Thursday, October 31, 2019
Homework Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 8
Homework - Coursework Example There was a gradual escalation and then the South Vietnamese executed members of the secret police. Kennedy did not change his policies. 2. How did Johnson â€Å"Americanize†the war in Vietnam, and how effective was this strategy? Johnson did not want the reputation of the country to suffer by continuing involvement with Vietnam. But he did order air strikes on North Vietnam after hearing that North Vietnam military had fired on U.S. ships. He continued support to South Vietnam and the U.S. military became more aggressive. Military and economic assistance to the government and military of South Vietnam continued. Instead of Johnson having a defensive military presence, he changed it so that it was more of an offensive approach. Some of that pressure was also coming due to approaching presidential elections. 3. What different strategies and criticisms of society were offered by mainstream and radical feminists? (CH28) During Johnson’s time in office, he created a lot of reform that helped bring people out of poverty that helped male-headed households but worsened female-headed households. Many civil rights groups were created to protest Johnson’s changes. There were several new movements during this time so feminists could accomplish goals of equality. Women were involved in changing the collegiate environment so that there would be more religious studies programs. Women that were lesbians began a movement so that they no longer had to keep their sexuality hidden and there was a Stonewall Riot that resulted in more attention to gay rights. More women began to take jobs. Women realized their opportunities were not equal and they began to go to school more. The National Organization for Women was created for more civil rights for women and there was an investigation in the w orkplace where the Equal Pay Act of 1963 made it illegal to pay women less than men for the same
Monday, October 28, 2019
The Origin of Childhood †National Geographic Magazine Essay Example for Free
The Origin of Childhood – National Geographic Magazine Essay The article talks about the discovery of the remains of a hominin child 3.3 million year back by an Ethiopian scientist Zeresenay Alemseged. The differentiating factor of this find is the fact that the child’s bones were intact and the find itself is like digging gold in the world of archeology. The find is able to give us an in-depth knowledge about the body structure and capabilities of the hominins, it also tells us how the babies were changing from chimps to what we are now. It also draws comparisons to Lucy, the fossil of a mother 3.2 million years old which was found in the 1970’s. with the finding of the child, the family of Australopithecus afarensis is now complete and scientists are able to make conclusions about how they lived, what they could and what they could not do.                        Based on the shape of its shoulders scientists can say that this child could climb tress, also the shape and size of its knee cap suggests that this child could walk on 2 legs.                        The article also talks about how Zeresenay is one of the few Ethiopian scientists involved in this field although this part of the world has been a treasure cove for finding many remains of animals and different species of mammals. Most of the expeditions in this part of the world had mainly been foreign before Zeresenay took the lead in 1999. the article talks about their struggle as there were a couple of findings of mammals in that area but no hominins and Zeresenay’s belief that they will be able to find hominins in that part of the world. Finally in 2000, it all came true when Zeresenay’s team found the remains of a child. However, to the contrast of making a skeleton out of hundreds of small pieces of bones their challenge was quite the opposite. The remains were found in a ball of sandstone and thus Zeresenay had to cut through it with a dentist’s drill to ensure that no part of the child’s’ body was damaged and they could recover everything there was in that ball of sandstone. The result of 5 years of that effort is a treasure that he says comes only once in a lifetime.                        The startling features being a full set of both the milk teeth and unerupted adult teeth; also a bone in the throat that is considered to be the main crucial part of human speech. Other findings include a curled finger which tells us their resemblance with chimpanzees and her ribs that tell us the size of the child.                        It talks about how the knee caps of the child were the size of the pea that tells us that this ‘man’ could walk on 2 legs. What is also worth noting is that the brain of this child was very small at 330cc compared to a 5 year old human child whose brain is over a 1000cc. this tells us that the growth of the brain was slow and there is resemblance with chimpanzees there. It talks about the feet of the child that were not like a chimpanzee but rather like us humans. This meant that the child could not hang on to its mother and had to b carried by the mother, this left the mother helpless and dependant for food and other things on her mate. The scientists say this should have been the time when the bonds became stronger and that is why humans are monogamous as compared to other apes.                        The article ends by telling us that this specie did not eat meat and a million years late when man started eating meat, which is when the brain size started getting larger as 40% of our food goes into sustaining our brain. For specie that is mainly dependent on vegetables and leaves, this would have been very difficult. The article ends by saying that as the brains of the humans keep growing bigger and bigger we will have more ‘intellectual power’ to find our roots. Why I chose this article                        I am quizzical about how human life started and how and why we changed from being Chimps to being who we are today and what lies beyond our planet and if there is life on other planets. I chose this particular article because it tries to tell us or rather the whole article is about that part in time where we were still dependent on our parents but starting to live longer than other ‘close’ members of our specie.                        The human child is very weak, it can’t talk, it can’t walk, it can’t express itself in any other way apart from crying and making face expressions. Basically, it is helpless. It someone does not take care of the child, the child cannot survive.                        This article tells us about the life of a 3 year old girl who lived 3.3 Million year ago. However, the special thing about this girl is the fact that she is in one of those defining moments of time where we as specie started to separate from chimpanzees and started having the physical capabilities to live as human beings.                        Another motivation to choose this article was the way they talk about the little child. It is almost magical and makes me felt hat I have been transported into a world where I can actually visualize this child and see how we humans came about to be who we are today. The way the author talks about the scientist who discovered and painstakingly got the bones from the sandstone vs. how he talks about the parts of the honninin baby body parts brings a sense of life to that child. The biological aspect is obviously enchanting but I will talk about that in the next section.                        The articles use of graphics is phenomenal in showing how the child looked and what were the limitations of his body compared to ours, it also clearly mentions the developments of this child compared to that of his and our ancestors. An important part is the development of the brain and the hands as discusses in the earlier section. Overall, the reason to choose this article is the impact that it has had on me about human evolution. My opinion of the article and how it relates to Biology                        As I just mentioned, this article has left a beautiful impression on me about the evolution of human beings and has in a way made me fall in love with the 3 year old child from our history. I feel the article is very well written because it brings along a vivid image about the life of the child in that era and the use of imagery is phenomenal in showing us how the child looks and how it has changed to how we look now. There is also a sketch of the mother in that era holding her child and it shows how the child in that era was beginning to be dependent on his or her mother for care protection and other needs.                        The relation to biology comes from the fact that it talks about the development of the body and how it had changed from that of a chimpanzee and starting to look like ours. For example, the fingers of the child were curved and that is more like a chimpanzee however the feet of the child did not have long fingers which meant that unlike children of chimpanzees this child could not cling on to this mothers’ body as there was no grasp. It also talks about the set of milk teeth and adult teeth and their placement in the jaw or rather the jaw line, this tells us about what the child could and what it could although the food habits are not specifically mentioned in the article. The article also gives a glimpse about how the hominins lived and survived.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Consumer Behavior and Restaurant Branch Characteristics
Consumer Behavior and Restaurant Branch Characteristics Abstract: The purpose of this study is to identify the consumers behavior pattern regarding the Restaurant Branch Characteristic of Pizza Hut in Pakistan. This research has brought out how the branch location, branch ambience, branch crowd, branch service and branch size have an effect on consumer behavior and attracts and motivate the customers to visit any specific branch restaurant. For this study sample size of 100 consumers from different branches has been taken randomly on the basis of convenience sampling. Results obtained from the analysis showed that there is a positive relationship between the branch characteristics and the consumer behavior. Keywords: Branch location, Branch ambience, Branch crowd, Branch service, Branch Size, Consumer Behavior, Consumer satisfaction 1. Introduction In human life, Food is the most important element and it constantly plays an elementary role whether we live to eat or eat to live. Right from the start of this world, the food considered as the vital part for the necessity of the human body. The importance of food cannot be ostentatious from the physiological perspective only but at the same time food provides human being nourishment and also classified as a basic need of life. Food can also be differentiated as an item for consumption used to explain self actualization. Thus, an individual can argue that the food plays a multiplicity of roles mutually at individual and group level. 1.1 Overview: The dining practice is the part of hospitality industry which is very complex as in term of customer satisfaction and expectation meet. This difficulty is due to the level of customer participation in the service process. Companies are paying consideration in evaluating, studying, and implementing the marketing policy with the aim of gaining utmost market share of consumers and improving consumer maintenance in investigation of the beneficial effects on the financial performance for the business. In this study, our outline of this study to evaluate the consumer behavior while selecting any specific branch of Pizza hut. There are approximately 40 branches of Pizza hut in all over Pakistan. During the past four decades Pizza Hut has built a reputation for excellence that has earned the respect of consumers and industry experts alike. Building a leading pizza company has required relentless innovation, commitment to quality and dedication to customer service and value. The qualities of entrepreneurship, growth and leadership have characterized Pizza Huts business through more than four decades of success. Through the strength of its heritage, its culture and its people and franchisees, Pizza Hut looks forward to more success in future. Consumer behavior is a blend of perceptions, values and preferences. Beliefs are more susceptible to marketing than values for the reason that beliefs are subject matter to emotion and knowledge. An attitude and a behavior is an evaluation whether its negative or positive of a social action. An attitude toward something must not to be taken to involve that attitude constant behavior will automatically follow. The main focus of this study is to discover the consumer behavior according to the branch ambiance of Pizza Hut by focusing the factors of consumer preferences of choosing a branch of Pizza Hut restaurant that attract and motivate the customers to visit any specific branch. This is important to know that role of customer behavior because by this way the customer intentions can be determined and also give the better idea that the customer would visit to those restaurant branches again or not. 1.2 Outline of the Study: In order to study the behavior of the people to visit the branches of Pizza Hut restaurant is conducted. There are various numbers of factors that contributes towards the selection of the branch of any restaurant in the mind that has the impact in the consumer mind. This research focus on the factors those are important in the mind of the customers or on top on their preference to visit any branch of Pizza Hut. The factors that are selected for the said study are branch location, branch ambience, branch crowd, branch service and branch size. These branch characteristics have been used to analyze the reason of consumers behavior to visit to any branch of Pizza Hut restaurant. Basically the restaurants industry based on valuing to customer and their wants should be met. The general concept of dining experience is most critical while considering influential factor cause its not necessary the review research focused on all factors which are treated as dining factors. 