Sunday, August 23, 2020
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Sports in Great Britain, the USA and Russia free essay sample
The British like sports extremely a lot. They are partial to a wide range of athleticss. Numerous athleticss were developed in Great Britain thus appropriate all through the universe. Sports became famous quite a while in the past. In the 19-th century games was composed at government funded schools with the goal that youthful individuals could build up their physical capacities. In any case, in a matter of seconds a short time later the idea was obtained by business networks who began to sort out football and different athleticss for their laborers. From the 1960s business organizations started to belittle distinctive British athleticss and exercises. The national British athleticss are: football, golf, cricket, tennis, hustling, darts. Like every other person the British worship football. Besides, the Englishmen concocted it. Figure can state for certain when individuals began playing football on the British Isles. It is of import by the by, that current unvarying guidelines of the game were settled simply in the 19-th century. At that cut there was an extraordinary contention, regardless of whether one could use his manus to kick the ball or non. The individuals who needed to permit the members to move the ball with their authorities joined to arrange rugger. Rugby is played by crews of 15 work powers with an egg-molded ball. The individuals who demanded playing with pess and caput only had the mass and that was the start of football as everyone knows it today. In Great Britain and all the more as often as possible in the United States football is called affiliation football to isolate the game from American football, the game that shares much for all intents and purpose with rugger. Soccer, messed around in all states, stays one of the most well known games in Great Britain. Every crew comprises of field members and one goalie. Only the goalie is allowed to bring the ball into his authorities. The game goes on for 90 proceedingss with a brief interference between two parts 45 proceedingss each. Most British towns and metropoliss have a football crew. Each twelvemonth, every crew in England shows in the Football Association rivalry. The two best crews play in the Cup Final at Wembley Stadium in London. It is one of the greatest including occasions of the twelvemonth. Another conventional British game is cricket. Not at all like football cricket is non broadly scattered outside the British Isles. Cricket is a mid year game, it is played in schools, schools, colleges. Cricket is a truly long and a truly moderate game. There are two crews. Every crew comprises of 11 work powers. The bowler tosses the ball, and a hitter hits it with his chiropteran. Tennis is other than extremely mainstream in Britain. Two unique games that do non hold much in like manner bear the name of tennis garden tennis and table tennis. The two games principal showed up in England, yet today the British favor garden tennis to defer tennis. Each late spring, in June, the greatest competition known to mankind takes topographic point at Wimbledon. This universe Center of garden tennis is situated in a suburb of London. A great many individuals watch the Wimbledon Championship on Television. Table tennis began in England in 1880. In any case, the British members are non fortunate in table tennis global titles. Englishmans like a wide range of hurrying. Horseracing, auto hustling, pontoon dashing, hound dashing, jackass hustling are extremely mainstream in England. The most praised pontoon dashing in England is among Oxford and Cambridge. It chief began in 1820 and has been held about each spring since 1836. A clump of individuals come to watch this opposition between England s prima colleges. Americans are keen on various athleticss and exercises. The significant American athleticss are ice hockey, baseball, American football and circles. The large pick of athleticss in America can be clarified by the variety and size of the express, its various climes and the individuals s love of rivalries of any sort. The periods of the four significant athleticss as often as possible cover. Baseball is the most well known summer games in America. In any case, the primary ball games start in warm, merry parts like Florida and Arizona in winter. The main American baseball lucifer was held in 1839 in New York. There is an assumption that baseball originates from an a lot more seasoned game, played in Europe for some mature ages. To play baseball, two crews of nine members are required. The thrower tosses the ball, and the hitter hits it with a chiropteran. Americans begin playing baseball juvenile. There are meetings which children of eight can fall in. The top members become enormous stars. Americans play most worldwide athleticss, yet they do non play football in a similar way as the rest of the universe. American football is a game that does non hold much in a similar manner as affiliation football. The members can run with a ball, contact and push one another. The field is non conventional, and even the type of the ball is unique. American football members wear protective caps on their caputs, in light of the fact that the game is extremely perilous. American football crews have eleven members. B-ball was designed in the United States. A teacher planned the guidelines for a game that his understudies could play inside. There are just five members in a bands crew. Ordinarily circles members are extremely tall and they show that loops can be energizing. Ice hockey is America s most loved winter game. It is truly quick. It very well may be perilous and its members wear head protectors unreasonably. Different athleticss and exercises draw in 1000000s of members and witnesss in the USA. These are swimming, tennis, perseverance challenges, bowling, crosscountry skiing, skating, and badminton. Presently marathon is one of the most well known athleticss in the USA. # 1063 ; involves swimming, bicycle hustling and significant distance running. Numerous athleticss are well known in Russia. There are numerous dishes and open athleticss establishments here. Various national and worldwide lucifers and competiti ons are all the time held in our state. They draw in large Numberss of fans. The vast majority of the of import games are appeared on Television. Football is accepted to be Russia s most loved games in summer, while numerous youthful individuals play ice hockey in winter. Our state has been effective in various athleticss, especially in ice hockey. During the Olympic Games the Russian muscle heads demonstrate the notoriety of Russia as universe s prima state in athleticss. The national crew of Russia has commonly won the World Hockey Championships. In Russia much going to is paid to sorted out athleticss and this should nt overwhelm the many donning exercises which are part of everyday Russian life. School kids spend their free clasp playing football, loops and different athleticss. In winter numerous Russians go in for skiing and skating. There are many skating arenas in the metropoliss. Is sport well known in your state? Today there is boundless inclusion in games in Russia. What games do you play at school? - During PT classes understudies show football, loops, volleyball. Students other than do numerous exercisings that help them to look after fit of rage. In winter schools sort out skiing rivalries. What games are well known in Russia? Football, ice hockey and volleyball are sure to be the most well known games in Russia. A cluster of fans go to the bowl to back up their crews. At the point when it is non conceivable to make a trip to the bowl to back up the most loved crew individuals can watch rivalries on Television. TV has made athleticss accessible to all. The inflection on athleticss is clear in flushing insight programs. What football crews are well known in Russia? There are numerous acceptable football crews in Russia. Moscow Spartak is the most grounded and the most well known crew in Russia. A great many Spartak heroes go to the bowl to see their crew show. With respect to me, I incline toward another Moscow crew, Locomotive. There are acceptable members in Loco and this crew has an incredible intensity. I am sure that in a matter of seconds Loco will take the topographic purpose of Spartak as the state s title-holder. What British football crews do you cognize? In Great Britain there are four football titles that are held exclusively: in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The best members are in England. Numerous football members from Continental Europe semen to play for English crews. I surmise that today the most grounded football crew on the British Isles is Manchester United , in spite of the fact that London Arsenal and Chelsea each piece great as Blackburn Rovers are frightful challengers. Scotland is noted for its Glasgow Rangers. Is football famous in the United States? Truly, it is. Football is profoundly mainstream in the United States, yet they have various guidelines of the game. The truth of the matter is that in the United States when they state football they mean American football, while European football is ordinarily alluded to as affiliation football. In the ongoing mature ages affiliation football is determining its ubiquity in the United States each piece great. In 1994 World Football Championship took topographic point in the United States. Anyway in the United States affiliation football is especially famous among misss, while male childs incline toward athleticss that are progressively conventional for their state American football, baseball and bands. Is it true that you are enthusiastic about sports? In spite of the fact that sports plays an of import work in my life, I do non travel in for it expertly. My pick of the athleticss relies on the season. In summer I like to swim in the lakes and streams and in winter I like to skate. Skating is an across the board movement among my companions. There are many skating arenas in our town. With respect to running I do it each forenoon all twelvemonth unit of ammo. Is game of import for your family unit? Indeed, it is. Our family is making athleticss on the recreational degree. My male parent is an eating up cheat member. My female parent likes strolling in the Parks. My sister likes to
Friday, August 21, 2020
Advantage and Disadvantage of Globalization Research Paper
