally different classes. BC Calculus includes everything in AB Calculus, plus a few extra topics. You’ll actually get an AB Calculus sub-score when you take the BC exam. So Calculus BC is not necessarily more difficult than Calculus AB. BC Calculus has to move faster because it covers more material, which is what makes it more intense than AB. Some schools teach APCalculus BC in two class periods to fit in all the material or have more intensive summer assignments. APCalculus BC courses often cover everything in Calculus AB in the first semester, while AB stretches that material out over a full year. If you decide to take Calculus AB and Calculus BC as a sequence – for example take AB Calculus junior year and then BC Calculus senior year – you don’t have to worry about picking between the two classes. But if you only have room for one AP Calculus class (as most people do), which one should you take? We’ll tell you the topics and discuss the benefits of each option below. APCalculus AB Topics Functions, Graphs, and Limits Derivatives Applications of Derivatives Integrals Applications of Integrals Source: AP Central APCalculus BC Topics Functions, Graphs, and Limits Derivatives Applications of Derivatives Integrals Applications of Integrals Polynomial Approximations and Series Series of Constants Taylor Series Source: AP Central Should You Jump to AP Calculus BC? If you’re up to the challenge, jumping from pre-calculus to Calculus BC can be a great option. This could be especially good if you want to study engineering or natural science in college. Taking Calculus BC shows motivation and drive when it comes to math, and you’ll need strong math skills as an engineering or science major. If you’re big on math, you could take an even more advanced calculus course at a local university or community college as a senior (that is if you take AP Calculus BC junior year). You can also make room for AP Statistics, Economics, or Computer Science in your senior year. Jumping to AP Calculus BC gives you a chance to really challenge yourself as a high school student. It’s also important to note, at some schools, you can drop down to the AB Calculus course if you find that BC is too challenging. This might be a good option if you’re pretty sure you want to take BC Calculus but aren’t positive you will be able to keep up. (Of course, check with your guidance counselor before you sign up to make sure this is possible.) Finally, taking and passing the BC Calculus exam gives you more math credit in college in the vast majority of cases. This is helpful for future engineering and natural science majors since you can jump into required math courses sooner. To give just one example, at the University of Michigan College of Engineering, getting a 5 on AB Calculus gets you 4 credit hours, but getting a 5 on BC Calculus gets you 8 credit hours. (To look up the credit policy at any university, check out the AP’s college database.) Should You Take AB Calculus Instead? Even though you often get more college credit for BC Calculus, taking AB Calculus can be a great option as well. You will still get a calculus background that'll set you up for college math. Although you won’t get to the extra topics that BC Calculus covers, you'll still learn core calculus concepts like limits, derivatives, and integrals. This will give you the fundamentals you need for tougher college math courses. You'll definitely know what this is by the end of AB Calculus! You’re less likely to be overwhelmed and burn out in AB Calculus, as well. Since BC Calculus has to cover more material in one year, at many schools it has more frequent and harder assignments. AB Calculus is definitely challenging, but it doesn't move as fast, so it's less likely you'll fall behind. Taking AB Calculus might free up your schedule for an additional class. Since some schools teach BC over two class periods, you might not be able to fit in a different AP class or extracurricular. But AB Calculus will just be one class period, which could leave you room for another class. And finally, in some cases, you’ll get the same math placement as you would for BC Calculus if you get a very good AP Exam score. (Read more about AP Exam scoring here.) For example, at my alma mater Stanford, if you had a 5 on AB Calculus, you would get placed in the same math course as students who had gotten a 4 or 5 on BC Calculus. Again, check the credit policy at the schools you’re interested in to see how much of a difference there is between AB and BC credit. Should You Take AB Calculus Then BC Calculus? Some people consider taking AB Calculus first then BC Calculus the following year. They're often tempted to do this if they don't feel quite prepared enough to start with BC Calculus, but they want extra college credits for passing the AP exam or they want to impress colleges by taking the more difficultAP calculus class. In most cases, we don't recommend taking both AB and BC Calculus. AB Calculus and BC Calculus are similar enough that taking them one after the other will be a lot like taking the same class twice, and it'll probably be pretty boring for you. Taking both also usually won't help your college applications because it will look like you needed two years to learn calculus instead of one. Also, if you're looking to get a lot of college credits from your AP classes, you can usually get more from taking AB Calculus and another non-calculus AP than you would from taking both AB and BC Calculus. If you were considering taking both AB and BC Calculus but aren't sure which one to take now, keep reading for the questions you should ask yourself. How Should You Decide? Still not sure which class is the best for you? Consider the following questions. #1: Are You Prepared For AP Calculus? Have you taken algebra II and pre-calculus? These are the main prerequisite courses at most schools for AP Calculus. If you haven’t taken pre-calculus yet, don’t