1.3 Statement of the problem: To study the consumer behavior regarding the selection of any specific branch of Pizza Hut due to the branch characteristics that attracts and motivate the customers to visit any specific branch restaurant. Branch Characteristics includes the following: Branch location refers to the place where in actual the branch is situated. It comprises of the place or area the way towards it and the surroundings of that branch. Branch Ambiance is associated with a feeling mood or state with a particular environment. The surroundings lightings of the branch it colors the dressing of the staff all contributes towards the development of the ambience in any branch. In servicing industry like the restaurant business ambience is of the prime importance in order to attract, retain and entertain their respective customers. Branch crowd includes the type of customers visited to the particular branch of Pizza Hut. It includes type of people visited to the specific branch. A Branch service means the service quality given by the management to the customers at the particular branch of the customer. Branch Size is the occupied space by the branch that mainly includes the dining place, space and seating arrangement. 2. Literature Review Eating is a daily act and need for all human beings. Depending on individuals reason for eating at restaurants, person intentionally calculates a diverse set of features in front of choosing a restaurant. The implication involved to the restaurant attributes is eventually appraised in the consumers mind, leading to a decision of choosing a restaurant (Wakefield, 1996). The food industry is highly aggressive and patrons have also become more demanding due to sufficient knowledge and information they have about the different trends in restaurant industry which causes increase the significance of effective marketing strategies to get the competitive advantage in order to understand the wants and needs of the customers (David, 2005). Nowadays, it is fairly clear that restaurants must not be designed just in order to meet up the functional needs of the customers but at the same time it must be attractive and eye catching as well. That is the main reason design; location and size are accentuated as key marketing elements by studying the customer preferences (Kuo, 1999) The significance of elevated quality service given to business success, there are various prospective benefits for the management of restaurants from performing a customer-based assessment of the service quality veteran at their organization. In restaurant industry, the intangible nature of services means that particular specifications for the homogeneous quality of service are complicated if at all probable to set. This sometimes put together it difficult for restaurant managers, workforce and consumers to calculate, measure, assessment or confirm service productivity and service quality (Cullen, 2004) Restaurant service engages a performance in which consumers are concerned in the whole service procedure. This is due to the interaction of the clients with the service ambiance and employees throughout the consumption experience, considerate consumers sentimental reaction turn out to be vital in replicating contentment in a service ambiance. Restaurant Services has the affective processes all through the utilization stage play an instantly, unmediated role in influential customer satisfaction (Rossiter, 1978). In restaurant services, consumers habitually act like detectives as they examine for information and normalize their opinions into a set of mindset about the resultant service. The intact obsession in association to the dining features of a restaurant initiates from the dining table communicate to the consumers, with the table top used, if realistic sign apprehension the procedural excellence of the service, mostly relating to the service is bringing out competently (Radocy, 1997). The dining attributes includes the range, quality of the menu and presentation of food offerings. By means of this information, restaurant must focus their hard work on ensuring an attractive collection of drink offerings offered in alluring and unique ways. Foodstuff and drink quality is an essential dining attributes for diners representing restaurant should verify an insistent quality control schedule to make sure foodstuff and drink quality should sustain (Kuo, 1999). Understanding consumer behavior to get Customer satisfy is vital to the restaurant management for the reason that it is normally assumed to be a noteworthy determinant of replicate sales, customer loyalty and affirmative word of mouth. The more pleased the customers, the larger are their retention. The impacts of customer behavior on customer retention are bringing into being to be momentous and positive. Specially, the customer behavior will influence the intentions of consumers (Grimes, 1992). Service quality is defined as a nil defects doing it right for the first time. Information and knowledge about goods quality is inadequate to recognize service quality. In customers mind when there is no defect in the overall dining service, then they consider the quality of the food and services is good enough for them. Understanding of consumer perception of service quality and value is especially important to international service firms because such perceptions are susceptible to cultural differences (Johnson, 2004). The research shows that the effect of physical appearance on behavioral purposes for restaurant customer and finds that influence as a stronger mediator between behavioral intentions and tangible quality constructs when cognition influence actions standard is applied to the location of restaurant (Bitner, 1992). The majority of the preceding customer satisfaction researches have paid attention on recognizing the resource of customer contentment such as characteristic and attributes and on determining useful ways to establish consumers desires, wants and needs. On the other hand, significant dissimilarity comes out in the level of specify of the characteristic investigated. It was found that substantial quality has a better indirect effect than the directly affect signify facilitating the relationship among concrete quality and behavior. The significance of the apparent excellence to get the loyalty effect in restaurant industry is considered as a chief element to keep in the consumers and the business (Jaksà a, 1999). Figure 2.1 Schematic review of the concept of acceptance placed in the context of consumer preferences and satisfaction The peculiarity between preferences and expectations is regularly indistinct even if the concepts are discrete. Expectation is used to some extent contradictory senses. The act of expecting is a faith concerning what will take place in the prospect. These definitions are able to be eminent from preference that pass on to several preferred state and imply to more than a single state is probable and so as to there are various options. Unfortunately expectation is furthermore used limply to imply a demand for something plus in this sagacity is a sort of strong preference (Flynn, 1994). Branch communications engage a variety of verbal, aural and non verbal descriptions, used together to detain and grasp customers interest and to serve up as reclamation indications for later evoke. These mentioned elements can narrate to the branch identity in a significant way. Considerably, the most broadly examined elements are pricing and quality of the food (Rossiter, 1978). The main cause in this industry are the entry barriers that are generally low and any one can by far enter due to low investment required. Whenever consumer is satisfy from the arrangement by the management, the food quality give by the restaurant employee with the affirmative approach than this may increase the constancy towards the particular restaurant increases in the business revenue the word of mouth publicity of the particular restaurant (Cullen, 2004). It has been studied that a consumer gets effortlessly fascinated by more novel and complex exterior feature of restaurants. Likewise, this also leads customers to an encouraging buying feeling and leads them to visit this eye-catching restaurant. Considerate how the branch attracts the attention of the consumers from the other different restaurants, exterior looks is the initial step that show the way to success and if this can additional direct the consumer to a affirmative mood and feelings (Milliman, 1986). The restaurants entire setting, the atmospherics and the ambience are constantly very important in determining both consumers and front line employees approach about the procedures and service delivery result. This necessitates that; it was exceptionally significant that the understanding of the tangible force on service quality, like generous and physical facilities, along with the appearance of personnel. Play areas are the additional facility provided by some of the branches in order to attract small kids and the crowd are also the indicator for attracting the customers depending on the nature of the restaurants (Bitner, 1992). Customer behavior is a key element for the planning of the marketing in view of the fact that satisfaction does sway customers intention to loyalty of a consumer to the branch. Therefore, marketers are supposed to look into the issues that would have an effect on customer preferences intensity. Besides, as customer prospect are altering over time and it is advised to determine the customer satisfaction, preferences and expectation on regular basis and grip complaints timely and effectively. 3. Research Methods The food industry is highly aggressive and patrons have also become more demanding due to sufficient knowledge and information they have about the different trends in restaurant industry which causes increase the significance of effective marketing strategies to get the competitive advantage in order to understand the wants and needs of the customers with the purpose of securing long term loyalty of the customer to their brand. A description of the approach used to develop the questionnaire for consumer testing Pizza Hut in a commercial environment. Sampling technique and Sample size: Sample size used for this study was 100 respondents. The sampling technique used in this study was convenience sampling method. Respondents: The data used in this research was collected from the customers including both male and female having the age from 14 and onwards from different branches of pizza hut restaurants. Mostly respondents gave us the positive feedback. Procedure of data collection: Data would be collected through survey by visiting at several branches of pizza hut which is a personal way of collecting data. Customers waiting time when they were waiting for their turn to get seated in peak times While customers are selecting the salads from the salad corner. 4. Research Results The restaurant industry has undoubtedly not been free from either augmented competition or from increasing customer expectations regarding quality. In the greatly competitive food industry, large operators chain have a propensity to gain competitive gain in the course of cost leadership, likely only due to standardization and economies of scale beginning from large market shares, while smaller, independent restaurants on the other hand endeavor to gain benefit through differentiation. The food industry is greatly aggressive and customers have also grown to be more demanding due to adequate awareness and information they have about the diverse styles in restaurant industry which increase the consequence of successful marketing strategies to obtain the competitive advantage to understand the requirements and desires of the customers Table 3.1 The above table divides the data in terms of gender. Gender is one of the most important demographic factors when it comes to the behavioural studies. In order to get the equal and variety of responses, the selection of the respondents was taken up with great care of so, that different aspect would be covered and highlighted. In the above data set the no of mail respondents were 44 and the total no of female respondents were 56. The male represents the 44% of our data set while the female is on majority and represents 56% of the total data set. Table 3.2 Customer behavior and preferences are the key element for the planning of the marketing in view of the fact that satisfaction does sway customers intention to loyalty of a consumer to the branch. Therefore, marketers are supposed to look into the issues that would have an effect on customer preferences intensity. Besides, as customer prospect are altering over time and it is advised to determine the customer satisfaction, preferences and expectation on regular basis and grip complaints timely and effectively. The above table displays the rating of factors with respect to the importance in the perception of the customers that affects the consumer behavior while selecting the branch. The total sample size for the analysis was equal to 100 (N=100). If we analyze the above table the mean value of the branch service among all of the variables is on the higher side its value is equal to 3.52 approximately 4 conveys an idea that the service provided by any branch is the most important factor among the all that have been studied for the said study. Branch service includes the welcome given by the staff of the branch to its customers, the time they took to book the order of their customers, the way staff members respond to the order of the customers and in the time of need help their customers to get things finalize for the final order placement. The second most important part of the branch service is the serving time (time they take to serve the order) a more delayed serving of the order develops the bad impression about the branch and there would be a less likelihood of the customers to visit the particular branch again. If we study in too deep the branch service also incorporates the attention of the staff after the placement of t he order it doesnt mean that one staff member should always be standing on the head of customer but, to make sure that if people would be required with any other thing during their meal time it should be provided on time. Branch service is the most important factor in the mind of the customer and the branch managers should take care that their service quality is on higher side and doesnt ever compromise on it which helps them to get the customer satisfaction which is defined as the consumers fulfillment response. It is a judgment that the service or product features, its attributes provided a delightful level of consumption associated achievement including levels of under fulfillment or over fulfillment. This definition of satisfaction proposes that the assessment method covers the whole utilization experience and this