Preferred position and Disadvantage of Globalization - Research Paper Example Globalization contains monetary fuse, the migration of the arrangements over the fringes, sharing of information, social security, the proliferation and talk of intensity. It is a worldwide strategy, an idea and the advancement of worldwide market which is liberated from socio-political control. Globalization will in general incorporate every one of these viewpoints. The ideas identified with globalization have been characterized since significant stretch of time with specific proposals alluding to advance, improvement and consistency, joining just as participation. While not many others alluded to the idea as relapse, destabilization and imperialism. In spite of the fact that there are sure difficulties, this term carries with it various shrouded plans. These are an individual’s political musings, geographic spot, social position, social setting alongside racial and strict relationship that offers the conditions deciding how globalization is deciphered (Stallings) By its attr ibutes, globalization contains various controls, networks just as societies. This grants for various perspectives, for example, monetary, political just as social. Globalization is considered as a transformative term and is considered as a liquid methodology which is continually changing with the advancement of the human culture (Goyal). The fundamental goal of this paper is to distinguish the preferred position and the impediment of globalization in the United States and different nations. At the beginning, the paper will attempt to offer away from of the term globalization. At that point, it will attempt to distinguish the effect of globalization on different nations and abroad. The paper will for the most part concentrate upon the favorable circumstances and inconveniences of globalization to the United States and different nations too. Which means of the Term Globalization is the rushing and reinforcing of correspondence among the individuals, organizations just as administratio ns of various countries. It tends to be expressed that worth will in general assume an indispensable job in depicting globalization. A meaning of the term globalization as â€Å"Americanization†or perhaps, the â€Å"McDonaldization†, of the world shows globalization as one of the strategies inferred by American shopper culture that thusly influences different societies (Al-Rodhan). There are three primary strains related with globalization. The three strains show the opposing qualities in question in the strategy of globalization. By assessing the contentions with respect to globalization by means of the crystal of these three fundamental pressures, one can without much of a stretch understand the positive just as the negative effects of various parts of globalization and the approaches to find the equalization in this way recreating their qualities. The main strain is identified with singular decision and cultural decision. A contention emerges when an individual, re hearsing his/her entitlement to utilize a specific way of life, to buy a specific item, or to consider a specific idea is commonly not coordinating with what society all in all states is generally best for the general public on the loose. For instance, a couple of the individuals in the general public may incline toward smoking and
Module 01 and module 02 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Module 01 and module 02 - Essay Example From the activity, I discovered that accomplishment in online conditions in related legitimately with organized drew nearer towards time the executives where one can give appropriate time to each course. In my average day, school fits at the spot of most significant worth. The way that I have found out about my future vocation inside school is that understudies need positive consideration from educators. On the off chance that they don't get it, their center can move away from concentrates until the end of time. Instructors need to deal with every understudy separately during youth training to cause the understudies to feel esteemed and gain certainty. I picked interactive media innovation in light of my enthusiasm for this field. Considering media won't just assist me with getting a profound comprehension of various advancements and the manner in which they work yet in addition it will assist me with picking up achievement in online condition since utilization of sight and sound innovations is the foundation of online method of study. Everybody needs to accomplish something excellent throughout everyday life. I have intended to utilize my sight and sound training in research and educating regions. I have concentrated not just towards making new interactive media innovations to help understudies and instructors impart and concentrate in online conditions yet in addition towards utilizing such advancements as my expert educating
Sunday, July 12, 2020
Essay For Medical School Application Samples
Essay For Medical School Application SamplesAn essay for medical school application samples should be prepared carefully. It is better to be a little bit vague and creative rather than it being too definite and detailed. To help you with this, there are some tips you can follow.Most sample essays include important information that will help you as a future doctor. But be sure to highlight all the details as this will help you when filling out the rest of the application. The essay will likely be used as an interview part. It is important to be specific when describing your interests, career goals, and other things. Be sure to highlight these details as well as any special aspects or accomplishments that you would like the admissions officer to know about you.Most medical school applicants are very eager to know about their strengths and weaknesses. These will most likely be reviewed during the interview part of the essay. Be sure to be honest about your strengths and weaknesses and w hat you intend to do to correct them. And be sure to mention why the medical school has a special place in your heart. Make a strong case for your desire to become a doctor.In general, medical school application samples will include questions that ask about the applicants' hobbies, interests, talents, and leadership skills. These questions are important because the admissions officer will use them to gauge your suitability for a challenging environment. Have fun and don't hesitate to show your creativity in answering these questions.The essay may also include data entries. These entries are used to reflect the applicant's academic history, internships, and professional credentials. This can be very detailed, but be sure to detail your achievements and strengths. Data entries should also have a strong connection to your personal interests and experiences.Most medical school application samples include questions for the students to answer. You can either write the questions and then a nswer them yourself or you can have someone else write them for you. Depending on your choice, your answers will be used as the basis for your essay. Whether you write them yourself or you have someone else do it, it is best to write them as specifically as possible.One key idea to keep in mind while writing the essay is to stay as true to yourself as possible. Keep your answers factual and give as much information as possible. It's okay to be creative, but make sure that you aren't writing a scholarly essay. Write for a medical school application samples for people who will actually be interested in becoming a doctor.Medical school application samples can be found online and are easy to read. It is best to read the essays without corrections or editing. When doing so, you can pinpoint any grammar or spelling mistakes you may have made. In addition, the essays should be formatted properly so that they can be submitted and printed quickly. Don't put too much thought into it unless yo u are a student who is applying for medical school.
Thursday, July 2, 2020
Implications for the development of sainsburys in the future - Free Essay Example
Implications for the development of sainsburys in the future 1. Introduction The retail industry is one of the oldest industrial sectors of UK having its roots based in the 19th century. An article in The Financial Times about Sainsburys dropping sales and consequently market shares triggered the research topic and we drove ourselves to the history of supermarkets to reveal the secret behind the big giants (Tesco, Sainsburys and ASDA) fighting for the top position in the market. The reason to select Sainsburys rather than other two foes from the flock was the interesting reign of Sainsburys in past 100 years of business. l The article first illustrates the supermarket retailers background and outlines the present problems. l Secondly, it analyzes the perception of customers towards the current supermarkets and the extent to which their needs are satisfied by Sainsburys. l Finally, the possible solutions are evaluated and it indicates some recommendations for implementation. The work established in the following research is purely based on a quantitative data collection and scrutiny with a wide implementation of literature and marketing research tools. In the following research work, we, group of five students, have cloaked the role of researchers and reaped a considerable amount of sagacious know-how about conducting a research and using marketing research gears in different areas of research. 2. Background to the problem 2.1 About Sainsburys Sainsburys Supermarket is the longest standing major food retailing chain in the UK, with their first store opened in 1869. The mission and policy of Sainsburys is to provide customers with healthy, safe, fresh and tasty food. The quality and fair prices of Sainsburys is taking responsibility to their business. Sainsburys stores have particularly emphasized on fresh food and they devote themselves to create continuous innovation. Moreover, they are concerned about customer needs and based on these needs improve products regularly. Its market share is around 16 % and now they serve over 18 million customers a week. Sainsburys own 455 supermarkets and 301 convenience stores, the type of these stores are categorized into 3 types, which are Main Mission outlets, Main Plus format stores (hypermarkets),and Mixed mission format shops (Sainsburys Central and Local). The large stores offer approximately 30,000 products and offer and support the non-food products and services in many of t heir stores. Around 88% of British households are provided by the internet-based home delivery shopping service. At present, Sainsburys is the third biggest supermarket chain in Britain after the countrys largest retailer Tesco and Wal-Mart owned ASDA. Their business mission is to be the consumers first choice for food, delivering products of outstanding quality and great service at a competitive cost working faster, simpler and together.'(, N.D) 2.2 Describe the problem Sainsburys used to take the biggest slice of the whole retail market in the UK. However, since 1995, Tesco started with their membership cards, and out of blue their sales have increased rapidly. Sainsburys became the third biggest supermarket chain in Britain after the countrys largest retailer Tesco and Wal-Mart owned Asda. (, N.D, BBC News) 2.3The main reasons for exploring the problem The formula of Sainsburys success could be concluded in the points which are listed below: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ High quality products quality assurance à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Wide range of products à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Different customer segmentations (, ND) Although Sainsburys still follows these points to manage the company, but according to the reduction of the market share, the profit of managing Sainsburys has been more seriously affected. Although Sainsburys could retain the balance of revenue and expenditure, moreover, it remained permanent. It still needs to attract more customers and raise its market share. Furthermore, the needs of its customers should be valued and respected. We need to do marketing research to explore the possible factors which affect customers satisfaction and then use marketing strategies to improve these factors to increase customers shopping demands and enhance their loyalty. 