worry about deciding which calculus class you want to take just yet. Focus on doing well in pre-calc! #2: Did You Do Well in Pre-Calculus? Say you’ve taken or are currently taking pre-calculus. It’s possible to get by in many math classes by doing the problems and memorizing formulas but not truly understanding the material. However, a solid understanding of pre-calc is necessary to do well in either AP Calculus class, but especially if you’re making the jump to BC. How can you tell if you truly understand pre-calculus? See if you can explain your pre-calculus homework to a friend or younger sibling. If you can teach something, odds are you know it pretty well. However, if you struggle to explain a concept, it might be a sign you don’t know the material very deeply. If you're not sure you get pre-calculus, consider taking AB Calculus, since it moves slower and you'll have more time to learn the concepts. #3: Is There a Placement Exam? This is another practical consideration. At some schools, you have to pass a placement exam to get into AB and/or BC Calculus. Don’t count your chickens before they’ve hatched – make sure you pass the placement exam for AP Calculus before worrying about which course to take. #4: Is There a Summer Assignment? Many schools have summer assignments for AP Calculus, since there is a lot of material to cover during the year. BC Calculus is more likely to have a longer assignment. If you can, ask the teachers for copies of their summer assignments to see what they’re like. Also think about your summer schedule. For example, have you already committed to a camp or service trip that’s going to take up most of your summer? If you’re not sure you’ll have time to complete the BC summer assignment, you might want to consider taking AB instead. You don’t want to start out the year behind! If you've committed to a service trip abroad, you might not have time for summer BC Calculus homework. #5: Will Taking AP Calculus BC Change Your Schedule? As we discussed above, some schools require more class periods for BC Calculus since it covers more material. Would this cause you to have to give up an extracurricular, like band or newspaper? Or give you less flexibility in other parts of your schedule? If you have to give up an extracurricular you’re very involved in, a language course, or another AP class, you'll have to decide if taking BC Calculus is worth it for you. If you want to study science or engineering, it likely will be. But if you’re undecided or think you’re going into the humanities or social sciences, it might be better to take AB Calculus. #6: What's Your Future Major? Push for BC Calculus if you’re fairly certain you want to pursue engineering, natural sciences, or pre-medicine studies in college. BC Calculus will allow you to challenge yourself with a fast-moving, college-level math course, which will give you the skills you will need for engineering and science classes. If you’re going to study the humanities/social sciences, AB Calculus is likely to be plenty to meet your future college’s basic math requirement. And even if you have to take a few math classes in college, AB Calculus will give the preparation you need. #7: What Are the Teachers Like? Often, some of the best math teachers at a school teach the AP courses. But it’s also possible that less effective teachers end up in those classes, especially if more students than expected sign up for AP Calculus. So how do you figure out whether the AP Calculus teachers are your school are good? How To Scope Out Classes Ask for a copy of this year’s syllabus for both AB and BC Calculus. See the workload is like. Also see how the teacher integrates practice AP problems and full exams. If AP exam practice isn't part of the course, that can be a red flag. Talk to current students about how they like the class. Older siblings and their friends, as well as older friends from clubs and sports, are a good place to start. Ask if they feel prepared for the AP test and/or feel confident about the material. Don't trust student word-of-mouth entirely, but if you hear the same thing from multiple students (â€Å"the BC calculus teacher is amazing!") it’s probably true. Ask your guidance counselor about the teacher’s AP test passing rate if they’ve been teaching the class for a while. If they have a high passing rate (above the national average) that’s a good sign. If it’s markedly lower, you might want to reconsider. One thing to keep in mind: it’s possible that if your school has an excellent BC teacher but a less strong AB teacher, BC could actually be easier since you’ll be learning the same concepts with a better teacher. If you’re especially reliant on your teachers in math classes, you might want to take the course with the better teacher. On the flipside, if the AP Calculus AB teacher is excellent and the AP Calculus BCteacher is not, it would be smart to start with AB Calculus to get a strong foundation before attempting BC. The Bottom Line Take BC Calculus If†¦ You feel confident about your math skills and want to challenge yourself You’ve taken math through Pre-Calculus You can pass any required placement tests You want to pursue engineering/natural science/pre-medicine studies in college The class and teacher at your school seem good (no obvious red flags in terms of student word-of-mouth or AP test passing rate) Take AB Calculus If†¦ You want or need more flexibility in your schedule You've taken math through Pre-Calculus You’re less confident in your math skills and/or want to ramp up to BC Calculus after taking AB Calculus You can pass any required placement tests You plan on studying the humanities or social sciences in college The class and teacher at your school seem good What’s Next? Getting strong SAT/ACT math scores is important for college too, especially if you’re a future engineer. Get tips for a perfect SAT math score or a perfect ACT math score. Which other math classes should you take? Check out our guide to the math classes you should take in high school. Interested in math competitions like the International Math Olympiad? See our guide for passing the qualifying tests – the AMC 10 and the AMC 12. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Yes, Reverse Racism is Real Essays - Racism, Discrimination