creates the preferences for a particular branch by a consumer. This feature is essential in the learning of consumer satisfaction and preferences in services, given t he empirical, interactive character of service encounter. It facilitates in creating feelings and develops sense of affection towards the particular branch restaurant resulting in a stronger influence on consumer behavior towards the branch. Restaurant strives for instructive affirmative feelings to their brand name by stage management tangible attributes. Consumers compare service quality with cost to determine service value with one branch to another. Service cost is basically what consumers have to give up or sacrifice to obtain a desired service. Since it has a negative impact on consumers budgets, it would have a negative influence on their perceptions of service value. The concept of cost can be extended to include nonmonetary cost such a service time. Service time is the amount of time during which a service is provided. Since most customers would like to have faster services, service time would affect perceived service value in the same way monetary cost would After the Branch service the second most important factor in our study is the branch location the place where the branch is situated. The mean value of the branch location is 3.25 approximately 4 means customer also think of this factor while deciding which branch to opt for their meal time. Branch Location includes the availability of the parking, reputation of the area, past record of criminal activities and lot more. Branch location is also one of the most important factors while visiting any branch for the meal. The convenience of location is very important that includes the parking space, seating availability in the restaurant; the nearness to roof-tops like peoples residence, hotels, and motels is significant for the accomplishment of restaurants all through the dinner mealtime duration. The cost of attaining parking near to a restaurant is sighted as a non-revenue generating expenditure. The impact of location of branches and food service has a positive association with the co nsumer behavior due to the reason of busy schedule of the people nowadays. Some customer prefers buying the food or dining in the restaurant located nearer to their offices and/or home. The third most important factor is the branch crowd, if we look at its mean values it is around 2.35. On the basis of our analysis scale, it is rated as some way in between unimportant and neutral means that in the selection of the branch outlet is also considered after the above two that we discussed earlier. Usually the people belong to the upper class visit the selected restaurant outlets, the crowd factor is of least important but, it is important as it has been observed in the restaurant industry that people from the upper class opt those branches that have a high number of visiting people belong to the upper end class. Factors like branch size and ambience are of not that much important comparing to other factors in our results this is due to the fact that the selected outlet is on the higher side in these terms. In restaurants tangibles are appropriate to the restaurants physical facilities, paraphernalia and manifestation of personnel. While restaurant consumers do not take d elivery of only serving of food, but also a huge component of service, they undeniably depend on earlier indication in the deficiency of tangible verification by which to measure service quality. In restaurant branches ambiance fundamentals are surface and texture, smell, color, sound, and texture inducing intuitive reactions in restaurant atmosphere that persuades purchase likelihood known as the mechanical clues. For paradigm, the aroma of chocolate chip cookies baking generates affectionate feelings, and stimulates their enthusiasm for a treat. The restaurants entire setting, the atmospherics and the ambience are important in determining both consumers and front line employees approach about the procedures and service delivery result. This necessitates that; it was exceptionally significant that the understanding of the tangible force on service quality, like generous and physical facilities, along with the appearance of personnel. In our result, ambiance might not be the most im portant factor due to not having any Play areas that considered additional facility provided by some of the branches of differences food chains in order to attract small kids also the indicator for attracting the customers depending on the nature of the restaurants The selected outlet branches are already known for their ambience and size; they have adopted a theme for their restaurant that has been practice in each of their branch so, when customer visits any of their branches they find out the same theme therefore, in the selected retail outlet its importance is on very lower side. Below are the pie charts representing the two most important factors of the study branch location and branch service. The other factors are not significant as these two are their pie chart are as follows 3.3 Branch Service Statistics The above pie chart represents the most important factor in our study that is Branch Service if we study the above pie chart the responses were constant in the three categories means that people have mix responses with respect to the branch service of the selected outlets. The 52% of the respondents were considered the Brach service is the important factor when it comes to select ion any outlet. Mangers do focus and make corrective action in their services of the respective branch. 3.4 Branch Location Statistics The above pie chart represents the second most important factor in our study that is Branch Location if we study the above pie chart the responses were mixed in the selected categories means that people have mix responses with respect to the branch location. The 38 respondents were considered the Brach Location is the Highly Important factor when it comes to selection any outlet. Top Management does focus and should perform the background study before choosing any location for the opening of their branch. 4. Conclusion In todays promptness and increasingly more competitive market, the bottom line of a companys strategies is to make income and add to the development of the company. Customer gratification, superiority of the service, satisfaction, quality and retention are the matters that persuade all organizations including profit or non-profit large or small and multinational or national. Customer behavior for restaurant branch is regularly used as a sign of whether consumer will come back to a restaurant. Whereas there is no agreement of a satisfied customers repeat visit, it is nearly certain that a not satisfied consumer will not return. A study of the basics or attributes of consumer preference be supposed to give indication concerning what action a restaurant service manager must take to raise the probability that consumers will appear back. It appears that study is not often concluded that the remarkable rate of malfunction in the restaurant service industry advices that the management can find the targets of converting consumer preference into financial achievement a vague one. We accept as true that restaurant failures are partially a consequence of managements lack of strategic direction in determining and focusing on customer contentment and preference. Research has shown that Consumers consider branch service, Branch Location and Branch Crowd as the most important element while choosing any Pizza Hut branch. Achieving the customer satisfactions leads towards market share as well as loyalty towards restaurants and to maintain the progress which is necessary to keep the effective measure in terms of customer demands and fulfillments. Though, it is understood that restaurant possessor would like to identify the strongest influence on re-patronage intentions. A study divulges that customer behavior is the better predictor of intention comparing to service quality to repurchase. Increasing trend in re-patronage is always due to service quality which is provided by the management to the consumers and at the same time customer should be satisfied. Any of the factor missing may cause the decrease in loyalty of the customer towards that particular branch and customers would be unwilling to re-visit for dining to the same restaurant.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Free Essay: Metaphors in Sonnet 73 :: Sonnet essays
Metaphors in Sonnet 73 Â "Sonnet 73" by William Shakespeare contains many metaphors to form a descriptive image. Shakespeare used conceits, which are "fanciful extended metaphors" (567), used in love poems of earlier centuries. Shakespeare used these beautifully in "Sonnet 73." A metaphor is a "brief, compressed comparison that talks about one thing as if it were another" (554). Shakespeare expresses three major metaphors in this sonnet. The first is about age, the second about death, and of course, love follows. These three metaphors create an enjoyable poem. The first metahphor that Shakespeare uses is that of a tree in the fall. He compares himself to the tree by saying 'That time of year thou mayst in me behold when yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang upon those boughs which shake against the cold". Shakespeare compares his aging self to the aging tree. Just as the tree is losing its' leaves, Shakespeare could be losing his hair. Just as the tree is getting brittle, Shakespears bones are getting old and feeble. Most importantly, Shakespeare doesn't say that he is actually going through this downfall, but that his lover percieves it in him. Another metaphor in this sonnet is the comparison of death to nightfall, "In me thou seest the twilight of such day" (568). He continues, "Which by and by black night doth take away, death's second self, that seals up all rest" (568). Shakespeare perfectly describes death as the fading of a bright day to a dark black night. The third, and final, metaphor is when Shakespeare is comparing himself to the fire. Shakespeare beautifully states, "In me thou seest the glowing of such fire that on the ashes of his youth lie, as the deathbed whereon it must expire, consumed with that which it was nourished by" (568). . As the fire is dying so is Shakespeare. Â In conclusion, Shakespeare combines these three ideas in a two line follow-up, "This thou perceivest, which makes thy love more strong, to love that well which thou must leave ere long" (568). In this he relates all three objects, aging, death, and love, to each other. He is saying that one must enjoy love when he has it because it soon grows old and must die. He is also making the point that his lover is a good person for staying with him in his old age.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Children at work
This generation of parents have become more worried about what their children are watching and playing and because of this productiveness's The British Board of Film Classification (BBC) was established to give age ratings to movies. The board began fully operating in 1985 and since then they have rated thousands of movies.This wasn't a problem in the ass's as parents Just accompanied their children in the movies they couldn't watch alone but because of the growing amount of violence, sexual content and swearing in major motion pictures these days, parents are a lot more reluctant in coming with their children to those blockbuster flimsy they really wanted to watch. The main themes movies are rated with are: violence, sex, drugs, profanity, nudity, gambling or other types of mature content.However these themes are becoming more prevalent in movies these days and children learn about these things at a younger age so they should be comfortable with these topics. These age rating stop t he kids from coming to terms with these topics and it would be much better if they learnt about these things In a movie then through peer pressure and experience. Besides parents underestimate how much their children really know about these tauter topics and the amount of swearing In a mature movie Is about the same thing that you would hear in a high school.This Is why I believe age ratings are pointless and should be eradicated as they aren't really protected the children from anything just making them want to watch It more, as something becomes more desirable when its not allowed. The same applies to video games but Its a slightly different scenario as It costs only 10 pounds to watch a movie but about 40 pounds to buy a video game.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
The Plagues Place in History essays
The Plague's Place in History essays The Plagues Place in History The pestilence deeply affected individual and family behavior and consciousness. It put severe strains on the social, political and economic systems...Nothing like this had happened before or since in the recorded history of mankind and the men and women of the fourteenth century would never be the same (Norman F. Cantor). General scientific opinion is that, among other very deadly diseases like H.I.V. and the West Nile virus, the bubonic plague came to the world from the southern region of Africa and swept up through the Nile Valley in to Europe and the rest of the world. Though it had occurred numerous times before and would occur numerous times later, the most significant attack of the bubonic plague on the world would be in 1348 and 1349. In these times it would come to be known as The Black Death, The Pestilence, and quite simply The Plague. During these years it devastated the Western world especially England. Many believe that in fact that the Black Death ushered out the old world and allowed for the new world that we see today to be born. Though the plague was in fact a harsh blow to European society, it had deep-seated consequences with families and individuals. One of these families affected was the royal Plantagenets. They were a royal family whose influence was spreading all over Europe. One of the members of this family, fifteen-year-old Princess Joan was set to marry the heir to the throne of Castille, and thusly further the Plantagenets influence. But she was killed by the plague in Bordeaux, taking away an important diplomatic and influential opportunity for Plantagenets who may have someday dominated all of Europe with their influence. But the plague was not picky about those that it killed or those that it whipped about in its path. As the plague killed more and more people, there were fewer peop...