3. Problem Definition An extensive study of market conditions and retail industry in United Kingdom gave us a brief idea about the status of Sainsburys in the retail industry. The largest retailer in the UK till mid 1990s suddenly dropped to the third position loosing its hold on market and decrement in the potential market customers. The decline in market shares and a low rate of sales returns was enough to define the problem for Sainsburys in the present market scenario. With new retailers emerging in the sector deploying all their marketing strategies to be the best in the race, it is very important for Sainsburys to take a brave step now to protect their current position and then to improvise on their hold in the industry. 3.1 Management Decision Problem What can Sainsburys doto regain the market share in retailing industry? The management team now require to sit down and discuss the failure points and the current shortcoming to establish a conclusion to why there is a constant downfall in the shares of the company and why it is being overtaken by a company (ASDA) which has its central operating sector based in a country (USA) which is thousands of miles away from UK. As per a latest study, the retail industry is expected to show an increase in 15% annually and Sainsburys needs to identify the market requirement till they become history for the consumers. (sources) 3.2 Marketing Research Problem The Management Problem was turned into a Research Problem which more specifically tackles the aim of this study. l To determine the various needs of shoppers and the extent to which current Sainsburys experiences were satisfying those needs compared to the competitors. The conversion of the management problem into a research problem makes the concept easier to understand and tackle. It gives a broader prospective of the problem and alongside makes a simple way to handle and implement the desired implications. 3.3 Research Components The research components further diversify the purpose of research and explain the problem in detail. The following components define the research problem: * What is the demographic and psychographic profile of the customers? * What do customers expect when going shopping in the stores? * How well does Sainsburys existing products and service offering meet customers needs compared to Tesco and ASDA? * Are there any customer needs that are not being adequately met by Sainsburys? * How often do customers go shopping per week? 4. Research Approach Development In this section, it reveals the Exploratory Research conducted and the Conceptual Model. 4.1 Exploratory Research 4.1.1 Literature Reviews This section concerns some available information extracted from Literature Reviews. Based on literature reviews, service quality, is seen as an important factor, and closely related to a retail companies performance. Service quality is perceived by customers as the result of comparing the expectations about the service they are going to receive and their perceptions of the retail companys actions. (Rodolfo Vazquez et al, 2001). It is of great help to demonstrate how to assess the service performance of a retail company and it carries some implications itself as well, which is beneficial when making the model of this study. According to Yan Lu et al (2008) there are five dimensions of service quality in a retail store setting, including: physical aspects, reliability, personal interaction, problem solving and policy. In addition, Rodolfo Vazquez et al. (2001) found that service quality in retail companies adopting the commercial format of supermarkets has a four factor structure (physical aspects, reliability, personal interaction and policies). Physical Environment Physical environment incorporates the inward and outward appearance of the store. According to Rodolfo Vazquez et al (2001), physical environment involves the simplicity and importance of shopping from the internal appearance of the sales outlet. Based on this, Rodolfo Vazquez et al states that there are two physical aspects of supermarkets: store appearance, which includes: decoration, fixtures, equipment, cleanliness, design of product and services publicity leaflets and the convenience of shopping, which includes: interior design and store layout of sections and product shelf position. According to Poping Lin (2005), traditional wisdom teaches that one key to win market share is offering a wide variety of products, which can be helpful for attracting a wider variety of customers. Providing products and services at a close and most convenient location, is the very core of deriving the best return from investments, also the ambience a store maintains can influence a customers purc hase decisions to a great extent. (Prakash Gupta, year) Reliability According to A.Parasuraman et al. (1988), to be reliable is being able to perform the promised service dependably and accurately. Based on his research, A.Parasuraman et al. found out that reliability is the most important factor taken into consideration by customers when they evaluate a retail companys overall service quality. This has also been supported by many researches in other studies. Dabholker et al. (1996) indicate that reliability in the eyes of customers is a combination of keeping promise and doing it well. Keeping promise means that a retail company should stock enough products to satisfy customers needs and guarantee the products quality as well as allowing returns and exchanges and being willing to dealing with any problems from customers. On the other side, in the terms of doing it well, a company is expected to be able to provide customers with fast sales transactions and precise information, such as sales promotions, price and sales slips. (Rodolfo Vazquez et al, 2001) Personal Interaction Based on existing literature, it is noted that customers are not only interested in the product offerings and physical environment, but also on the service provided by staffs. Personal interaction involves the process followed in order to obtain the sale and the service encounters where the need arises while coming in contact with the retail company employees. (Rodolfo Vazquez et al, 2001) According to Prakash Gupta (year), consumers look for help whenever they are in an emergency. In that situation, store employees helpful advice and assistance will help to reduce the attrition rate of customers and enhance shopping experience. Policy Policy captures aspects of service quality affected by the strategies of the prices and brand assortment. Brand assortment policy must be established with great care and also a large and wide-ranging assortment of well-known brands is needed. (Rodolfo Vazquez et al, 2001) In addition, retail stores should be able to come up with an attractive pricing policy. According to Siu and Cheung, policy has a great impact on customers repeat purchase intention. (Yan Lu, Yoo-Kyoung Seock, 2008) Customer Satisfaction Customer satisfaction is a measure of how an organizations total product performs in relation to a set or customers requirement (Nigel Hill, Jim Alexander, 2006). There is no better advertisement than a Satisfied Customer and nothing worse than a Dissatisfied Customer (Phillip Kotler et al, 2008). Marketing Researchers and Managers have realized how important customer satisfaction is. According to Robert Heller (2006), customer based strategy is the only important form of strategy, product and producer driven strategies are fast dying. Similarly, Customer Satisfaction is the ultimate goal, and an investment that often doesnt produce result in a short term, but leads to Customer loyalty in a medium or long term (Craig Cochran, 2003). The lack of attention to customer Satisfaction costs companies money because there is an intractable connection to high level of customer satisfaction and increased share holder value (Chris Denove, James D. Power IV, 2007) Loyalty It is believed that maintaining the current customers costs less than attracting new customers, in the light of this; it is wise for companies to pay close attention to retaining their current customers. There are efficiencies in dealing with existing customers rather than new customers. (Ruth N.Bolton, 2000) Relative retention has been shown to explained profits better than market share, scale, cost position, or any of the other variables usually associated with competitive advantage. (Niren Sirohi et al, 1998) In general, the customers loyalty is indicated by an intention to perform a diverse set of behaviors that signal a motivation to maintain a relationship with focal firm, including allocating a higher share of the category wallet to the specific service provider, engaging in positive word-of -mouth, and repeat purchasing. (Ulrich R. Orth, Mark T.Green, 2009) According to Zeithaml et al., favorable assessment of service quality leads to favorable behavioral intentions such as positive word-of-mouth and preference for one company over others. (Yan Lu, Yoo-Kyoung Seock, 2008). In other word, higher satisfaction relates to higher loyalty. (Ulrich R. Orth, Mark T.Green, 2009) 4.2 Conceptual Model On the basis of the literature reviews, a final model has been defined (Refer to figure 1), which consists of two parts. In the first part of the model, there are 4 Independent variables (namely Physical Environment, Reliability, Personal Interaction, Policy), consisting of several aspects respectively, that may have an impact on the Dependent variables (Customer Satisfaction as shown in the model). As regard to the second part of the model, we assume that the Independent variable, Satisfaction, is connected with Loyalty, Dependent variable. Table 1: Summary of Research Questions and Hypothesis Research Question 1: What are the factors that influence customers satisfaction when shopping in the supermarkets? H1: There is a significant relationship between physical environment and customer satisfaction. H2: There is a significant relationship between reliability and customer satisfaction. H3: There is a significant relationship between personal interaction and customer satisfaction. H4: There is a significant relationship between policy and customer satisfaction. Research Question 2: What is the relationship between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty? H5: There is a significant relationship between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Specification of information needed Depending upon each component of the problem and the conceptual model, research questions and hypothesis, the information needed can be defined as follows: Component 1: To determine the factors customers are apprehensive about when selecting a store for shopping. Perceptions of customers on factors that influence choice of supermarkets Component 2: To determine how well do existing service offering meet customers needs. Evaluation of customers on the performance of ASDA. Evaluation of customers on the performance of Sainsburys. Evaluation of customers on the performance of Tesco. 5. Research Design and Methodology 5.1 Research Design In order to obtain the required information to solve the marketing research problems, research design was carried out for the further step. The research design is the framework or blueprint for conducting the marketing research project that specify the procedures necessary to obtain the information needed. (Malhotra, 2009) There are two basic types of research designs available which are classified in terms of the research objectives: exploratory and conclusive. (Malhotra, 2009) In this report, both exploratory and conclusive research designs were conducted for Sainsburys. 