Yes, Reverse Racism is Real Essays - Racism, Discrimination Yes, Reverse Racism is Real Racism is an ongoing problem in our society especially considering the curren t political atmosphere. However, the image of racism in the American context that one conjures up usually involves 'the white man' me ting out racism to every person of color like a souther n gentleman reeling out "how do you do's " . That brings the following q uestions to mind: Is there such a thing as reverse racism? Are African American's capable of treating other races discriminatorily and with prejudice as well? Yes, yes , and a thousand times yes. Persons of color are capable of being racist towards other races, including Caucasia ns, contrary to popular belief . The debate about the ability of blacks to be racist hinges on the definition of racism. The definition that is widely accepted by the public treats racism as the systematic oppression of and discrimination towards a race which requires one race to be in a position of power over the other, to institute and benefit from their racist actions. If we were to take this definition as gospel, no Black person could ever be accused of racism as within the Amerikkkan society, constructed and controlled by Whites, Black persons are definitely not the ones in a posit i on of power. That is similar to saying a smaller child can't bully a larger child because the larger child has a physical advantage. That definition is false. There are several ways an oppressed and marginalized group may be able to discriminate against and show prejudice towards their oppressor, and black people have found a w ay to finesse the system. The Oxford dictionary puts it a little bit differently: it defines racism as " p rejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior" . This is a definition one could work with. It simplifies the concept of racism and gives each race or group of people equal opportunity to be able to be prejudiced or discriminatory. Reverse racism is therefore when a minority or marginalized group, such as Blacks, discriminates against their oppressor. You may ask when, where and how can Black people be racist? By the same methods W hite people are racist; either b ehind closed doors or blatantly. A black person using slurs such as cracker' is racist, despite its uselessness as an insult . Calling a white person the c word', while less offensive than it's n counterpart, is still derogatory behavior . Mocking white facial features by saying white people are pale and crusty is racist . Making jokes about the incestuous preferences of Caucasians is racist. S aying that Caucasian lips look like bologna or an open wound is racist ! If you are able to ignore the explicit antagonism in the previous examples of com mon utterances in the black community, you have a bad case of denial. The result of reverse racism is the co ntinued tension between races. The continuous lack of communication and the distrust that racism brings will do nothing to bridge the chasm that exists . The implicit racial segregation will continue and there will be no integration of people of colour into th e system which has been designed to disenfranchise them . By the same token, reverse racism makes the marginalized group no better than the ones who oppress them. This way of living is fruitless and only perpetuates the hatred we see present today. All in all , racism is racism, regardless of the hue of perpetrator . T o only see racism as racism when it is committed by the right race' is a biased view that doesn't always lay the blame where it belongs. Until we can admit the wrongs committed on both sides of the racial divide and move to remedy them, there's no way the divide can ever be bridged.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Auditing and Assurance Service Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Auditing and Assurance Service - Essay Example The fact that David Jones sells its products across various countries means that it can apply price discrimination effectively. Price discrimination is possible in the company because the markets in various locations are independent. Britton and Jorissen (2007) assert that price discrimination occurs when the same products are sold at different prices in various markets. For instance, an iPhone can be costing $2000 in the USA yet the same exact iPhone costs $1800 in Australia. However, the concept of price discrimination presents a potential risk of loss of sales. This occurs in the sense that customers are knowledgeable and they might identify this difference in prices and seek alternative means such as purchasing the products online. David Jones operates in a retail industry, which has its own regulations and practices. Adhering to all the regulations can sometimes be a daunting task and as a result, the company may result to ignore some regulations (Higgins, 2004). This scenario presents the possibility of compliance risk in which the company can be closed down by relevant authorities for failure to comply with set standards. David Jones operates in a retail industry, which is very dynamic. Changes in tastes and preferences for various products for the company can plunge the company into strategic risk, which might result in loss of sales. The strategic risk in David Jones also occurs when other rival firms merge and increase their business performance, which may edge David Jones out of the market. Financial risk is yet another potential business risk facing David Jones. The company has two main sources of finance, which is equity and debt capital. Monye (2006) claims that if the company decides to finance its operations from debts the going concern is threatened because it might not be in a position to honor its financial obligations.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