Monday, October 21, 2019
5 Cases of Dangling Modifiers
5 Cases of Dangling Modifiers 5 Cases of Dangling Modifiers 5 Cases of Dangling Modifiers By Mark Nichol Take care that when you begin a sentence with a subordinate clause- a string of words that does not stand on its own as a complete statement but supports the main clause- the modifying phrase pertains to the sentence’s subject and not to some other noun or noun phrase. Here are five sentences that fail the test, with explanations and revisions. 1. Despite being reluctant to start a film career, Alan Rickman’s initial foray into cinema found him nearly stealing Die Hard away from Bruce Willis and cementing his status as a master of memorable bad guys. This sentence suggests that Alan Rickman’s movie debut was reluctant to begin a career in film. The modifying phrase must refer specifically to the person, not to a reference to something about the person, to repair this illogical error; simply insert his name, change the adjective reluctant to the noun reluctance, and, in the subject of the sentence, change his name to a pronoun: â€Å"Despite Alan Rickman’s reluctance about starting a film career, his initial foray into cinema found him nearly stealing Die Hard away from Bruce Willis and cementing his status as a master of memorable bad guys.†2. Stopped up on blocks, I can see the boat from keel to top deck. Writers (or their editors) can often fix dangling modifiers- here, the writer describes herself, not the boat, as being stopped up on blocks- by starting the sentence with a subject and inserting the modifier as a parenthetical in the middle of the sentence: â€Å"I can see the boat, stopped up on blocks, from keel to top deck.†3. Undrafted in 1987, the team welcomed John Smith to the franchise. John Smith, not the team, was undrafted in 1987, so, as with the previous example, exchange the modifying phrase and the subject to create a correct sentence: â€Å"The team welcomed John Smith, undrafted in 1987, to the franchise. 4. Bottled at the source, natural pressure forces the water toward a sealed delivery system. Again, starting with the subject is usually the best approach to repairing a dangling modifier. The water, not natural pressure, is bottled at the source, as is obvious in this revision: â€Å"The water, bottled at the source, is carried by natural pressure toward a sealed delivery system.†5. With a successful track record at a young age, Smith decided that Jones was the man for the job. Who has the successful track record at a young age? The context may not be clear from this sentence presented in isolation, but Smith, the prospective employer, is impressed with job candidate Jones’s background, though the impressive track record could also pertain to Smith, so Jones’s name should be attached to the achievement to make it clear that this is what Smith finds appealing about Jones: â€Å"With Jones’s successful track record at a young age, Smith decided that he was the man for the job.†Better yet, also provide the sentence with a stronger start to replace the weak with: â€Å"Impressed by Jones’s successful track record at a young age, Smith decided that he was the man for the job.†Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:4 Types of Gerunds and Gerund PhrasesTelling a Good Poem from a Bad OneWriting a Thank You Note
Sunday, October 20, 2019
The laws Governing Marijuana essays
The laws Governing Marijuana essays In todays day and age certain American laws are or seem to be flawed a bit. The legal system is in place to serve and protect. We are guaranteed certain freedoms as Americans, but the reality is we really arent all that free. The legalization of marijuana is a pressing issue in our socioety today. It is in Americas best interest to examine its laws on this matter. There is no need for complete and total legalization on all forms. However there is a need for decriminalization and tolerance. The law should be changed and reexamined. As the law stands it is unlawful for any American to posses, grow, or smoke marijuana. No one should be allowed to grow marijuana, except for government-licensed growers. The growers should distribute the product as they see fit, but only to businesses. By the time marijuana reaches the publics hands it should be heavily taxed, much in the same way as tobacco. The money the government could make on the taxes alone would get the national debt in a better standing. The goal would be for the government to control all aspects of production and distrobution. With this new law in place the idea would be to erase black markets sales. Any black market sales should be strictly dealt with in a legal way. This is something that is in place today in our country. These punishments should actually strengthen, and hopefully scare peopl for the black market. In that event people would be less likely to buy black market product, and and the same time be less likely to sell as well. This could further progress this law along the way. Marijuana being illegal actually increases the national debt. This may not seem like a big deal to you, but in the eyes of many Americans it is. Billions of dollars go out every year in black market purchases of marijuana. The government could make those billions back easily if they legalized and taxed this product. Most illegal drugs can be or are l...
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Pleaes .Require ....Paraphrase..rewrttin...Reflection 300 word Essay - 1
Pleaes .Require ....Paraphrase..rewrttin...Reflection 300 word - Essay Example I was a bit sad to realize that it was the same I had leant in the Diploma. There was hardly any thing new in the first two weeks. Soon after that, the lab work began and we started doing tutorials. Although I have already had some practical experience with patients, yet it was a nice opportunity to learn the theory of my practice regarding interaction with the patients and their care in general. In the lab work, we were taught how to make the patient feel better with the minimum dose of radiation. In addition to that, I learned to work in a team and to reflect upon my experiences. I believe that the skill to reflect is essential for success in practical life. Concluding, I would say that I gained a lot in the first semester, and it was undoubtedly, a nice start for the degree. I particularly realized that in order to improve as a professional, we have to keep studying further. There is no ultimate destination of knowledge. In order to keep ourselves updated on latest information, we should keep in touch with the evolving literature.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Write paper on PREHENSION Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Write on PREHENSION - Research Paper Example movements of the several segments of fingers and hand we can hold, maintain, release, take the hand to objects or handle them and move them in all directions. Although the hand has multiple functions, the essential function is prehension. Such capacity appears from the tweezers lobster to the hand of the monkey, but in humans prehension reached its highest degree of functionality. This is due to a particular provision of thumb, which may object to all other fingers (Kapandji 1980).Human manipulative tasks are carried out by hand movements, that frequently involve forceful movements and prehension. The movement of the thumb causes the hand to be aligned with the forearm, resulting in a slight ulnar deviation of the wrist. The large number of muscles and joints of the hand obviously provides the equipment for numerous and varied patterns of movement. Not so evident, but equally important in determining complexity and dexterity of motion, are the large areas of the cerebral cortex given over to the coordination of motion and sensation in the hand. Thus, in the motor cortex the area devoted to the hands approximately equals the total area devoted to arms, trunk, and legs. This circumstance ensures great potentiality for coordinated movement and for learning new activities. Similarly, the sensory areas are large, so that they determine such advanced functions as stereognosis, the ability to recognize the shape of an object simply by holding it in the hand. The great tactile sensitivity of the hand is, of course, in large part due to the rich supply of sense organs in the hand surface itself. The threshold for touch in the finger tip, for example, is 2 gm. per sq. mm. as compared to 33 and 26 for the forearm and abdomen respectively. Insertion of flexor and extensor muscle systems into several major segments along the proximal distal axis provides a variety of flexion extension patterns in the digits. With these attachments, fixation of carpal and metacarpal
Effective Assessment Strategy Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 9750 words
Effective Assessment Strategy - Dissertation Example nt of the new learner's linguistic proficiency level and in the subsequent placing of these learners in a class which corresponds to their level (Gottlieb, 2006). As a pre-entry level to basic ESOL tutor, I can confirm the imperatives of accurate assessment of individual learner levels. While conceding to the fact that differentiations in linguistic proficiency, areas of weakness, strengths and capacity to assimilate exist between any two learners, the tutor's capacity to design an effective Group Learning Plan (GLP), is largely dependant on the accuracy of the assessment tests. Quite simply stated, should assessment be inaccurate, resulting in some learners being placed in a higher level, they will not be able to follow the GLP and may not comprehend the tutor's in-class explanations and instructions. Samway (2006) confirms this last point and provides confirmatory empirical evidence which effectively illustrates that should initial assessment tests erroneously place ESOL students in a higher level, the student in question, not having the requisite linguistic proficiency skills to assimilate lectures and discussions or to comprehend the assig ned reading material, will simply not benefit. Consequently, it is absolutely imperative that initial assessment tests accurately reflect the new students linguistic and numeracy skill level. Bearing the import of initial assessment in mind, this research aims to determine whether or not Carshalton College, where I work, has an effective assessment strategy and constructively exploits assessment to promote the government's widening participation objective. In order to fulfil the above articulated objective, the research shall undertake the critical analysis and examination of a number of pertinent and interrelated issues.... In 1999, a committee chaired by Sir Claus Moser, investigated the linguistic, reading, writing, and maths skills’ deficiencies which confront numerous adults in England. The committee, publishing its findings in a report entitled Fresh Start, clarified all of the scope, extent and range of the problem and, more importantly, sought the identification of the means and ways by which this problem may be confronted. Among the report’s key findings were: †¢ Approximately 7 million adults across England do not have the reading, writing and English language skills of an 11 year old and an even greater number lacked basic maths skills (A Fresh Start, 1999). †¢ Approximately half a million adults across England, referred to as ESOL learners, have difficulties comprehending and speaking English because it is not their first language (A Fresh Start, 1999). †¢ People with lower levels of linguistic, numeracy and literacy skills tend to be unemployed or, if employed, earn very low incomes. More importantly, their opportunities for improving their livelihood are severely limited by their linguistic, numeracy and literacy skills (A Fresh Start, 1999). †¢ People with lower levels of linguistic, numeracy and literacy skills are vulnerable to ill-health and mental problems. In addition, they are socially marginalised (A Fresh Start, 1999). The government responded to the Moser report through the articulation of a national strategy whose key goal was the extension of the requisite help for adults who needed to improve their English language, reading, writing and maths skills was launched.