5.1.1 Exploratory research design In order to understand and gain insight to the problem that the company is facing now, a detailed literature review was prepared. 5.1.2 Conclusive research design After gaining understanding of current situation and management-decision problem of the company from exploratory research, the conclusive research was designed to make the management decision, testing hypotheses and also examining relationships between factors influencing the supermarket selection and customer satisfaction of Sainsburys as compared to its competitors. Furthermore, the descriptive research was used to describe the market characteristics and determine those relationships. Due to time constraint, the single cross-sectional design was used and a selected group of respondents were measured at one time. The data-collection technique used in this report was the survey conducted by a predesigned questionnaire. 5.2 Methodology 5.2.1 Secondary research methodology In order to collect data about the companys problem in general, two types of the secondary research were collected. The first one is the internal secondary data. Obtaining information from companys annual report provided the background of the company and fundamental data about its market shares. The second one is the external secondary data. In research approach development step, literatures have been reviewed. The information was retrieved from many sources including census data that provided elementary background of demographic data of UK households and consumption behaviors of UK consumers. In addition, abstracts in form of bibliographic databases have been retrieved from the University of Leeds Portals library. Gaining information from above secondary data can help us to understand the companys situation, define the research problem and also develop an approach to that problem. Journal articles and books provide knowledge in defining the variables in the research model which led to formulate the hypotheses and forming questionnaire design. 5.2.2 Primary research methodology Research approach The major research approach chosen in this report is questionnaire survey. A detailed survey selecting a large sample was conducted to support the literature to get a deeper understanding of factors in choosing supermarkets. Furthermore, surveys were chosen in order to gain insights into the consumer behaviors pattern and consumers perceptions of UK supermarkets. Sampling design Due to budget and time limitation, sample surveys were selected based on direct questioning. A sample is a subgroup of the elements of the population selected for participation in the study. (Malhotra, 2009) In this report, the sample group was selected from the total population in the UK. In determining the sample size, the statistical method was chosen. The sample size was calculated as follows: 2500 * N * Z2 n = ____________________ [25(N-1)] + [2500 * Z2] Where n = sample size required N = population size Z = number of standard errors The total population size (N) is 41,020,711 which are derived from the estimated people aged at 15-64 years in the United Kingdom as of July 2009. The source of information is The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). In this case, the most commonly used 95% confidence level is applied. When the variables are taken, the result obtained from the formula could be as below: 2,500 * 41,020,711 * 1.962 n = ________________ __________ 25(41,020,711 -1) + (2,500 * 1.962) = 384 Due to time and cost constraints, 40% of the total sample size was taken into consideration, therefore adding up to 154 samples could be collected in conducting the survey. For the sampling method used in the surveys, the data collected through a survey of 154 respondents was divided into two proportions equally. The probability sampling techniques used in this report is Simple Random Sampling (SRS) in which each sample in the total population has an equal probability in selecting. (Malhotra, 2009) Therefore, half of the total questionnaires were executed by people living in Leeds and the rest was from people living outside Leeds. Moreover, two ways in distributing the questionnaires were conducted: paper based and online based survey. Questionnaire Design (Refer to Appendix 1) The division of research problem into components made the way to design the questionnaire to analyze the market scenario and the customer needs. The background of the questionnaire design was the basic study of the component and sub-dividing the components into various similar factors which are considered to select or prefer any retail industry. The Physical Factors were classified as size, location, layout, and etc. of the store and mentioned as questions in the draft. 12 broad questions were decided on the basis of relevance and availability of time for the participant to come out with rational answers without any external or internal influence of reviewer or the industry. The intention was to collect some primary data about the general perception of people and then segmenting them as per their responses and choices. As required questionnaire was designed in 4 major segments in five pages including the introduction and purpose of study, literature was consulted to find out the best blue print of the questionnaire. It was also considered that all the questions are easy to understand and the response is useful for the analysis of the components. The questionnaire was designed with both multiple choice and dichotomous questions with all the scales referred as per the 5 Point Likert Scale l The first section dealt with the general introduction of the respondents to the retail industry, the shopping habits and the familiarity with the retail market. l Section 2 were the general factors affecting the selection of supermarkets and respondents preference of retail stores, continued with the acuity of three major supermarkets in the UK namely ASDA, Sainsburys and Tesco. l Section 3 covered the satisfaction and loyalty level of the participants towards their favorite retail store. l The final section was the personal information about the respondent assisting with the demographical and segmentation of the participants. The sentences of the questionn aire were made simple and all the options and questions were double checked for any offence in the questions. It was specially taken care that every response should be informative and two open questions were also provided in the questionnaire in order to find depth know-how about the stance of people towards Sainsburys irrespective they are loyal members of Sainsburys shopping club or not. Field work The data was collected between the 18th and the 22th of November, 2009. The questionnaires were collected in different times and different places, targeting all supermarket shoppers throughout the UK; starting from University of Leeds, city centre, flat residents and people outside Leeds. The questionnaire delivering method was personal interviews in order to control the response rate and clarify the complex questions. Analytical issues A diversity of analytical methods was used to gather the data and analyze the results. To analyze the basic statistics, descriptive statistics has been used. Furthermore, graphical representations and one-sample tests were applied to present the demographic and psychographic profile of respondents and also examine the influential factors when choosing a supermarket. To analyze the relationship between independent and dependent variables, the regression analysis has been used. Bivariate regressions were used to test the hypotheses H1, H2, H3, H4, and H5 while multiple regression analysis was used to test whether or not there is collective relation between all hypothetical factors and customer satisfaction. 6. Results and Analysis In this part, SPSS was used to represent the basic statistics, graphical representations and one-sample tests in order to answer the five problem components. Also, it was used for testing whether or not the results support the hypotheses. 6. 1. Analysis of Problem Components 6.1.1 Examining demographic and psychographic profile of respondents There are 154 questionnaires have been completed which 60 % is female and the other 40% is male. (Refer to Appendix 2) More than 50% of respondents aged between 18-24 years old and they are all students. The second most majority is people aged between 25-34 years old. The minority is people aged more than 65 years old. (Refer to Appendix 3) By far the most of respondents are single due to the fact that they are students. One-fifth of them are married and there is no widowed who filled in the questionnaires. (Refer to Appendix 4) More than a half of respondents are students and nearly 30% of all respondents are working and employed by the company. (Refer to Appendix 5) Nearly half spend between  £20 40 when going shopping while the average household annual income is below  £ 15,000. (Refer to Appendix 6 and 7) 6.1.2 Examining factors affecting supermarket selection Table 2: One-sample T-test statistics results One-Sample Statistics N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean Variety of Products 154 4.4091 .77218 .06222 Operating Hours 154 4.2468 .90973 .07331 Location/Nearness 154 4.4870 .82634 .06659 Size of Store 154 3.7013 .91559 .07378 Price 154 4.5065 .83429 .06723 Layout of Store 154 3.7727 .93949 .07571 Wide Selection of Brand 154 4.1948 .83296 .06712 Quality of Products 154 4.4481 .74133 .05974 Queuing Time 154 4.1169 .92848 .07482 Customer Service 154 4.0519 1.01487 .08178 One-Sample Test Test Value = 3 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference Lower Upper Variety of Products 22.646 153 .000 1.40909 1.2862 1.5320 Operating Hours 17.007 153 .000 1.24675 1.1019 1.3916 Location/Nearness 22.331 153 .000 1.48701 1.3555 1.6186 Size of Store 9.505 153 .000 .70130 .5555 .8471 Price 22.408 153 .000 1.50649 1.3737 1.6393 Layout of Store 10.207 153 .000 .77273 .6232 .9223 Wide Selection of Brand 17.800 153 .000 1.19481 1.0622 1.3274 Quality of Products 24.240 153 .000 1.44805 1.3300 1.5661 Queuing Time 14.928 153 .000 1.11688 .9691 1.2647 Customer Service 12.863 153 .000 1.05195 .8904 1.2135 One sample T-test were carried out to test the extent to which the mean scores are significantly higher than the mid point 3 on the scale ranging from 1 = the least important to 5 = the most important. Results summarized in the table indicate that customers evaluate the Independent variables positively when choosing which supermarket to shop in, but at different levels. It is also obvious from the table that Price, Location/Nearness, Quality of Products, Variety of Products have the strongest mean. It is important to note that the 4 Independent variables Physical Environment, Reliability, Personal Interaction and Policy are important factors that customers would take into account when choosing supermarkets. 