To what extent do historians own history Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
To what extent do historians own history - Essay Example While one may often mistakenly assume that history is actually in black and white, it is quite clear that when historians write down history, they do mainly according to the various social practices and policies of the country at the time (2002). It is often up to the historians to help in determining the extent to which history will ultimately be rewritten (Foner, 2002). Oscar Wilde is credited as having once said that the one duty of the persons that happen to own history is to ensure that they rewrite it. Arguably, it has been claimed that modern historians have undertaken to fulfilling this aspect of their work a little too well. This is exemplified by the fact that in the modern day society, there is a large number of people who as opposed to celebrating the rather exciting anniversary of Columbus’ discovery of the American continent, instead choose to mourn Columbus Day by choosing to remember it as a genocidal invasion of the continent by large numbers of White Europeans (Marsh 61). In contrast to the branding of murderer by some modern day historians, the popular perception of Columbus was quite different a hundred years ago when during the 400th celebration of Columbus’ arrival in the New World, Presid ent Benjamin Harrison paid tribute to Columbus and referred to his as the pioneer of both enlightenment and progression. In a similar vein, the American Indians who had previously been portrayed as being an extremely cruel and savage race, have now undergone a historical reprisal that has seen them often being pictured as being a being an extremely peaceful people that strive to live in constantly harmony with their natural environment. In light of this change in the manner in which the past is recounted, Foner (2002) points out that although historical truths do happen to exist, it is often seen that the most difficult
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Homework Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 8
Homework - Coursework Example There was a gradual escalation and then the South Vietnamese executed members of the secret police. Kennedy did not change his policies. 2. How did Johnson â€Å"Americanize†the war in Vietnam, and how effective was this strategy? Johnson did not want the reputation of the country to suffer by continuing involvement with Vietnam. But he did order air strikes on North Vietnam after hearing that North Vietnam military had fired on U.S. ships. He continued support to South Vietnam and the U.S. military became more aggressive. Military and economic assistance to the government and military of South Vietnam continued. Instead of Johnson having a defensive military presence, he changed it so that it was more of an offensive approach. Some of that pressure was also coming due to approaching presidential elections. 3. What different strategies and criticisms of society were offered by mainstream and radical feminists? (CH28) During Johnson’s time in office, he created a lot of reform that helped bring people out of poverty that helped male-headed households but worsened female-headed households. Many civil rights groups were created to protest Johnson’s changes. There were several new movements during this time so feminists could accomplish goals of equality. Women were involved in changing the collegiate environment so that there would be more religious studies programs. Women that were lesbians began a movement so that they no longer had to keep their sexuality hidden and there was a Stonewall Riot that resulted in more attention to gay rights. More women began to take jobs. Women realized their opportunities were not equal and they began to go to school more. The National Organization for Women was created for more civil rights for women and there was an investigation in the w orkplace where the Equal Pay Act of 1963 made it illegal to pay women less than men for the same
Monday, October 28, 2019
The Origin of Childhood †National Geographic Magazine Essay Example for Free
The Origin of Childhood – National Geographic Magazine Essay The article talks about the discovery of the remains of a hominin child 3.3 million year back by an Ethiopian scientist Zeresenay Alemseged. The differentiating factor of this find is the fact that the child’s bones were intact and the find itself is like digging gold in the world of archeology. The find is able to give us an in-depth knowledge about the body structure and capabilities of the hominins, it also tells us how the babies were changing from chimps to what we are now. It also draws comparisons to Lucy, the fossil of a mother 3.2 million years old which was found in the 1970’s. with the finding of the child, the family of Australopithecus afarensis is now complete and scientists are able to make conclusions about how they lived, what they could and what they could not do.                        Based on the shape of its shoulders scientists can say that this child could climb tress, also the shape and size of its knee cap suggests that this child could walk on 2 legs.                        