Compare the spread of Christianity to the spread of Islam in Africa Essay - 7
Compare the spread of Christianity to the spread of Islam in Africa south of the Sahara - Essay Example Muslims will vote for a politician who shares their religious belief and who will expect that those in power should open the door to those in need. The Pentecostal Christianity spreading in South Africa has been labeled the â€Å"religion of prosperity,†promising financial success by virtue of becoming a Christianâ€â€without having to hike to the nearest emir and beg for one’s cause.The Muslim community held a different power over non-Muslims, who were also non-Christians, in more remote regions. The Muslim community traditionally forced them into slavery. The alternative was to join up with one religion or the other. Pentecostalism represents most of the Christian conversion because it is spirit-based and their ecstatic form of worship is easily embraced by South Africans. Initially, jihad in southern Africa took the form of infighting between Muslim communities, at issue over whose religion was the purer. Likewise, the Pentecostal churches frequently split and er ect new churches. As new churches crop up, it appears that Christianity is spreading and eradicating the Muslim community. This creates fear, and reprisal, between Muslims and Christians over an illusion.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
U.S. criminal justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
U.S. criminal justice - Essay Example The objectives of the criminal justice system ensure safety of the society through justice for individual, personal liberty and the right to due process.All these objectives make it absolutely certain that rule of law prevail and justice is served. The 17,500 law enforcement agencies of the country are trying very hard to achieve these objectives (Hudzik, J. 2010).The extent to which the United States criminal justice system has achieved these goals. It has been successful in securing the rights of the individuals. United States of America is considered a just society all over the world because of its justice system however there are many improvements that can be made to better beef up the process of criminal justice. But at the same it is important to understand what individuals demand from the criminal justice system and how these demands are fulfilled. Goals of individuals include social justice, equality before law, protection of society and freedom for fear. All these goals safe guard the interest of the individuals. The extent to which these goals are covered by U.S. criminal justice system is difficult to say because some of these goals are of conflicting nature but at the same time we cannot dismiss the criminal justice system of the country. United States criminal justice system is doing a very good job in allowing personal liberty and the right to due process. All these goals are being achieved and one can say this because all the procedures are followed and there are less loop holes in the system. The 4th, 5th, 6th and 8th amendments secure personal rights and liberties, and protect citizens from unreasonable searches (Howard, J. 2009). There are still roam for injustices but United States criminal justice system is going in the right direction in fulfilling its goal. Prejudice is an element that cannot be ignored and that restrains the objectivity of the criminal justice system. This has been seen in the case of minorities because minorities do not g et proportional representation in courts and that affects the criminal justice system (Santiago, C. 2011). This is another way in which the goal of individual justice is not fully achieved by the criminal justice system. The goal of human dignity is sometimes not fully achieved under the criminal justice system of the country. The reason being that maximum protection prison face mistreatment and also the criminals convicted of hideous crimes like child abuse or serial killing face treatment that is not fit for human (Sociology of Criminal Justice, 2010). Human dignity is important for even the cruelest of criminals but it is hard to attain this goal given that the emotions of guards and other prison officers also come into play. This is one grey area where attention is needed. There are both conflicts and similarities between the goals of the criminal justice system and the goals of the individual. The criminal justice system cares about individuals so that no one is wrongfully conv icted. This is especially important to ensure that everyone gets a fair chance to trail and all the rights of the individuals are safeguarded. Personal liberty is one of the goals of criminal justice system that conflicts with the goal of the individual for protection of society. Society may need protection more than ever in this age of terrorism. Getting warrants from the proper authorities might take long and that can allow the terrorists to come into action and as a result valuable lives are put to risk. The security risk in United States is so much that people protested on the trial of 9/11 attacks that were being held in Newburg (Livingston, B. 2010). This shows the conflict between goals of individual and goal of criminal justice. Justice for individual is another goal criminal justice system that clashes with the idea of social justice in some ways. When a murderer is
Customization Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Customization - Assignment Example From this study ity is clear that service industry occupies an important position in the economy of the developing as well as the developed nations. Several studies related to the hospitality industry suggest that the gap between the customer expectation and customer perception can be closed by implementing new innovation in the quality of service. Most of the operating systems available in the travel, tourism and hospitality sector have a direct and immediate impact on the customer. The operations functions of hospitality sector include timely service, quality products and extremely good behaviour with customers. The service design and delivery of hospitality sector is broadly classified into standardization and customization of services. In the contemporary era, customization of products and services are highly valued by customers. In order to enhance the quality of service in hospitality sector, it is essential that customer judgments, outcomes, delivery and customer panels are gi ven importance. Proper marketing of brand is very important regarding hospitality sector. From this paper it is clear that the customers prefer to visit places that have high quality brand image as well as reputation in the hospitality market. The existing customer-base of hospitality sectors expects standardized quality regarding products and services. But, the consumers in the modern and contemporary era expect customized service design and service delivery process. This essay will argue for customized service design and service delivery processes are more demanding comparing to the standardized process. With respect to commercial hospitality, it is important that both standardization and customization factors of service design and delivery are enhanced. Travel, tourism and hospitality have several implications towards the management of operations. For standardizing design and delivery of hospitality services, the key factor is to deliver on the promise made to customers.Â
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Compare the spread of Christianity to the spread of Islam in Africa Essay - 7
Compare the spread of Christianity to the spread of Islam in Africa south of the Sahara - Essay Example Muslims will vote for a politician who shares their religious belief and who will expect that those in power should open the door to those in need. The Pentecostal Christianity spreading in South Africa has been labeled the â€Å"religion of prosperity,†promising financial success by virtue of becoming a Christianâ€â€without having to hike to the nearest emir and beg for one’s cause.The Muslim community held a different power over non-Muslims, who were also non-Christians, in more remote regions. The Muslim community traditionally forced them into slavery. The alternative was to join up with one religion or the other. Pentecostalism represents most of the Christian conversion because it is spirit-based and their ecstatic form of worship is easily embraced by South Africans. Initially, jihad in southern Africa took the form of infighting between Muslim communities, at issue over whose religion was the purer. Likewise, the Pentecostal churches frequently split and er ect new churches. As new churches crop up, it appears that Christianity is spreading and eradicating the Muslim community. This creates fear, and reprisal, between Muslims and Christians over an illusion.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Customization Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Customization - Assignment Example From this study ity is clear that service industry occupies an important position in the economy of the developing as well as the developed nations. Several studies related to the hospitality industry suggest that the gap between the customer expectation and customer perception can be closed by implementing new innovation in the quality of service. Most of the operating systems available in the travel, tourism and hospitality sector have a direct and immediate impact on the customer. The operations functions of hospitality sector include timely service, quality products and extremely good behaviour with customers. The service design and delivery of hospitality sector is broadly classified into standardization and customization of services. In the contemporary era, customization of products and services are highly valued by customers. In order to enhance the quality of service in hospitality sector, it is essential that customer judgments, outcomes, delivery and customer panels are gi ven importance. Proper marketing of brand is very important regarding hospitality sector. From this paper it is clear that the customers prefer to visit places that have high quality brand image as well as reputation in the hospitality market. The existing customer-base of hospitality sectors expects standardized quality regarding products and services. But, the consumers in the modern and contemporary era expect customized service design and service delivery process. This essay will argue for customized service design and service delivery processes are more demanding comparing to the standardized process. With respect to commercial hospitality, it is important that both standardization and customization factors of service design and delivery are enhanced. Travel, tourism and hospitality have several implications towards the management of operations. For standardizing design and delivery of hospitality services, the key factor is to deliver on the promise made to customers.Â
Solar Energy Essay Example for Free
Solar Energy Essay |The increasing cost of energy and the reality of almost-depleted oil resources have driven man to discover alternative sources. And now, the human race has turned to the basic elements of nature by harnessing energy from wind, water, and the sun. Solar energy is a renewable form of energy and has been a major focus as an alternative source. It offers promising potentials as a clean renewable form of energy but it also has its limitations. Sun, as our closest star, is practically an indirect and direct source of available energy here on Earth.  But it was only until recently that the potentials of solar energy appealed to society as it has been greatly improved through research and study. The sun’s energy originates from the nuclear reactions at its core where temperature reaches 15 millions  °C. It reaches the Earth’s surface in form of light and heat and can be gained at 1Kw/ m2 under optimal conditions. In order to use solar radiation there has to be a way to capture the energy. Solar panels are invented to collect the sun’s energy and can de converted directly or indirectly  ¦to other forms of energy, such as heat and electricity.  Applications of solar energy can be for heating/cooling, electricity production, and chemical processes such as in solar detoxification technologies for cleaning water and air. There are many advantages of solar energy over other conventional forms.  As a renewable form of energy, the primary benefit of this is that it will never run out. The sun provides unlimited supply of solar energy, and is virtually free after the user recovers the initial cost of installation. The use of solar panels in homes does not need fuels and produces no waste or pollution. The Clean Energy Ideas website further presented on the advantages of solar power that the only pollution that could be associated with this is may be during the production of the cell and transportation to ones home. But by the time that it is installed, this solar power system has the total lack of pollution given off. Solar energy also has the ability to harness power in remote locations. It has an advantage to bring electricity in the remote places on earth as long as the sun contains enough energy in that location. Mountain communities, for example, could benefit a lot from the electricity powered by solar energy as constructing conventional power lines in these places will be very difficult or near impossible due to expensive cost it would incur. Solar energy power system can be stand alone structures that do not require connection to power or natural gas grid. A major limitation of solar energy is its ability to collect and store energy so there is a constant power supply. Since it cannot function at night when the sun’s power is not available or in places where the sun is not able to provide enough energy for the amount of energy needed for use, there are times that back up energy source is needed. The irregular and variable manner that solar energy arrives on earth limits the use of this form of energy. Large areas are also needed to collect it at a useful rate. In the United Kingdom, for example, where the country experiences not a very sunny climate, solar power is use only for low power application.  Jesse Ausebel of the of the Rockefeller University in New York in his article for the Indersciences International Journal of Nuclear Governance, Economy and Ecology, claims that renewable energy is not always green (Inderscience, 2007). He criticized solar power since a â€Å"photovoltaic solar cell plant would require painting black about than 150 square kilometers plus land for storage and retrieval to equal a 1000 MWe nuclear plant†. Since this form of renewable energy involves vast infrastructure, such as concrete, steel, and access roads, Ausebel further added that As a Green, one of my credos is no new structures but renewables all involve ten times or more stuff per kilowatt as natural gas or nuclear, (Inderscience, 2007). The initial cost of installation of solar panels or building solar power stations can be very expensive, discouraging some of the could-be users of solar energy. It has appealed mostly to the affluent members of society and environment advocates because buying and installing solar power equipment can cost $15,000 for an average-size home before any current starts to flow a John Greenwald wrote in his article for Time magazine (Greenwald, 1993). Advance studies and research, however, are trying to lower the cost of installation so that this could be accessible to more people. The technology in harnessing the potentials of solar energy is getting better and cheaper with the passing years. The price of photovoltaic cells that convert sunlight to electricity has fallen from $500 a watt in the 1960s to about $4 in the 1990s and companies are still finding ways to reduce the cost for residential use (Greenwald, 1993). As the technology is getting better, support from the federal government are also coming in. Jimmy Carter earlier created tax breaks to spur solar development but this was later scrapped by Ronald Reagan who viewed this as meddling in the energy business, which impeded the development of renewable energy for about 10 years (Greenwald, 1993). With the current situation of our environment, however, the government and the society in general recognizes the need and benefit from developing and improving solar energy. The use of solar energy for electricity is not a farfetched idea as the technology has gone through vast improvements. Researchers believe that solar energy is soon going to play a major role in electricity generation for the masses. Production of this on a larger scale are being studied and improved. Budget allocations for these research and studies are being increased in countries around the world signifying that people are finally recognizing the advantages of this renewable form of energy. Energy is needed to spur human activities. Solar energy indeed poses promising potentials in a society where conventional sources of energy are near depletion. Undeniably, the solar energy has its limitations, but these are slowly and surely overcome with technological advances and it will not be for long when this energy form will be produced in a larger scale and cheaper rate accessible for homes around the globe. WORKS CITED:  Clean Energy Ideas. Greenwald, John. Here Comes the Sun. 18 October 1993. Time magazine.,9171,979413-3,00.html A Brief Introduction to Solar Energy. My Solar Power at Home. Natural Resources Canada. Renewable Energy. Renewable Energy Wrecks Environment, According To Researcher. Inderscience Publishers. 25 July 2007