6.1.3 Examining customers perception of Sainsburys, compared to ASDA and TESCO This component is tested by comparing the mean score of the service quality factors of Sainsburys with that of Tesco and ASDA. (Refer to Appendix 8) Variety of products Based on the research, Sainsburys mean score for product variety is 3.967 which is low compared to that of Tesco 4.1883 and slightly higher than ASDAs 3.9091. This means that the respondents feel Sainsbury doesnt have as many product offering and variety to choose from as Tesco and have slightly more product offerings than ASDA. Operating Hours Based on the research, Sainsburys mean score for operating hours is 3.7727 which is low compared to that of Tescos 4.1299 and ASDAs 3.9870. This means that the respondents feel Sainsbury doesnt have a flexible operating hours compared to that of Tesco and ASDA. Location/Nearness Based on the research, Sainsburys mean score for Location/nearness is 3.8117 which is higher compared to that of Tescos 3.5260 and ASDAs 2.9091. This means that our respondents feel Sainsburys store is more accessible based on location and nearness than Tesco and ASDA. Size of Store Based on the research, Sainsburys mean score for size of store is 3.6623 which are lower compared to Tescos 3.8831 and ASDAs 3.9675. This means that the respondents feel Sainsburys stores are not as big as Tesco and ASDA stores, based on size and store space. Price Based on the research Sainsburys mean score for price is 3.2727 which is lower compared to Tesco 3.9610s and ASDAs 4.974. This means that the respondents feel Sainsburys price offering is not as satisfying as Tesco and ASDAs price offerings. Layout of Store Based on the research Sainsburys mean for store layout is 3.7078 which is higher compared to Tescos 3.7922 and ASDAs 3.6234. This means that the respondents feel that Sainsburys stores are not as organized and arranged as Tesco stores but better than ASDA stores. Wide selection of Brand Based on the research Sainsburys mean for wide selection of brands is 3.7273 which is low compared to that of Tescos 4.0325 and ASDAs 3.8636. This means that the respondents feel Sainsburys doesnt provide a wide selection of brands of a particular product compared to what Tesco and ASDA are offering. Quality of product Based on the research Sainsburys mean for product quality is 4.1364 which is quite high compared to that of Tescos 3.8312 and ASDAs 3.6364. This means that the respondents feel that the quality of products found in Sainsbury stores is better and more reliable than those in Tesco and ASDA stores. Queuing time Based on the research Sainsburys mean for queuing time is 3.6169 which is higher than that of Tescos 3.5325 and ASDAs 3.4286. This means that the respondents feel that they spend lesser time on the queue in a Sainsburys store than in Tesco and ASDA stores Customer Service Based on the research Sainsburys mean for customer service is 3.7403 which is higher than Tescos 3.6688 and ASDAs 3.4870. This means that the respondents feel that they are more satisfied with the customer service provided in a Sainsburys store than in a Tesco or ASDA store. 6.1.4 Examining factors that are not being satisfied and needs to be improved. Given feedback by using open-ended question, responses can be categorized into 5 factors that should be improved for Sainsburys. They are price, promotion, location, operating hours, and parking lot. Not surprisingly, price factor is by far the most important things need to be improved. This reflects in the price policy of Sainsburys that they always keep price high while offering high quality of product, though it results in customer dissatisfaction. More promotion and location of supermarket respectively are the second and third factors that should be enhanced. (Refer to Appendix 9) 6.1.5 Examining the frequency of customer going for shopping in supermarket Nearly half of respondents go for shopping once a week and more than one-third of them go more than once a week. A slight of all responses goes for shopping only once a month. (Refer to Appendix 10) 6.2 Hypothesis Testing Hypothesis 1: There is a significant relationship between Physical Environment and Customer Satisfaction. The hypothesis was tested using by a Bivariate Regression Analysis. Table 3: Bivariate regression analysis result (Hypothesis 1) (Refer to Appendix 11) R Square B Beta Sig. (Constant) Physical .056 3.029 .287 .237 .003 The R Sq value of 0.056 shows a slight correlation between the predictor variable (Physical Environment) and the criterion variable (Customer Satisfaction). We can define the formula for the regression line: Y=0.287 X + 3.029 The regression line has a positive slope, reflecting a positive a correlation (.237) between the predictor and the criterion. This means that more improved the physical environment is, higher would be the customers satisfaction. The significance score of .003 shows that the association is significant at p .01. Hypothesis 2: There is a significant relationship between Reliability and Customer Satisfaction. Table 4: Bivariate regression analysis result (Hypothesis 2) (Refer to Appendix 12) R Square B Beta Sig. (Constant) Reliability .047 3.372 .196 .218 .007 The R Sq value of 0.047 shows a slight correlation between the predictor variable (Reliability) and the criterion variable (Customer Satisfaction). We can define the formula for the regression line: Y=0.196 X + 3.372 The regression line has a positive slope, reflecting a positive a correlation (.218) between the predictor and the criterion. This means that higher the reliability, higher would be the customers satisfaction. The significance score of .007 shows that the association is significant at p .01. H3: There is a significant relationship between Personal Interaction and Customer Satisfaction. Table 5: Bivariate regression analysis result (Hypothesis 3) (Refer to Appendix 13) R Square B Beta Sig. (Constant) Personal Interaction .026 3.792 .104 .162 .045 The R Sq value of 0.026 shows a slight correlation between the predictor variable (Personal Interaction) and the criterion variable (Customer Satisfaction) . We can define the formula for the regression line: Y=0.104 X + 3.792 The regression line has a positive slope, reflecting a positive a correlation (.162) between the predictor and the criterion. This means that the customer service is directly proportional to the customers satisfaction. The significance score of .045 shows that the association is significant at p .05. H4: There is a significant relationship between Policy and Customer Satisfaction. Table 6: Bivariate regression analysis result (Hypothesis 4) (Refer to Appendix 14) R Square B Beta Sig. (Constant) Policy .065 3.141 .246 .256 .001 The R Sq value of 0.065 shows a slight correlation between the predictor variable (Policy) and the criterion variable (Customer Satisfaction) . We can define the formula for the regression line: Y=0.246 X + 3.141 The regression line has a positive slope, reflecting a positive a correlation (.256) between the predictor and the criterion. This means that the better the policy, higher is the customers satisfaction. The significance score of .001 shows that the association is significant at p .01. Multiple Regression Analysis Hypothesis: There is a collective relation between all hypothetical factors (Physical Environment, Reliability, Personal Interaction and Policy) and complete Customer Satisfaction. Table 7: Multiple regression analysis result (Refer to Appendix 15) Adjusted R Square Beta Sig. Physical Environment .055 .095 .371 Reliability 070 .539 Policy .148 .166 Personal interaction .027 .789 ANOVAb Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. 1 Regression 5.163 4 1.291 3.247 .014a Residual 59.228 149 .398 Total 64.391 153 a. Predictors: (Constant), Personal Interaction, Policy, Physical, Reliability b. Dependent Variable: Satisfaction In order to test the above hypothesis, a multiple regression analysis using Enter Method was used to measure the correlations between four independent variables (Physical Environment, Reliability, Personal Interaction and Policy) and the dependent variable (Customer Satisfaction). A significant model emerged (F4,149= 3.247, p0.05, adjusted R square = .055) Predictor variable Beta P Physical Environment .095 P.05 Reliability .070 P.05 Policy .148 P.05 Personal Interaction .027 P.05 From the Correlations Table, the inter-dependability between the multiple factors and the dependent variable is very minimal, and therefore there is no certain correlation established between the independent variables and dependent variable. The results indicate that all four independent variables are not the predictors of dependent variable (Customer Satisfaction) in the model, hence not supporting the hypothesis. Hence, in order to find some significance, a multiple regression analysis using the Stepwise Method was used to measure the above hypothesis: Table 8: Multiple regression analysis result (Refer to Appendix 16) Adjusted R Square Beta Sig. Physical Environment .059 .126 .211 Reliability .112 .230 Policy .256 .001 Personal interaction .084 .119 ANOVAb Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. 1 Regression 4.205 1 4.205 10.621 .001a Residual 60.186 152 .396 Total 64.391 153 a. Predictors: (Constant), Policy b. Dependent Variable: Satisfaction According to the results above, a significant model emerged (F1,152= 10.621, p0.01, adjusted R square 0.059) Predictor variable Beta P Physical Environment .126 P.01 Reliability .112 P.01 Policy .256 P.01 Personal Interaction .084 P.01 The results indicate that three out of four independent variables are not the predictors of dependent variable (Customer Satisfaction) in the model, but Policy relates with the customer satisfaction variable. The findings of the Multiple Regression (Stepwise Method) are as follows: All independent variables have a slight relation with the dependent (Customer Satisfaction) variable. The adjusted R square value is again found to be lower, but a significant relation is being established between the Policy and Customer satisfaction. However all other three variables namely, Physical Environment, Reliability and Personal Interaction plays no significant role in customer satisfaction and hence regarded as excluded variab les. The ANOVAs results of the regression also depicts that the complete model is significant. Hypothesis 5: There is a significant relationship between Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty Table 5: Bivariate Regression analysis result (Hypothesis 5) (Refer to Appendix 17) R Square B Beta Sig. (Constant) Satisfaction .433 .403 .793 .658 .000 The R Sq value of 0.433 shows a regular correlation between the predictor variable (Customer Satisfaction) and the criterion variable (Loyalty). We can define the formula for the regression line: Y=0.793 X + 0.403 The regression line has a positive slope, reflecting a positive a correlation (.658) between the predictor and the criterion. This means that the higher the customer satisfaction is, higher would be the loyalty. The significance score of .000 shows that the association is significant at p .01. 