The article also talks about how Zeresenay is one of the few Ethiopian scientists involved in this field although this part of the world has been a treasure cove for finding many remains of animals and different species of mammals. Most of the expeditions in this part of the world had mainly been foreign before Zeresenay took the lead in 1999. the article talks about their struggle as there were a couple of findings of mammals in that area but no hominins and Zeresenay’s belief that they will be able to find hominins in that part of the world. Finally in 2000, it all came true when Zeresenay’s team found the remains of a child. However, to the contrast of making a skeleton out of hundreds of small pieces of bones their challenge was quite the opposite. The remains were found in a ball of sandstone and thus Zeresenay had to cut through it with a dentist’s drill to ensure that no part of the child’s’ body was damaged and they could recover everything there was in that ball of sandstone. The result of 5 years of that effort is a treasure that he says comes only once in a lifetime.                        The startling features being a full set of both the milk teeth and unerupted adult teeth; also a bone in the throat that is considered to be the main crucial part of human speech. Other findings include a curled finger which tells us their resemblance with chimpanzees and her ribs that tell us the size of the child.                        It talks about how the knee caps of the child were the size of the pea that tells us that this ‘man’ could walk on 2 legs. What is also worth noting is that the brain of this child was very small at 330cc compared to a 5 year old human child whose brain is over a 1000cc. this tells us that the growth of the brain was slow and there is resemblance with chimpanzees there. It talks about the feet of the child that were not like a chimpanzee but rather like us humans. This meant that the child could not hang on to its mother and had to b carried by the mother, this left the mother helpless and dependant for food and other things on her mate. The scientists say this should have been the time when the bonds became stronger and that is why humans are monogamous as compared to other apes.                        The article ends by telling us that this specie did not eat meat and a million years late when man started eating meat, which is when the brain size started getting larger as 40% of our food goes into sustaining our brain. For specie that is mainly dependent on vegetables and leaves, this would have been very difficult. The article ends by saying that as the brains of the humans keep growing bigger and bigger we will have more ‘intellectual power’ to find our roots. Why I chose this article                        I am quizzical about how human life started and how and why we changed from being Chimps to being who we are today and what lies beyond our planet and if there is life on other planets. I chose this particular article because it tries to tell us or rather the whole article is about that part in time where we were still dependent on our parents but starting to live longer than other ‘close’ members of our specie.                        The human child is very weak, it can’t talk, it can’t walk, it can’t express itself in any other way apart from crying and making face expressions. Basically, it is helpless. It someone does not take care of the child, the child cannot survive.                        This article tells us about the life of a 3 year old girl who lived 3.3 Million year ago. However, the special thing about this girl is the fact that she is in one of those defining moments of time where we as specie started to separate from chimpanzees and started having the physical capabilities to live as human beings.                        Another motivation to choose this article was the way they talk about the little child. It is almost magical and makes me felt hat I have been transported into a world where I can actually visualize this child and see how we humans came about to be who we are today. The way the author talks about the scientist who discovered and painstakingly got the bones from the sandstone vs. how he talks about the parts of the honninin baby body parts brings a sense of life to that child. The biological aspect is obviously enchanting but I will talk about that in the next section.                        The articles use of graphics is phenomenal in showing how the child looked and what were the limitations of his body compared to ours, it also clearly mentions the developments of this child compared to that of his and our ancestors. An important part is the development of the brain and the hands as discusses in the earlier section. Overall, the reason to choose this article is the impact that it has had on me about human evolution. My opinion of the article and how it relates to Biology                        As I just mentioned, this article has left a beautiful impression on me about the evolution of human beings and has in a way made me fall in love with the 3 year old child from our history. I feel the article is very well written because it brings along a vivid image about the life of the child in that era and the use of imagery is phenomenal in showing us how the child looks and how it has changed to how we look now. There is also a sketch of the mother in that era holding her child and it shows how the child in that era was beginning to be dependent on his or her mother for care protection and other needs.                        The relation to biology comes from the fact that it talks about the development of the body and how it had changed from that of a chimpanzee and starting to look like ours. For example, the fingers of the child were curved and that is more like a chimpanzee however the feet of the child did not have long fingers which meant that unlike children of chimpanzees this child could not cling on to this mothers’ body as there was no grasp. It also talks about the set of milk teeth and adult teeth and their placement in the jaw or rather the jaw line, this tells us about what the child could and what it could although the food habits are not specifically mentioned in the article. The article also gives a glimpse about how the hominins lived and survived.
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