Monday, October 14, 2019
Achievements Of Mikhail Baryshnikov As A Dancer
Achievements Of Mikhail Baryshnikov As A Dancer This paper is focused on dance as a form of performing arts. The paper looks at the history of dance and it looks at the life, contributions to the dance world and accomplishments that Mikhail Baryshnikov has had thought his carrer. This paper is a research paper aims at looking at the history of Mikhail Baryshnikov and how he has influenced dance. It has also highlighted his varius achievements that have been the highlight of his dancing carrer. (Sally Banes 2003 150) Mikhail Baryshnikov was born in 1948 in soviet russia. He is highly considered as one f the greatest ballet dancers. He is also a well accomplished actor. He has been creditd to being one of the few dancers who promoted modern dance and lead to its success. His roots were in Kirov Ballet which is found in Leningrad. Later in his carrer he moved to Canada. This was to incease his chances to perform modern dance. He was the artistic director for the American Ballet Theater towards the end of his carrer. He started showing his prowess in dance at a very young age and was enrolled in Vaganova School in Leningrad. He was totured by Alexander Pushkin who was his mentor and was able to succesed and he eventully won the top prize in the junior division in the Varna Competition. Ate the age of 18 in 1967 he show cased his talent in the Kirov Ballet. Due to his exceptional technique, stage performance and skill he fast become a pronciple dancer in the Vaganova school. Due to the rules of dance in soviet russia at the time he defected to canada in the hope to pursue modern forms of dance. After his defection he became the principle dancer with the American Balet Theatre. Under the direction of George Balanchine, there were a number of roles areated for him at the New York City Ballet. This dance roles as practised today by ballet dancers. Achievements. In his career Mikhail Baryshnikov gained a number of awards and achievements. He has used live performances and film to revive modern dance.His main achievement was mainly the revival of modern dance through performances. His achievements are listed below. He was nominated for the David di Donatello Awards and won the Special David Award in the year 1987 in the category for: The Turning Point(1977) for his outstanding performance in the movie and his contributions to the art of dancing. In 1989 he was nominated and won the Emmy Award for his outstanding individual performance in classical music/Dance programming in Great performances: Dance in America (1976). (PBS) for the episode Baryshnikov Dances Balanchine . (Bruce Glassman 1990 23) In 1988 he was also nominated for the Emmy Awards for outstanding Individual Achievement Classical. This was for:Great Performances: Dance in America(1976).(PBS) and for episode David Gordons made in U.S.A.he also was nominated for Outstanding Individual Performance in a Variety or Music Program for his performance in Great Performances(1972). (PBS) for episode Celebrating Gershwin. He was also nominated for the Emmy Awards in 1985 for an Outstanding Classical Program in the Performing Arts for his perfomance in Great Performances: Dance in America(1976) which he shared with Rhoda Grauer(executive producer)and Don Mischer(producer)(PBS). He as also nominated for episode Baryshnikov by Tharp with American Ballet Theatre. (Lynn Garafola 1997, pp.89) In 1982 he was nominated for the Emmy Awards for an Outstanding Variety, Music or Comedy Program for:Baryshnikov in Hollywood(1982) (TV) and shared it with Herman Krawitz(executive producer)and Don Mischer(producer)(CBS). In 1980 he was nominated for an Emmy Award for Outstanding Variety or Music Program and won. This was for his perfromance in:Baryshnikov on Broadway(1980) (TV) and shared with Herman Krawitz(executive producer), Gary Smith(producer) and Dwight Hemion (producer ABC). In 1979 he won an Emmy Award for Outstanding Individual Achievement Special Events for:Baryshnikov at the White House(1979) (TV).(PBS). In 1978 he was nominated for the Emmy Award for Special Classification of Outstanding Individual Achievement for:The Nutcracker(1977) (TV). (CBS). In 1978 he was nominated for the Golden Globes Awards, USA for the Best Motion Picture Actor in a Supporting Role for his role in:(The Turning Point1977). In 1987 he won Man of The Year Award from the Hasty Pudding Theatrical s, USA (Bruce Glassman 1990 23) Contributions to dance. He is credited for reviving and bringing new life in ballet in the United States of America. He has also taken a tour around the world with the ABT and he applied for his United states citizenship in 1986. after he gained his citizenship he worked with modern dance choreographer Mark Morris. This was in a bid to sperar head his compagn of reviving modern dance. Mikhail Baryshnikov co-founded the White Oak Dance Project IN 1986. This was a company that practced both modern and post-modern dance. (Lynn Garafola 1997 89) He toured with if the world over for 10years. He contributed to dance by encouraging and reviving modern forms of dance. Using the company he also revived the state of ballet dancing in the united states. He also created routines that are still in effect till today. People all over the world still practice and ardore balllet rotines he created. He also took solo tours around the world. He also toured with the Hells Kitchen Dance company. His greatest contribution to dance is the Baryshnikov Arts Centre in New York City. He cofounded the centre. It is dedicated to encouraging the creative arts and provides enough fascillities to hone and create artists. It has created a center for bringing to light rising artists, musicians, and dancers. He has also encouraged the growth of a new breed of dancers in the course of his carrer. He has also taught and created awareness about dance all over the world. This was due to the number of world tours he took. He contributed to dance majorly also by choreographing for many dance groups and naturing their talents. He has also been a mentor and tutor to many dancers who have grown up idolizing him. Many up coming dancers look up to him as their guide and mentor. He has inspired many modern dancers to reach out for their dreams. He has also personaly taught dadnce to many dancers around the world. Also in his old age he is still inspiring dancers to be better since he is still dancing at the age of 61. He is still very fit and dances. He is also an icon and is also very populor with soviet audiences since s oon after he started a series of highly successful appearances he became very famous. As a dancer, his great physical prowess and unsurpassed leaping ability enabled him to perform the most difficult combinations of steps with remarkable elegance of line. This has inspired most of the dancers who can from underpriveldged backgrounds to reach for their dreams. Conclusion This paper has been able to highlight the life, contributions and achievements of Mikhail Baryshnikov as a dancer. The paper has been able to highlight his major achievements and contributions. in his career Mikhail Baryshnikov gained a number of awards and achievements. He has used live performances and film to revive modern dance. He has provided a channel for up coming dansers to be able to nature their talents. He has also become a mentor,tutor and icon to many dancers who have grown up idolizing him this is due to his exceptional technique, stage performance and skill . Many up coming dancers look up to him as their guide and mentor. He has inspired many modern dancers to reach out for their dreams. He has also personaly taught dadnce to many dancers around the world.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Trip Hop Essay -- Music Philosophy Papers
Trip Hop Lush soundscapes infused with a rich layering of soulful guitar riffs, jazzy horns and atmospheric strings, interwoven with innovative sampling and grounded by a hip-hop beat, slowed to a brooding moody tempo. Words can barely frame the complexity that is Trip Hop music. It is a genre so startlingly refreshing and innovative that the term Trip Hop itself only came into existence in the mid 90s, in an attempt to describe a musical style that defies all known musical categories. Trip Hop is an obscure offshoot of the umbrella term of electronic music. Trip Hop draws from a kaleidoscope of influence of jazz, hip-hop, dub and drum and bass. The essence of Trip Hop is sampling, the remixing of snippets of music from the recordings of other artistes. As such, Trip Hop has often been accused of being merely a hybrid sample which stitches together imitations other genres, and is undeserving of being termed a musical genre in its own right. Should an art form which employs mimicry be discredi ted, as Plato suggests in Republic X? In the part of book X of The Republic, where he deals with the function of Art in the republic, Plato discusses the imitative quality of Art, the appeal of Art and Poetry, and the effects of Poetry and drama. Written in the form of a dialogue between Socrates and Glaucon, the main thrust of the argument asserts that God is the only one true creator and that all other forms of creativity are but mere imitations of the original idea conceived by God (820). Socrates charges the creative arts for being deceptive and far removed from realityand asserts the argument that creativity opposes logic and reasoning, appealing only to the emotions (828). The dialogue culminates in a call for the banishment of... ... corresponds to what Plato terms as "mimetic art" it surpasses mere plagiarism and elevates sampling to an intellectual art form through the creativity injected by personal interpretation. Works Cited Plato. The Collected Dialogues of Plato, Including the Letters. ed. Edith Hamilton and Hunington Cairns. Princeton:Princeton UP, 1961. Segal, Victoria. "On the Road-Portishead" VOX Feb 1998. PNYC. Portishead -Roseland New York. Portishead & Lemon Films Production. VCD, Polygram Video, 1998. Portishead Dummy. Go! Beat, 1994. Tricky Maxinquaye . Island Records, 1995. Borders-San Francisco Feature- An Electronic Music Primer Ink Blot Magazine's Trip Hop Habitat The Breakbeat Primer
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Free Catcher in the Rye Essays: Role of Allie :: Catcher Rye Essays
The Role of Allie in Catcher in the Rye      Some authors create characters that appear briefly or not at all, but are a significant presence. Even though he was dead, Allie affected the action, theme and development of Holden.            The death of Holden's younger brother Allie played an important role in Holden's actions. Holden could not deal with his death and showed it by causing physical harm to himself. He did this to escape the pain he was feeling inside. Holden said that Allie was "terrifically intelligent" and the "nicest" person. Because Allie died so young, Holden felt that his innocence was taken away from him. This led to many of Holden's actions. Such as, Holden acted out and pretended to be people so that you could deal with the pain he felt inside. It caused Holden to condone something that he was strongly opposed to as a mere escape from the present. This is a direct result of the strife Allie’s death left on Holden.            The theme of Catcher in the Rye was greatly influenced by Allie. Because of his early death, Holden felt his innocence had been stolen. In reaction to this Holden felt it was his responsibility to protect the innocence of all children. As a result he developed a job that he would like to have-- "a catcher in the rye." He would stand at the edge of a cliff and catch the kids who were about to fall off. This meant that if someone was about to lose their innocence, Holden would save them. If it weren’t for Allie, Holden would not feel obligated to act as a proctector of innocence.            Throughout the novel, Holden repeatedly asked Allie not to let him disappear. Holden felt like he was becoming invisible to the work around him. He had great respect for Allie and knew that if anyone could save him, Allie could. During one incident, Holden calls for Allie. This marks his breakdown. It is then, because of Allie, that he realizes that it is inevitable that he will grow up. Holden is put in a psychiatric hospital.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Mba Human Resource