7. Limitation: The complete model was tested using SPSS and different regression models and unfortunately it didnt prove as reliable as it should have been. The R square index was very nominal and the significance was also not sufficient with the entire hypothesis. Further analyzing the model and studying the project from basics the following limitations were concluded which are as follows: Unproductive Sample: The total population of retail shoppers was used and calculated a sample of 384 potential respondents for the quantitative research, whereas due to financial limitations only 40% of the total sample i.e. 154 were introspected and results were analyzed. It is assumed that the sample size and the participants were not enough to conclude the hypothesis and researchers should keep the sampling factor in consideration while conducting any research work. Sample Segmentation: The sample should have been demographically distributed to all age groups and genders, whereas a majority of respondents belonged to similar age groups and professional set. This unwanted segmentation of participants influenced the responses to a large extent and consequently the reliability of data was in vain when generalized to the complete market scenario. In the nutshell a very convenient sample was selected rather than a representative one. Questionnaire Design: The questionnaire was designed after hours of literature review and days of homework. But we still feel that it was very early for us to come out with a productive and informative questionnaire which would have eliminated the error of significance form the data. The graphical model and the previous retail studies supported the hypothesis and it is strong to believe that the questionnaire designing required more professionalism. Ethno-Centric Sample: The study of retail industry is very explicit and wide studies with the perceptions of all around the country were to be considered. But the respondents were mostly based locally whereas the distribution should have been national. Time Constraint: The most noteworthy factor for the complete research study was time and finance. Starting from the basic primary research and the literature review required more time and deep introspection. The psychology of respondent plays an important role in authenticity of data, which was not deemed. Moreover, after the research we feel like that a detailed in-depth focus group interview would have yielded more results and facilitated us to compile more reliable data. 8. Recommendation For Sainsburys to have an increase in market share, and perhaps return to its former position as the No 1 retail store in the United Kingdom, the following is recommended: * This research has shown that price is an important factor to the respondent. Therefore it is recommended to reduce their pricing based on the preference especially for product that can easily be purchased in other stores at a lesser price. Also, considering the current scenario of global economic recession price definitely plays an important role in the buying behavior of consumers. * From the above analysis, it can be seen that operating hours and store size are important factors to the respondents. Therefore, it is recommended to have more flexible operating hours and bigger stores across the United Kingdom. * A wider brand selection, with different price range is recommended so everyone has an option to pick from regardless of ones levels of income. References A.Parasuraman et al., (1988), SERVQUAL: A Multiple-item Scale for Measuring Customer Perceptions of Service Quality BBC News,[online],à £Ã¢â€š ¬?accessed 31.10.09à £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ Available from: Bized, ,[online] , à £Ã¢â€š ¬?accessed 1.11.09à £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ Available from: Chris Denove, James D. 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Orth, Mark T. Green., (2009), Consumer loyalty to family versus non-family business: The roles of store image, trust and satisfaction Yan Lu, Yoo-Kyoung Seock, (2008), The influence of grey consumers service quality perception on satisfaction and store loyalty behavior Appendix 1: Questionnaire ________________________________________________________ Questionnaire on Perceptions of UK Supermarkets Name (Optional):________ Gender: Male/ Female Location:___________ Section1: General shopping behavior Please indicate the answers that apply to you. Q1. How often do you go for shopping in a retail supermarket? Once a week à ¢Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ‚ ¡ More than once a week à ¢Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ‚ ¡ Once a fortnight à ¢Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ‚ ¡ Once a month à ¢Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ‚ ¡ Q2. In your opinion, what time of the day is best suitable for you to go shopping? Before 12:00 noon à ¢Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ‚ ¡ Between 12:00 4:00 pm à ¢Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ‚ ¡ Between 4:01 8:00 pm à ¢Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ‚ ¡ After 8:00 pm à ¢Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ‚ ¡ Section2: Factors affecting supermarket selection Q3. Please rate the following factors using the Five-point Scale as your priorities to select a retail supermarket, where 1 represents the least important and 5 represents the most important. Least Important Most Important a Variety of Products 1 2 3 4 5 b Operating Hours 1 2 3 4 5 c Location/Nearness 1 2 3 4 5 d Size of Store 1 2 3 4 5 e Price 1 2 3 4 5 f Layout of Store 1 2 3 4 5 g Wide Selection of brand 1 2 3 4 5 h Quality of Products 1 2 3 4 5 i Queuing Time 1 2 3 4 5 j Customer Service 1 2 3 4 5 Q4. Please rate your perception of the following retail shops using the Five-point Scale as their performance in the areas mentioned below: (Where 1 represents Poor and 5 represents Excellent). ASDA Sainsburys Tesco Poor Excellent Poor Excellent Poor Excellent a Variety of Products 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 b Operating Hours 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 c Location/Nearness 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 d Size of Store 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 e Price 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 f Layout of Store 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 g Wide Selection of brand 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 h Quality of Products 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 i Queuing Time 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 j Customer Service 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Section3: Brand Loyalty Q5. Which amongst the following is your most favorite store for retail shopping? ASDA à ¢Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ‚ ¡ Sainsburys à ¢Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ‚ ¡ Tesco à ¢Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ‚ ¡ Other à ¢Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ‚ ¡ Please specify Q6. Please rate your perception as regards to your most favorite retail shop; using the Five-point Scale where 1=Strongly Disagree, 2= Disagree, 3= Neutral, 4= Agree and 5= Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree a) I am very happy with the overall shopping experience with the store 1 2 3 4 5 b) I am happy to shop in the same store again 1 2 3 4 5 c) I would recommend the store to all my friends and family 1 2 3 4 5 d) I would consider myself as a highly loyal customer to this store 1 2 3 4 5 Q7. (a) What do you like most about Sainsburys compared to other retailers? (b) Please give one suggestion of improvement for Sainsburys compared to other retailers. Section4: Personal Information Please indicate the answers that describe your current situation best. Q8. Age group: 18-24 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ‚ ¡ 25-34 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ‚ ¡ 35-44 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ‚ ¡ 45-54 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ‚ ¡ 55-64 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ‚ ¡ 65+à ¢Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ‚ ¡ Q9. Marital status: Single à ¢Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ‚ ¡ Married à ¢Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ‚ ¡ Divorced/Separated à ¢Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ‚ ¡ Widowed à ¢Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ‚ ¡ Q10. What option best describes your current occupation? Self-Employed à ¢Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ‚ ¡ Employed à ¢Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ‚ ¡ Student à ¢Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ‚ ¡ Unemployed à ¢Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ‚ ¡ Other à ¢Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ‚ ¡ Q11. How much is your total average expenditure when you go into a supermarket? Less than  £20 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ‚ ¡ Between  £20 to  £40 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ‚ ¡ Between  £41 to  £60 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ‚ ¡ Above à ‚ £60 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ‚ ¡ Q12. Household annual income: Below  £15,000 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ‚ ¡  £15,000 25,000 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ‚ ¡  £25,001 40,000 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ‚ ¡ Above  £40,000 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ‚ ¡ We, University of Leeds Student, thank you very much for your cooperation. Appendix 2: Appendix 3: Appendix 4: Appendix 5: Appendix 6: Appendix 7: Appendix 8: Sainsburys Descriptive Statistics N Mean Std. Deviation Variety of Products 154 3.9675 .83563 Operating Hours 154 3.7727 .82860 Location/Nearness 154 3.8117 .92014 Size of Store 154 3.6623 .93039 Price 154 3.2727 1.01796 Layout of Store 154 3.7078 .88506 Wide Selection of Brand 154 3.7273 .91661 Quality of Products 154 4.1364 .75032 Queuing Time 154 3.6169 .92318 Customer Service 154 3.7403 .87675 Valid N (listwise) 154 ASDA Descriptive Statistics N Mean Std. Deviation Variety of Products 154 3.9091 .93839 Operating Hours 154 3.9870 .90739 Location/Nearness 154 2.9091 1.23861 Size of Store 154 3.9675 .79557 Price 154 4.0974 .83054 Layout of Store 154 3.6234 .90082 Wide Selection of Brand 154 3.8636 .90798 Quality of Products 154 3.6364 .97564 Queuing Time 154 3.4286 .94182 Customer Service 154 3.4870 .99828 Valid N (listwise) 154 Tesco Descriptive Statistics N Mean Std. Deviation Variety of Products 154 4.1883 .85382 Operating Hours 154 4.1299 .79788 Location/Nearness 154 3.5260 1.17822 Size of Store 154 3.8831 .96979 Price 154 3.9610 .89211 Layout of Store 154 3.7922 .91947 Wide Selection of Brand 154 4.0325 .86636 Quality of Products 154 3.8312 .87675 Queuing Time 154 3.5325 .87200 Customer Service 154 3.6688 .92923 Valid N (listwise) 154 Appendix 9: Appendix 10: Appendix 11: Model Summary Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate 1 .237a .056 .050 .63237 a. Predictors: (Constant), Physical Coefficientsa Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig. B Std. Error Beta 1 (Constant) 3.029 .397 7.637 .000 Physical .287 .095 .237 3.004 .003 a. Dependent Variable: Satisfaction Appendix 12: Model Summary Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate 1 .218a .047 .041 .63526 a. Predictors: (Constant), Reliability Coefficientsa Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig. B Std. Error Beta 1 (Constant) 3.372 .309 10.897 .000 Reliability .196 .071 .218 2.749 .007 a. Dependent Variable: Satisfaction Appendix 13: Model Summary Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate 1 .162a .026 .020 .64228 a. Predictors: (Constant), Personal Interaction Coefficientsa Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig. B Std. Error Beta 1 (Constant) 3.792 .214 17.745 .000 Personal Interaction .104 .051 .162 2.023 .045 a. Dependent Variable: Satisfaction Appendix 14: Model Summary Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate 1 .256a .065 .059 .62925 a. Predictors: (Constant), policy Coefficientsa Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig. B Std. Error Beta 1 (Constant) 3.141 .332 9.458 .000 policy .246 .075 .256 3.259 .001 a. Dependent Variable: Satisfaction Appendix 15: Correlations Satisfaction Physical Reliability Policy Personal Interaction Pearson Correlation Satisfaction 1.000 .237 .218 .256 .162 Physical .237 1.000 .527 .627 .416 Reliability .218 .527 1.000 .541 .623 Policy .256 .627 .541 1.000 .346 Personal Interaction .162 .416 .623 .346 1.000 Sig. (1-tailed) Satisfaction .002 .003 .001 .022 Physical .002 .000 .000 .000 Reliability .003 .000 .000 .000 Policy .001 .000 .000 .000 Personal Interaction .022 .000 .000 .000 N Satisfaction 154 154 154 154 154 Physical 154 154 154 154 154 Reliability 154 154 154 154 154 Policy 154 154 154 154 154 Personal Interaction 154 154 154 154 154 Model Summaryb Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate 1 .283a .080 .055 .63048 a. Predictors: (Constant), Personal Interaction, Policy, Physical, Reliability b. Dependent Variable: Satisfaction Coefficientsa Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig. Collinearity Statistics B Std. Error Beta Tolerance VIF 1 (Constant) 2.773 .418 6.629 .000 Physical .116 .129 .095 .898 .371 .546 1.831 Reliability .063 .102 .070 .616 .539 .477 2.097 Policy .143 .102 .148 1.393 .166 .544 1.839 Personal Interaction .017 .065 .027 .269 .789 .599 1.670 a. Dependent Variable: Satisfaction Appendix 16: Descriptive Statistics Mean Std. Deviation N Satisfaction 4.2110 .64874 154 Physical 4.1234 .53588 154 Reliability 4.2825 .72067 154 Policy 4.3506 .67429 154 Customer Service 4.0519 1.01487 154 Model Summaryb Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate 1 .256a .065 .059 .62925 a. Predictors: (Constant), Policy b. Dependent Variable: Satisfaction Correlations Satisfaction Physical Reliability Policy Customer Service Pearson Correlation Satisfaction 1.000 .237 .218 .256 .162 Physical .237 1.000 .527 .627 .416 Reliability .218 .527 1.000 .541 .623 Policy .256 .627 .541 1.000 .346 Customer Service .162 .416 .623 .346 1.000 Sig. (1-tailed) Satisfaction .002 .003 .001 .022 Physical .002 .000 .000 .000 Reliability .003 .000 .000 .000 Policy .001 .000 .000 .000 Customer Service .022 .000 .000 .000 N Satisfaction 154 154 154 154 154 Physical 154 154 154 154 154 Reliability 154 154 154 154 154 Policy 154 154 154 154 154 Customer Service 154 154 154 154 154 Coefficientsa Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig. Collinearity Statistics B Std. Error Beta Tolerance VIF 1 (Constant) 3.141 .332 9.458 .000 Policy .246 .075 .256 3.259 .001 1.000 1.000 a. Dependent Variable: Satisfaction Excluded Variablesb Model Beta In T Sig. Partial Correlation Collinearity Statistics Tolerance VIF Minimum Tolerance 1 Physical .126a 1.256 .211 .102 .607 1.646 .607 Reliability .112a 1.205 .230 .098 .707 1.414 .707 Personal interaction .084a 1.000 .319 .081 .880 1.136 .880 a. Predictors in the Model: (Constant), Policy b. Dependent Variable: Satisfaction Appendix 17: Model Summary Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate 1 .658a .433 .429 .59099 a. Predictors: (Constant), Satisfaction Coefficientsa Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig. B Std. Error Beta 1 (Constant) .403 .314 1.283 .201 Satisfaction .793 .074 .658 10.772 .000 a. Dependent Variable: Loyalty
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
The History and Impact of Planned Parenthood - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 928 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2019/07/02 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Planned Parenthood Essay Did you like this example? United States Senator and Womens Rights Activist, Kamala Harris once said, No woman should be told she cant make decisions about her own body. When womens rights are under attack, we fight back. For over one hundred years, womens health has been a controversial topic. In the past, powerful men have held the authority to decide what they deem appropriate for women in regard to their health. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The History and Impact of Planned Parenthood" essay for you Create order Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA), an organization founded by women for women in 1916, has a goal, that women should have the information and care they need to live strong, healthy lives and fulfill their dreams (The History and Impact of Planned Parenthood.). Today, that goal to provide such care has helped millions of men, women, and children who could not otherwise afford it. With over 600 health clinics, Planned Parenthood provides care throughout the United States and helps many people around the world (The History and Impact of Planned Parenthood.). In fact, according to the PPFA, the organization has provided more than 4.67 million sexual and reproductive health services globally and 2.84 million of these services occurred within the United States. Of the 2.84 million, 79% were received by patients at or below 150% of the poverty line (Planned Parenthood Federation of America.). However, some forms of treatment have caused backlash. In the 1970s, abortion rights expanded, and Planned Parenthood was one of the organizations advocating for to legally establish that right for women. This turned the continued funding of Planned Parenthood into a controversial topic that remains a topic of discussion today. There are people in the United States who would like to see Planned Parenthood disbanded by the federal government and eliminate the funding of this health organization. However, Planned Parenthood does many great things for our country and closing its doors would do more harm than good. Defunding the PPFA would increase taxes and decrease accessibility to health care services and health education for countless individuals and would severely impact areas where limited opportunities exist for those services. There is no question that abortion is a topic which will always be controversial. Any situation dealing with life and death is bound to stir up many mixed emotions, strong feelings, and varied beliefs. Many people who oppose Planned Parenthood jump straight to the abortion issue upon hearing the organizations name. However, this procedure is just one of hundreds of health care services offered by Planned Parenthood. According to the Planned Parenthood 2016-2017 annual report, only 3% of all medical services [they provided] were abortion services. The main services delivered were STI testing and treatment (47%) and contraception (28%) (PPFA, 2017 n.d.). Defunding an entire program, based on a disagreement with one procedure, seems extreme and uncalled for. Planned Parenthood also provides services for contraception, STD testing, fertility testing, and pelvic exams for both men and women, along with general health care. Planned Parenthood is typically considered to be a female-specific sexual/reproductive/family planning service system (Lawrence HC, Ness DL.), however, PPFA offers a myriad of male reproductive/sexual health care options, including but not limited to treating erectile dysfunction, jock itch, infertility, premature ejaculation, prostate cancer, vasectomy procedural services, as well as TCa screening and referral services (PPFA, n.d.). PPFA also provides care for existing families, giving vaccinations for children and providing family education and support through many different situations that may occur (PPFA, n.d.). Many of clinics are placed in areas where there is no other option for these health care needs. In addition, Planned Parenthood provides these services in a manner that makes their patients feel educated, safe, and supported. This organization is not meant to be a burden on the public, but a beneficial service to those who may not have access or cannot afford health care, otherwise. According to Lawrence and Ness, services provided range from annual well-woman examinations to vaccinations. In a single year, Planned Parenthood health centers conduct more than 270,000 Pap tests and more than 360,000 breast examinations. These two tests alone are crucial to womens health and can help detect cancer at an early stage, thus saving lives. Another concern of the opposition is the thought of raising taxes to pay for someone elses health care. However, according to the Congretional Budgeting Office, barring Planned Parenthood health centers from being reimbursed through Medicaid would result in a net cost of $130 million to taxpayers over 10 years, due to an increase in unintended pregnancies without the high-quality contraceptive care Planned Parenthood provides. In fact, Planned Parenthood estimates that their health centers prevent 579,000 unintended pregnancies each year. This number includes the thousands of people receiving the distribution of oral contraceptives, IUDs, condoms, etc. Planned Parenthood is a necessary organization for our country. One must think outside their own beliefs on abortion and realize, that although the organization provides the option to terminate a pregnancy, that is not close to all they do. The numerous other services that they provide and the ability to provide them to men and women at a cost that is commensurate to their income are of vital importance. Giving everyone the opportunity to receive the education and support they need for sexual, reproductive and family help is priceless. If we defund such an important organization, it will affect over 2.4 million people in our country alone (PPFA, n.d. 2017.). It is important to remember the number of lives the organization has impacted and the number of people it has helped, as we often tend to focus primarily on the negative. Planned Parenthood is if critical importance to millions and without it, many peoples health care would be lost.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Sexual Assault And Consent Within The State Of South Carolina
In the state of South Carolina there are a number of laws regarding sexual assault and consent. Now sexual battery in the state of South Carolina includes vaginal, anal, and oral sexual intercourse as well as any intrusion such as touching. Furthermore, the legal age of consent in the state is 16. Unfortunately, if someone is 14 years of age, they can consent to have sex with someone who is 18 years of age or younger. Yet, submitting to coercion someone, especially if it’s of an aggravated nature is not considered consent. Therefore, a person could receive up to 30 years in prison for making someone have sex with them without them given consent. In the state of South Carolina the laws for rape of a minor in the first degree is when a person has sexual intercourse with a person under the age of 11 and it carries a sentence of up to 30 years in prison according to South Carolina  § 16-3-655( n.d.). Now second- degree criminal sexual conduct with a minor between the age of 11 and 14 carries up to 20 years in prison. Furthermore, if a person commits an adult rape in the state they can receive up to 20 years if it was determined that they used aggravated coercion and 30 years if they forced a victim to submit to sexual battery in the context of kidnapping, forcible confinement or extortion. Therefore, in both situations the individual involved could receive anywhere between 20 to 30 years for rape. According to my state laws the age of consent is 16 years of age, butShow MoreRelatedThe Sexual Rape Of The United States Through Legislation Regarding Marital Rape1484 Words  | 6 PagesSexism in the United States Through Legislation Regarding Marital Rape Recently, the general topic of rape has been widely discussed through various media platforms. Rape is the act of sexual assault of another person without their consent. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Analysis of Martin Luther King Jr.´s Letter From...