Master of Business Administration-MBA Semester 1 MB0038 – Management Process and Organization Behavior – 4 Credits (Book ID: B1127) Assignment Set- 2 (60 Marks) Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions. Q. 1Write a note on classical era for evolution for Organizational behavior. In the early twentieth century, early studies in the complexities of organizational activity got underway. Initial studies were mostly mechanical. Being treated like machines, the humans were subjected to close scrutiny and study.The aspects studied were how the human behaved during regular applied testing of a person's responses to stimuli. Another stream of ideas that were part of study organizations were divided according to their political preferences, and the various levels of management throughout the entire organizations. Unfortunately there was a limitation to both of these because they did not bear in mind the interaction between the two connected streams but treat ed each as a separate entity. Parts of the History of Organizational Behavior Studies can be seen during the 1890's.During this time scientific management was viewed as the best way to run an organization. An organization that in its' course of action adheres to a set of guidelines and guides itself on findings of time and motion studies, is bound to achieve greater levels of productivity – claimed the advocates of this system. It became clear that organizations were centered on interactive groups of their members, and a more humanistic view needed to be formulated as psychology and analysis as a means of understanding human behavior became more sophisticated.By understanding and using psychology productivity will improve tremendously. The Human Relations Movement, as it was called in the beginning of the 20th century, brought focus on collaboration, influence, and the aspect of particular persons understanding the intent of the organization. By the Second World War, a paradi gm shift had occurred in the study of organizational behavior. The new buzzword was operations research, and more and more people became interested in sciences, systems theories, complexity theories and strategies.At the time, James March and Herbert Simon were leading experts in the field. Many theories were coming forth as the seventies came around. More often than not the basis for this was quantitative research and interconnected realms of psychology. By the 1980s how important the cultures of different organizations was emphasized instead of the amount and quality of the research. Anthropology was but one of many fields being added into studies about organizational behaviors. Presently any managerial course has organizational behavior studies as its integral part.As part of the curriculum many business schools now include this and related courses in fields such as industrial psychology. The name of the person who runs the History of Organizational Behavior Studies internet site is Patricia Jones. com. See more on Organizational Behaviors. This article may only be used if the author bio and links are included. Q. 2what is groupthink. Explain. Groupthink is â€Å"a deterioration of mental efficiency, reality testing, and moral judgment resulting from in-group pressures†. Thus, the overemphasis on consensus and agreement leads members to be unwilling to evaluate group members’ ideas critically.This hinders decision-making and becomes an obstacle to group productivity. Certain conditions favor the development of groupthink. i) The first condition is high cohesiveness. Cohesive groups tend to avoid conflicts and to demand conformity. ii) The second is other antecedents including directive leadership, high stress, insulation of the group and lack of methodical procedures for developing and evaluating alternatives. A group suffering from groupthink displays recognizable symptoms. Symptoms of Groupthink and how to Prevent It Illusions of invulnerabi lity: Group members feel they are above criticism. This symptom leads to excessive optimism and risk taking. * Illusions of group morality: Group members feel they are moral in their actions and therefore above reproach. This symptom leads the group to ignore the ethical implications of their decisions. * Illusions of unanimity: Group members believe there is unanimous agreement on the decisions. Silence is misconstrued as consent. * Rationalization: Group members concoct explanations for their decisions to make them appear rational and correct.The results are that other alternatives are not considered, and there is an unwillingness to reconsider the group’s assumptions. * Stereotyping the enemy: Competitors are stereotyped as evil or stupid. This leads the group to underestimate its opposition. * Self-censorship: Members do not express their doubts or concerns about the course of action. This prevents critical analysis of the decisions. * Peer pressure: Any members who expre ss doubts or concerns are pressured by other group members, who question their loyalty. * Mind guards: Some members take it upon themselves to protect the group from negative feedback.Group members are thus shielded from information that might lead them to question their action. Guidelines for Preventing Groupthink * Ask each group member to assume the role of a critical evaluator by actively voicing objections or doubts. * Have the leader avoid stating his or her position on the issue prior to the group decision. * Create several groups that work on the decision simultaneously. * Bring in outside experts to evaluate the group process. * Appoint a devil’s advocate to question the group’s course of action consistently. Evaluate the competition carefully, posing as many different motivations and intentions as possible. * Once consensus is reached, encourage the group to rethink its position by re-examining the alternatives. 1. Social Loafing: Social loafing occurs whe n one or more group members rely on the efforts of other group members and fail to contribute their own time, effort, thoughts or other resources to a group. This may create a real drag on the group’s efforts and achievements. When a group carries out a task, it is harder to attribute the group’s output to individual contributions.Some group members may engage in social loafing, or doing Less than their share of the work on the assumption that group’s results will not indicate the individual’s failure to contribute. A number of methods for countering social loafing exist, such as having identifiable individual contributions to the group product and member self-evaluation systems. For example, if each group member is responsible for a specific input to the group, a members’ failure to contribute will be noticed by everyone. If members must formally evaluate their contributions to the group, they are less likely to loaf. . Production Blocking: Pro duction blocking is limiting another person’s output by getting in his or her way. Production blocking occurs when too many employees are trying to work in a given amount of space or when the organization has poorly planned the use of its facilities. It can also occur when the organization assigns more than the optimal number of employees to carry out a task. Q. 3Explain the process of negotiation. We can identify four basic steps in the negotiation process. They are: 1. Preparation: Preparation for negotiations should begin long before the formal negotiation begins.Each party gathers information about the other side – its history, likely behavior, previous interactions and previous agreements reached by the parties. Each party polls its members to determine their wishes, expectations, and preferences regarding a new agreement. 2. Evaluation of Alternatives: The two sides attempt to identify the bargaining range (i. e. , the range in which both parties would find an agreement acceptable). The bargainers determine the alternatives acceptable to them and also identify their best alternative if a negotiated settlement is not reached.Identifying a set of alternatives, including the best one, helps individuals determine whether to continue the negotiation or seek another course of action. Both the parties Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA) needs to be determined. BATNA determines the lowest value acceptable to you for a negotiated agreement for both the parties. 3. Identifying Interests: Negotiators act to satisfy their own interests, which may include substantive, relationship, personal or organizational ones. The person or group must assess the other party’s interests and then decide how to respond to those interests in their offers.Effective negotiations call for satisfying interests by identifying and exploring a range of possible positions on specific issues. 4. Making Trade-offs and Creating Joint Gains: Bargai ners use trade-offs to satisfy their own and others’ interests. Either position would meet the interests of maintaining a certain standard of living. One way to assess tradeoffs is * Begin by identifying the best and worst possible outcomes. * Next, specify what impact trade-offs will have on these outcomes. * Finally, consider whether the changed outcomes will better meet the parties’ interest.Negotiators need to overcome the idea that a fixed pie of outcomes exists, avoid non-rational escalation of conflict, pay attention to others’ cognitions and avoid devaluating the others’ concessions while overvaluing their own. Issues in Negotiation Some of the most important issues have been discussed below. 1. The role of personality traits in negotiation – Overall assessments of the personality-negotiation relationship finds that personality traits have no significant direct effect on either the bargaining process or negotiation outcomes (Wall ;amp; B lum, 1991). . Gender differences in negotiations – Men and women do not negotiate differently. A popular stereotype is that women are more cooperative, pleasant, and relationship-oriented in negotiations than are men. The evidence does not support this. The belief that women are â€Å"nicer†is probably due to confusing gender and the lack of power typically held by women. (Stuhlmacher ;amp; Walters, 1999). 3. Cultural differences in negotiations – Negotiating styles clearly vary across national cultures (Adler, 2002).The cultural context of the negotiation significantly influences the amount and type of preparation for bargaining, the emphasis on task versus interpersonal relationships, the tactics used, etc. Q. 4 The environmental stressors have a great impact on work performance and adjustment of the individual in an organization. Discuss the different categories of environmental stressors. Environmental and internal conditions that lie beyond an individualâ €™s control are environmental stressors. Such stressors can have a considerable impact on work performance and adjustment. We can organize environmental stressors into the following categories: . Task Demands: Task demands are factors related to a person’s job. They include the design of the individual’s job, working conditions and the physical work layout. Changes and lack of control are two of the most stressful demands people face at work. Change leads to uncertainty, a lack of predictability in a person’s daily tasks and activities and may be caused by job insecurity related to difficult economic times. Technology and technological innovation also create change and uncertainty for many employees, requiring adjustments in training education and skill development.Lack of control is a second major source of stress, especially in work environments that are difficult and psychologically demanding. The lack of control may be caused by inability to influence th e timing of tasks and activities, to select tools or methods for accomplishing the work to make decisions that influence work outcomes, or to exercise direct action to affect the work outcomes. 2. Role Demands: The social-psychological demands of the work environment may be every bit as stressful as task demands at work.Role demands relate to pressures placed on a person as a function of the particular role he or she plays in the organization. Role conflict results from inconsistent or incompatible expectations communicated to a person. The conflict may be an inter role, intra-role or person-role conflict. a. Inter role Conflict: is caused by conflicting expectations related to two separate roles, such as employee and parent. For example, the employee with major sales presentation on Monday and a sick child at home is likely to experience inter-role conflict. b.Intra-role conflict: is caused by conflicting expectations related to a single role, such as employee. For example, the man ager who presses employees. c. Person-role Conflict: Ethics violations are likely to cause person-role conflicts. Employees expected to behave in ways that violate personal values, beliefs or principles experience conflict. The second major cause of role stress is role ambiguity. Role ambiguity is created when role expectations are not clearly understood and the employee is not sure what he or she is to do. Role ambiguity is the confusion a person experiences related to the expectations of others.Role ambiguity may be caused by not understanding what is expected, not knowing how to do it, or not knowing the result of failure to do it. 3. Inter-personal Demands: are pressures created by other employees. Lack of social support from colleagues stress, especially among employees with a high social need. Abrasive personalities, sexual harassment and the leadership style in the organization are interpersonal demands for people at work. a. The abrasive Person: May be an able and talented e mployee, but one who creates emotional waves that others at work must accommodate. b.Sexual Harassment: The vast majority of sexual harassment is directed at women in the workplace, creating a stressful working environment for the person being harassed, as well as for others. c. Leadership Styles: Whether authoritarian or participative, create stress for different personality types. Employees who feel secure with firm, directive leadership may be anxious with an open, participative style. Those comfortable with participative leadership may feel restrained by a directive style. 4. Physical Demands: Non-work demands create stress for people, which carry over into work environment or vice versa.Workers subject to create role conflicts or overloads that are difficult to manage. In addition to family demands, people have personal demands related to non-work organizational commitments such as religious and public service organizations. These demands become more or less stressful, dependin g on their compatibility with the person’s work and family life and their capacity to provide alternative satisfactions for the person. Q. 5 Given below are certain instances observed by a summer trainee – Ritu, while making an observational study at Global Green consultants.An organization dealing with recycling of plastic products waste etc. She makes the following observations about two key people in the organization. 1) Mr. Patnayak – He is a very friendly person and encourages his team members by giving those recommendations and appreciation. This helps HR to decide about giving a bonus or promotion to employees. 2) Mr. Dutta- He is an aggressive person. He frequently loses his temper. Ritu observes that he frequently punishes the non-performers and also gives them warnings regarding suspension etc. Now explain what base of power Mr. Patnayak and Mr.Dutta belong to. Explain the type of power they use often Ten Types of Power 1. Position. Some measure of pow er is conferred on the basis of one’s formal position in an organization. For example, a marketing manager can influence the decisions that affect the marketing department. However, the marketing manager has little power to influence the decisions that affect the finance department. 2. Knowledge or expertise. People who have knowledge or expertise can wield tremendous power. Of course, knowledge in itself is not powerful. It is the use of knowledge and expertise that confers power.Thus, you could be an incredibly bright person and still be powerless. 3. Character or ethics. The more trustworthy individuals are the more power they have in negotiations. The big issue here is whether they do what they say they are going to doâ€â€even when they no longer feel like doing it. 4. Rewards. People who are able to bestow rewards or perceived rewards hold power. Supervisors, with their ability to give raises, hold power over employees. Money can have power. But money, like anything else, holds very little power if it is not distributed. 5.Punishment. Those who have the ability to create a negative outcome for a counterpart have the power of punishment. Managers who have the authority to reprimand and fire employees hold this type of power. State troopers and highway patrol officers who have the ability to give out speeding tickets also have this power. 6. Gender. Dealing with someone of the opposite sex can confer power. We have videotaped many negotiation case studies in which the turning point came when a woman casually touched a man’s hand or arm to make her point. 7. Powerlessness.In some instances, giving up all power can be very powerful. If a kidnapper threatens a hostage with death enough times, the hostage may just challenge the kidnapper to go ahead and kill him. At the point that the hostage gives up power, or control over his own death, the kidnapper actually loses power. 8. Charisma or personal power. When we ask participants in our seminar s for examples of leaders who have had charisma or personal power, invariably the names of Mother Teresa, John F. Kennedy, and Ronald Reagan come up. When we ask, â€Å"What do all three of these leaders have in common? participants usually respond, â€Å"Passion and confidence in what they believe in. †9. Lack of interest or desire. In negotiations, as in many other areas of life, the side with the least interest in what is being negotiated holds the most power. If you are buying a house and you really do not care if you purchase the house you are currently negotiating for or the one down the street, you will most likely hold more power in the negotiationâ€â€unless, of course, the sellers could care less if they sell the house today or live in it for another ten years! 10. Craziness.This may sound funny, but bizarre or irrational behavior can confer a tremendous amount of power. Every organization has someone who blows up or behaves irrationally when confronted with pr oblems. Those who have been exposed to this type of behavior tend to avoid such individuals. As a result, these individuals are not given many tasks to accomplish because others are afraid to ask them. Leadership style influence level of motivation. However, throughout a lifetime, man’s motivation is influenced by changing ambitions and/or leadership style he works under or socializes with.Command-and-control leadership drains off ambition while worker responsibility increases ambition. Leadership Style versus Motivation| Leadership Style| Motivation Type| Motivation is Based on:| Personality Type| Efficiency| Limited supervisionWorker with decision making responsibility| Self motivated| Creativity| Leader of ideas or people. Independent AchieverThrives on change| High| | Team motivated| | | | Mixed styles| Goal motivated| Opportunity| Personality type and efficiency depends on leader's skill and/or the work environment he's created. | | Reward motivated| Materialism| | Recog nition motivated| Social status| | High level of supervisionCommand-and-control| Peer motivated| To be like others| Status quo DependencyResist change| Low| | Authority motivated| Follows policy| | | | Threat, fear motivated| Reacts to force| | | * Self-motivated or visionaries will not accept authority controlled environments. They will find a way to escape if trapped. * In a team-motivated environment, dependency types will become inspired and strive to be acceptable with independent thinking coworkers. * Associates influence the level of individual motivation. Reaction to ChangeCommand-and-control leadership is the primary style in our society. It is accepted because efficiency is created by repetitive action, teaching people to resist change. Once acquiring a skill, they do not want to learn another. The worker adapts to level three with an occasional trip to level two. Worker responsibility is just the opposite; it motivates people to thrive on change by seeking challenges, fin ding ways to achieve goals. Level one is the leader of changing technology, finding ways to create efficiency. Reaction to Efficiency The efficiency of advancing technology is forcing change.It is up to the individual or business to decide which side of change they want to be on, the leading edge or trailing edge. The leading edge is exciting while the trailing edge is a drag. Playing catch-up drains motivation while leaders of change inspire motivation. With today’s changing technology, an individual must be willing to abandoned old skills and learn new ones. The ability to adapt is achieved through self-development programs. Because level one thrives on change, they adapt to whatever methods gets things done with the least amount of effort.This brings us to work habits. In level one, management and front line workers, together, are searching for ways to solve and prevent problems. Decisions are made on the front line where alternative methods are analyzed. Being able to pre vent problems is a motivating force. In level three management makes all decision, as a result, management must find ways to solve all problems and find alternative methods. Front line employees may be aware conflicts, but they don’t have the authority to take action and have learned not to be concerned.Supervisors are only concerned with elements that management thinks are important. Under command-and-control leadership, management considers the opinions or concerns of people on the front line to be trivial. As a result, management takes action only when problems become too big to ignore. If workers have conflicts with their supervisors, they will find ways to increase the magnitude of problems, creating a combative environment. A downward spiral of management implementing more control and workers resisting control develop.Under worker responsibility, management and workers unite to prevent or solve problems. Team MotivatedElementary problems are prevented or solved at the s ource. Getting the job done is the primary goal of management and workers. | Dependency of AuthorityElementary are dealt with by management when large enough to be recognized. | Abused WorkersLack of leadership skills and the desire for power creates elementary problems. Managers focus on worker control. Getting the job done is down the list. Workers goal is to find ways to do little as possible.  | Command and Control Leadership – Problems are always out of control. | Reaction to Learning Habits In level two, young workers are establishing work habits, developing attitudes and learning a professional skill. Out of training and on the job, motivation level will depend on the leadership style they work under. Under command-and-control leadership, ambitions will be associated with maintaining the status quo. Under worker responsibility, ambitions will be associated with opportunity. They will continually expand their skills as the need or as opportunity arises.Reaction to Go als Self-motivated people are goal motivated. Once they conquer one goal, they establish another. Every goal is a learning process that requires all the elements in level one. Companies that attract and keep this type of person stay on the leading edge of technology. The CEO is a visionary in customer service and employee leadership. The employees' goals are the same as the CEO’s. If the CEO desires control, then he will lead in such a way that trains subordinates to lead by control. As a result, the employees' goals are quitting time and payday. Reaction to RecognitionRecognition is important; it builds positive self-esteem. By itself, its benefits are short lived. Long-term benefits are achieved when the employee feels the job could not have been done without them. This means they were faced with a challenge, which means, they had the responsibility and authority to take action. This environment is found in level one. Self Motivated Projects Self-motivated projects' is the ability to start and finish what one has started. Most people, working alone, do not finish what they start. The ability to finish challenging projects is the secret to being a winner.First requirement is interest, then asking questions which inspires' the learning process. With information, a challenge is presented and a goal set. When action is taken, the barriers of persistence, risk, fear and failure become a challenge by itself. Self-motivated projects are difficult because no one cares if they succeed, which is another barrier. This is why most people quit before they get a good start. People, who find ways to overcome barriers and hang in there, are the winners. They develop skills and confidence, which are required steps to larger projects.Team Motivated Projects Everyone can be inspired to achievement in a team-motivated environment. With a common goal, team members support each other until success is achieved. In this environment, others do care and team members are needed for achieving the goal. For this reason, team motivation is extremely powerful. The exchange of ideas, information and testing the results, adds to the motivating force. As a result, each member seeks to be a leader of quality input. Q. 6 â€Å"Fashion4now†is a famous and old magazine. The top management decides to start the e- edition of the magazine.They also decide the redefine the policies and culture of â€Å"Fashion4now†To start implementing this change, they frequently call meetings of employees. They have also formed groups at different levels to clarify doubts and explain the perspective of change. Analyze the situation in the context of organizational change and elaborate why the top management is following the discussed practices and what approach is most evident in the context. Typically, the concept of organizational change is in regard to organization-wide change, as opposed to smaller changes such as adding a new person, modifying a program, etc.Examp les of organization-wide change might include a change in mission, restructuring operations (e. g. , restructuring to self-managed teams, layoffs, etc. ), new technologies, mergers, major collaborations, â€Å"rightsizing†, new programs such as Total Quality Management, re-engineering, etc. Some experts refer to organizational transformation. Often this term designates a fundamental and radical reorientation in the way the organization operates. The levels of organizational change Perhaps the most difficult decision to make is at what â€Å"level†to start.There are four levels of organizational change: First let's describe these levels, and then under what circumstances a business should use them. Level 1- shaping and anticipating the future At this level, organizations start out with few assumptions about the business itself, what it is â€Å"good†at, and what the future will be like. Management generates alternate â€Å"scenarios†of the future, defin es opportunities based on these possible futures, assesses its strengths and weaknesses in these scenarios changes its mission, measurement system etc.More information on this is in the next article, â€Å"Moving from the Future to your Strategy. †Level 2 – defining what business (as) to be in and their â€Å"Core Competencies Many attempts at strategic planning start at this level, either assuming that 1) the future will be like the past or at least predictable; 2) the future is embodied in the CEO's â€Å"vision for the future†; or 3) management doesn't know where else to start; 4) management is too afraid to start at level 1 because of the changes needed to really meet future requirements; or 5) the only mandate they have is to refine what mission already exists.After a mission has been defined and a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis is completed, an organization can then define its measures, goals, strategies, etc. More infor mation on this is in the next article, â€Å"Moving from the Future to your Strategy. †Level 3 – Reengineering (Structurally Changing) Your Processes Either as an aftermath or consequence of level one or two work or as an independent action, level three works focuses on fundamentally changing how work is accomplished.Rather than focus on modest improvements, reengineering focuses on making major structural changes to everyday with the goal of substantially improving productivity, efficiency, quality or customer satisfaction. To read more about level 3 organizational changes, please see â€Å"A Tale of Three Villages. †Level 4 – Incrementally Changing your Processes Level 4 organizational changes are focusing in making many small changes to existing work processes. Oftentimes organizations put in considerable effort into getting every employee focused on making these small changes, often with considerable effect.Unfortunately, making improvements on how a buggy whip for horse-drawn carriages is made will rarely come up with the idea that buggy whips are no longer necessary because cars have been invented. To read more about level 4 organizational changes and how it compares to level 3, please see â€Å"A Tale of Three Villages. † Some General Guidelines to Organization-Wide Change 1. Consider using a consultant. Ensure the consultant is highly experienced in organization-wide change. Ask to see references and check the references. 2. Widely communicate the potential need for change.Communicate what you're doing about it. Communicate what was done and how it worked out. 3. Get as much feedback as practical from employees, including what they think are the problems and what should be done to resolve them. If possible, work with a team of employees to manage the change. 4. Don't get wrapped up in doing change for the sake of change. Know why you're making the change. What goal(s) do you hope to accomplish? 6. Plan the chang e. How do you plan to reach the goals, what will you need to reach the goals, how long might it take and how will you know when you've reached your goals or not?Focus on the coordination of the departments/programs in your organization, not on each part by itself. Have someone in charge of the plan. 7. End up having every employee ultimately reporting to one person, if possible, and they should know who that person is. Job descriptions are often complained about, but they are useful in specifying who reports to whom. 8. Delegate decisions to employees as much as possible. This includes granting them the authority and responsibility to get the job done.As much as possible, let them decide how to do the project. 9. The process won't be an â€Å"aha! †It will take longer than you think. 10. Keep perspective. Keep focused on meeting the needs of your customer or clients. 11. Take care of yourself first. Organization-wide change can be highly stressful. 12. Don't seek to control change, but rather to expect it, understand it and manage it. 13. Include closure in the plan. Acknowledge and celebrate your accomplishments. 14. Read some resources about organizational change, including new forms and structures
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