In the past there were many protest operated to fight for something injust or needed awareness for others to know the wrong doings that are present in our country. People fought for their rights and against the prejudice that they have to face, accomplish justice that every single one of them are fighting for. Dr. Martin Luther King, a leader of the protest against prejudice was able to pursue the rights for African American people. However eight of his fellow clergymen criticized his procedure to protest, but they still supported him. In the Letter from Birmingham Jail, King wanted to encourage others to rebel against the wrong, even if it is not wise it is right, he was optimistic and yet disappointed. In order for him to convey his tone and purpose he reaches out to people by using allusion, analogy, and ethos. King employs allusion, to appeal to his audience and convince them that what he is doing is right and necessary. In particular he refers to the Bible, Was not Paul an extremist for the Christian gospel: I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus. It is coherent that King is compelled to take a stand against the prejudice and racism like the way Paul carried the gospel of Lord Jesus. King relate back to Paul to convey his purpose that Paul suffer for what he believe in and so that his fellow clergymen must take sacrifices for a great cost. Furthermore King speaks about, Socrates felt that it was necessary to create a tension in the mind so thatShow MoreRelatedAnalysis of Martin Luther King Jr.s Letter from Birmingham Jail962 Words  | 4 Pagesintangible, it is still necessary. Some forms of inspiration come as passionate love while others appeal as injustice. Martin Luther King Jr.s Letter from Birmingham Jail was a response to A Call for Unity by eight white clergymen. His inspiration for writing the letter was the clergymens unjust proposals and the letter allowed him to present his rebuttal. Martin Luther King Jr. effectively crafted his counter argument by first directly addressing his audience, the clergymen, and then using logosRead MoreSociological Analysis of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Letter from a Birmingham Jail1214 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿ Sociological Analysis of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Letter from a Birmingham Jail Abstract The paper analyses Martin Luther King, Jr.’s â€Å"Letter from a Birmingham Jail†from a sociological point of view and shows how three major theories (structural functionalism, social conflict, and symbolic interactionism) are treated in the letter. The paper shows different appreciation of King’s ideas and works by his contemporaries and modern people. It also explores the concepts of â€Å"nonviolentRead MoreAnalysis Of Martin Luther King Jr s Letter From Birmingham Jail986 Words  | 4 Pages and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s Letter from Birmingham Jail are two important pieces of history. In Lincoln’s speech he speaks about the dangers of slavery in the United States and warned everybody that people who disrespected American laws could destroy the United States. On the other hand, Martin Luther King Jr. defended the strategy of nonviolent resistance to racism, and argued that people have a moral responsibility to break unjust laws. Based on t hese facts, Martin Luther King Jr does notRead MoreAnalysis Of Martin Luther King Jr. s Letter From Birmingham Jail1399 Words  | 6 Pagesmade. For people who are oppressed, what they see as the greater good may be vastly different from the views of those who are unoppressed. Martin Luther King Jr. s, Letter from Birmingham Jail illustrates how a seemingly innocent attempt at gaining one s rights can be seen as controversial and wrong by others. King was put into jail because of the peaceful protests he led. To those who shared King s method of thought, nonviolence would have been the way to maximize the gains in society by allowingRead MoreAnalysis Of Martin Luther King Jr.s Letter From A Birmingham Jail1493 Words  | 6 Pageswould have disagreed with this assertion, and died in part to keep this idea from spreading. Socrates was sentenced to death by an Athenian court, though the punishment did not fit the crimes he was accused of. We assume that any knowingly innocent per son would have escaped this sentence if given the opportunity and support to do so, yet Socrates refused to and died soon after. Over 2,000 years later, Martin Luther King is also imprisoned on petty crimes and sees his actions in line with SocratesRead MoreAnalysis Of Martin Luther King Jr. s Letter From Birmingham Jail1794 Words  | 8 PagesMartin Luther King Jr. s 1963 Letter from Birmingham Jail, a rhetorical masterpiece, was written in response to eight clergymen’s statements condemning his nonviolent direct actions. He defends the Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights nonviolent, direct action against individuals, institutions, and laws that look the other way while unjust racial prejudice against African Americans runs rampant in Birmingham. Using three main appeals, Ethos, Pathos, Logos, Dr. King communicates the struggleRead MoreAnalysis Of Martin Luther King Jr. s Letter From Birmingham Jail1251 Words  | 6 Pages â€Å"A just law is a man-made code t hat squares with the moral law, or the law of God. An unjust law is a code that is out of harmony with the moral law.†(3) In 1963 in this particular statement made by Martin Luther King Jr. in his Letter from Birmingham Jail, he explained how man-made (white men) laws were created to persecute the black race, and how it is his duty to fight against such laws. He was the one who articulated the progressive hope of many African Americans along with other â€Å"colored†Read MoreRhetorical Analysis Of Martin Luther King Jr s Letter From Birmingham Jail1499 Words  | 6 Pagescritically we become acquainted with these concepts therefore become better writers ourselves. While learning about rhetorical writing and composition we have analyzed Billy Collins â€Å" Commencement Address at Choate- Rosemary Hall†, Martin Luther King Jr’s â€Å"letter from Birmingham Jail†and Lloyd Bitzer’s essay on â€Å"Rhetorical Situation†. In this pa per I will analyze and make connections between the concepts of audience, genre and rhetorical situation in connection to the fore-mentioned readings. In doingRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of Martin Luther King Jr s Letter From Birmingham Jail1831 Words  | 8 Pageseffective when all three rhetorical appeals, Logos, Pathos, and Ethos, come together to form an indisputable argument. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr and Malcolm X are two of the most influential figures of the past few decades; similarly, their work is summarized as some of the most persuasive and controversial of all time. The audience of both of their pieces, â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail†and â€Å"The Ballot or the Bullet†include oppressed African Americans and the white oppressors themselves. Each man takesRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of Martin Luther King Jr. s Letter From A Birmingham Jail873 Words  | 4 PagesAfter criticism from eight Alabama clergymen for his nonviolent demonstrations, Mar tin Luther King Jr. was compelled to enlighten them on the current issues plaguing the African American community. During his confinement in a Birmingham jail, King wrote Letter from a Birmingham Jail to address most of the clergymen s concerns about his protest. In his letter, King emphasized why his actions were not unwise or untimely and explained that now was the perfect moment to act. His studies and sermons
Oppression on Women in Margaret Atwoods the Handmaids...
Oppression on Women in Margaret Atwoods The Handmaids Tale and Marjane Satrapi’s Persepolis Persepolis, by Marjane Satrapi, is memoir of a little girl growing in Iran. She refers to a secular pre revolutionary time through contrast, the oppressive characteristics of the fundamentalist government upon women in particular. Her work is a lot similar to Margaret Atwoods, A Handmaid’s Tale, in which the protagonist Offred reflects upon her former life’s freedom, cherishing her former name and in doing so emphasizes the cloistered and enslaved life that she must now endure. Although both Margaret Atwood and Satrapi show how a totalitarian state oppresses women in different ways by taking away the freedom to think and decide for oneself, both†¦show more content†¦In Haindmaid’s Tale, women are divided into a small range of social categories, each one signified by a specific-color dress in a similar style: â€Å"[†¦] her usual Marthas dress, which is dull green, like a surgeons gown of the time before. The dress is much like mine in shape, long a nd concealing, but with a bib apron over it and without the white wings and the veil. She puts on the veil to go outside, but nobody much cares who sees the face of a Martha.†(9) Martha’s are made less by their clothes. When a woman is wearing the green â€Å"Martha’s dress†no one is interested in looking at her as a person. She is just a servant. Martha’s dress makes the woman serviceable not desirable, useful but undesirable. Pride and dignity is taken away from women in Gilead. They are isolated from their families and are tortured by their memories. They are handed a dress code depending on the role they play and are forced to abide by that. After Satrapi designs a new uniform for her school, she says, â€Å"this is how I recovered my self-esteem and my dignity. For the first time in a long time, I was happy with myself†(298). Undeniably this dress code in both the books make women no longer an individual but an object for specific use, stripping them of their identities and giving them no choice. Work Cited Atwood, Margaret. The Handmaid’s Tale. New York: Anchor books, 1998. Print. Satrapi, Marjane. Persepolis. New York: Pantheon, 2003.Show MoreRelatedEssay about Handmaids Tale vs Persepolis971 Words  | 4 PagesDavid Miller Oppression on Women in Margaret Atwoods The Handmaids Tale and Marjane Satrapi’s Persepolis Marjane Satrapi, in Persepolis writes about a memoir of a little girl growing in Iran. She refers to a secular pre-revolutionary time through contrast, the oppressive characteristics of the fundamentalist government upon women in specifics. In comparison, her work is very similar to Margaret Atwood’s, A Handmaid’s Tale, in which the central character, Offred, reflects upon her former life’s
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